[nfbmi-talk] More Megabus Service in Michigan

J.J. Meddaugh jj at bestmidi.com
Sat Jun 23 22:04:30 UTC 2012

In case you missed it, Megabus is adding a new route in Michigan which go from Detroit to East Lansing to Grand Rapids to Chicago.
It starts July 12 running three trips daily.
This adds some new transportation options, including an overnight trip to Chicago arriving in the morning. I see this especially good for Lansing and Grand Rapids people as the Amtrak trains in both of these cities only run once daily. Tickets start at $1 and go up as more seats are sold. Busses have power outlets and wi-fi.
The East Lansing stop is at the Amtrak station, Grand Rapids is also near the Amtrak station, and Detroit is at the Rosa Parks Transit Center where you can connect to other busses.
Chicago's stop is also near Amtrak Union Station.

I've ridden Megabus a few times from Chicago and would be happy to answer any questions about the service.

Nice again to see more transit options here.

Best Regards,
J.J. Meddaugh
A T Guys
Your Assistive Technology Experts
(269) 216-4798

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