[nfbmi-talk] Funding for National Deaf Blind EquipmentDistribution Program

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Dec 10 12:34:49 UTC 2013

You know Christine and Doug I am sad to see you go for us, but happy for 

Someday when we re-establish a commission here I think we must go outside 
this state not only for a director but much of other key staff and 
leadership for the pool is so tainted here.

Bottom line is in spite of the many good personnel on staff who do still 
exist the tree is poisoned at the roots and mostly poisonous fruit is the 

And the mission focus is not on the effective rehabilitation of people who 
are blind . In fact there is no consumer focus at all. It isn't even stated 
as in the prior administration.

It is now all about serving hacks within LARA and other agencies of state 
government and, of course non-disabled vendors.

And shoot BSBP isn't even accessible to the blind.

No accessible information, no informed choice. Nor do we even get something 
fundamental to others and that is "equal protection and due process under 

Isn't it more than ironic that Rodgers uses the law, or arcane laws to 
violate these fundamentals of higher law?

Sad thing is we blind citizens of Michigan are perceived as a necessary 
nuisance at best and evil pestilence at worst by this Administration.

By the way I just loved the lie, the outright and utter lie by Lisa Kisial 
at Friday's MCRS meeting where she state: "BSBP exceeded its goal for 
successful closures at 170." That is a documented lie right in the state 
plan where indeed BSBP failed three of six categories. And in it we only 
closed with nominally successful employment 145. I think that figure was 
dubious for we all know how those are counted. And besides in the BEP 
program alone more than eight licenses have been revoked this year alone or 
the operators were driven out. And that is the BEP alone.

But while I speak of this and what so many don't think of is the literally 
thousands of newly blinded people in this state who live without the 
fundamental tools and skills of blindness to be all they can be as average 
people doing average things in the real world. Instead these poor people are 
living in sub-standard squalor with limited if any visions of what could be.

And here we have a program for our deaf blind citizens that has ample 
federal funding, and that could independent of a vocational goal give the 
technology and training to these human beings so they can better engage the 
world about us. Where did this money go?

It simply makes me sick in the pit of my stomached.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christine Boone" <christineboone2 at gmail.com>
To: "Marcus Simmons" <president at map-n.org>; "NFB of Michigan Internet 
Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Mark Morer" <officeofthepresident at nfb.org>; "Leamon Jones" 
<jonesl2 at michigan.gov>; "Karen Adams-Powell" <KPowell at senate.michigan.gov>; 
"Cynthia Caldwell" <CALDWELLC at michigan.gov>; "Joe Naulty" 
<jnaulty at cfl.rr.com>; "Rodgers,Edward (LARA)" <rodgerse at michigan.gov>; "NFB 
of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>; "Arline Naulty" 
<AmNaulty at aol.com>; "Yingling, Valerie" <Vyingling at nfb.org>
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Funding for National Deaf Blind 
EquipmentDistribution Program

> Well done Marcus. Isn't it a shame that any agency should be allowed to 
> operate in this shameful manner? I surely did not have all the answers 
> when I had the privilege of serving the people of my state as a leadBureau 
> chief, but I was willing to say those 3 little words "I don't know", 
> followed by the next vital words "I'll look into it and get back to you". 
> Most important of all, I meant every word and you know what? As you have 
> proven Marcus, I was, with the help of a most excellent staff, always able 
> to find just the information that was asked for and together we were able 
> to come to a win-win. It will never get easier for me to know that I was 
> not good enough for the leadership within LARA when I applied for the 
> position that Ed Rodgers holds today, but harder to bear than this is the 
> fact that he is so unable to reach even the lowest level of competence as 
> an administrator and is also seemingly unable and/or unwilling to learn. 
> Edward Rodgers swears that he is not going to be a short timer. That when 
> his contract expires he will get another and serve for maybe 8 or 10 years 
> before he is ready to retire. So there you have it. I know that some day, 
> wiser heads and warmer hearts will prevail here in Michigan and that the 
> light will return to the lives of blind people in this state that the Lord 
> has blessed with such beauty in nature. I am sorry that I will not be here 
> to celebrate that day with you but I will certainly be with you in spirit. 
> Please know that y'all are welcome to visit us any time.  I am so proud to 
> tell you that my own Doug Boone will begin to serve as administrator of VR 
> services for the blind, the library and the school for the blind in our 
> new home state of Oklahoma on January 6th, 2014.
> Boone Christine Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 9, 2013, at 12:09 PM, "Marcus Simmons" <president at map-n.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Dear Concerned Persons,
>> Please find attached, the receipt for the $31,261.74 from Rolka Loube 
>> Saltzer Associates sent to BSBP for services rendered in the National 
>> Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program in which Mr. Edward F. Rodgers 
>> told me he had no knowledge of...
>> Changing what it means to be blind,
>> Marcus Simmons, President,
>> Wayne County chapter NFBMI
>> Second Vice-president, NFB Deaf/Blind Division
>> 28179 Brentwood
>> Southfield, MI 48076-3069
>> president at map-n.org
>> (248) 552-8928
>> <MI_Administrative Reimbursement Summary_297N.pdf>
>> <MI_Jan-Jun_2013_297N.pdf>
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