[nfbmi-talk] Concern for NFB of MI List Serve

Kim Mohnke kitties_kimmy at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 23 03:00:59 UTC 2012

Dear Mr. Paul Harcz, 

Diana mentioned bullying because you are a bully.  I have seen you verbally attack four people on this list serve.  It may have started with having the right to publicly speech, but when you attack in a way that puts down another person, this is assault.  

I have read Fred’s email several times.  He simply passed along information about an assessable piece of technology.  May you please tell me what is wrong with that?  Can you please explain to me off list what is so offensive in this email?  Fred did not mention you.  He did not attack you anywhere in the email that you replied.  Is there something I am missing?  

You do have the right to post documents on this list serve.  However, the purpose and main concern of this list serve is to inform blind people in Michigan what is going on in the NFB.  This also includes what is going on with the Michigan Commission for the Blind.  It is to help blind people in Michigan connect with other blind people in Michigan .  It is also a place to raise concerns involving how to do activities as a blind person.  It is a place of no judgments.  It is a place to swap information and techniques for the blind.  

However, when you personally verbal attack people on this list serve, you are out of line.  This list serve is not a place to tell others what information is better than others.  This list serve is not a place to put people down or tell them what they should do.  This is not a list serve to put out your frustrations of what outside people are doing to you on to the people of this list serve.  Every time you verbally assault someone on this list serve puts your public speech into jeopardy.  

At our last quarterly board meeting in May we discussed the topic of people being verbally attacked on this list serve.  I would simply tell you that in that meeting it was discussed to take this matter to the National chairperson of the list serves.  If this matter keeps on occurring I will personally take this to other people.  I will not tolerate anyone being bullied on this list serve.  

So there you have it Mr. Paul Harcz.  You can continue to post to this list serve to your heart’s content.  But if you verbally attack another person on this list, I guarantee your public speech on this list serve will be in great jeopardy.  

Kim Mohnke 
NFB Lansing Chapter Vice-President 

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