[nfbmi-talk] something all missed

Terry Eagle terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 12:27:39 UTC 2012

Now we all can sleep better knowing that Ed Rodgers and Mike Zimmer are
representing blind individuals on this Council, and especially knowing that
federal regulations are being implemented and followed, and that federal CIL
funds are being used for the intended purpose.  

This will especially make those of us at or over 55 sleep better since the
BS4BP believes we should be served by the senior blind and CIL programs,
rather than a vocational rehabilitation employment goal for meaningful work
at age 55, as the Commission/BS4BP automatically transfers a vocational
rehabilitation case to the senior blind program, without meeting with client
and informed consent of the client, as was done with my case.  Then the
Commission/BS4BP tells the "senior blind" there are no resources for
effective independent living communication skills training.  I can only talk
of my experience, however I am sure I am not the sole person to whom such
action was taken, as the Commission/BS4BP tends to work in patterns, unless
of course, the automatic transfer of my voc. Rehab. Case fell under
the"Terry Eagle Clause" of exclusion from Commission/BS4BP services.  

These appointments of Ed Roddgers and Mike Zimmer fit nicely into this
administration's philosophy that blind persons are not employment ready or
employable, with demonstrated efforts like House Bill 6006, proposed
legislation to throw blind persons out of work at legislature occupied
buildings, and the administration's WORK to WELFARE attitude for blind
persons, typical BS4BP operation.    

I thought the Executive Order was for "efficient administration" of
services, yet an additional level of management was added to the BS4BP, with
the addition of a deputy director position, which was created and filled in
the typical Commission/BS4BP pattern of excluding qualified blind persons
for consideration of appointment to the position, while positions that could
benefit blind persons with training, like a BEP trainer, go unfilled.  The
more thing change in government, the more they stay the same!

Now at 7 a.m. we all can return to sleep, knowing the most recent
appointments by the governor to CIL, ED Rodgers and Mike Zimmer, will
further enhance the lives of blind persons, just as the appointments to the
Michigan Rehabilitation Council and BS4BP Advisory Commission are doing

Sweet dreams!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:27 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] something all missed

Orders revise Independent Living Council, Committee on Juvenile Justice


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


LANSING, Mich. ? Gov. Rick Snyder today issued two executive orders.

Executive Order 2012-15

revises the ex officio membership of the Michigan Statewide Independent
Living Council to comply with federal requirements.

Executive Order 2012-16

revises the Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice (MCJJ), which was
established under

Executive Order 2012-1.


The Statewide Independent Living Council's seven ex officio members,
appointed today as required by E.O. 2012-15, will each serve a three-year
term, with

a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. Formerly, ex officio members
were neither appointed by the governor nor subject to the term limits.


"The Independent Living Council serves an important role in Michigan and
this action is necessary to maintain federal assistance," Snyder said. "I

the appointees for their willingness to serve."

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