[nfbmi-talk] Funding for National Deaf Blind EquipmentDistribution Program

Terry D. Eagle terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 10 19:18:20 UTC 2013

Indeed, well done Marcus.  And Christine, it certainly is sorrowful that you
and some of us other Federationists could not serve the blind of Michigan as
a team within BS4BP.  Certainly your demonstrated directorship evidenced a
caring attitude, and equally, the dignity and respect for each and every
person you served in your leadership role here in Michigan.
Christine, you and Doug shall be greatly missed, yet, there is  peace in the
knowingness that you are following your calling, in service to the blind.

As for Rodgers, being age 70 now, I have said and still predict, Rodgers
took the position with the primary focus of substantially increasing his
defined benefit monthly retirement payment, which will be fully accomplished
September 30, 2015.  I will be surprised if he were to stay beyond that
point.  If I and NFB have any impact upon his tenure, his desire to depart
the position certainly shall be sooner than later.  Corruption in government
must not and shall not be tolerated, as evidenced by the recent Flint
convictions.  I would revel in the state officials "merchandising" pencils
and holiday ornaments on street corners to pay restitution for their
criminal acts! 

-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Christine Boone
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 3:32 PM
To: Marcus Simmons; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
Cc: Mark Morer; Leamon Jones; Karen Adams-Powell; Cynthia Caldwell; Joe
Naulty; Rodgers,Edward (LARA); NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List; Arline
Naulty; Yingling, Valerie
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Funding for National Deaf Blind
EquipmentDistribution Program

Well done Marcus. Isn't it a shame that any agency should be allowed to
operate in this shameful manner? I surely did not have all the answers when
I had the privilege of serving the people of my state as a leadBureau chief,
but I was willing to say those 3 little words "I don't know", followed by
the next vital words "I'll look into it and get back to you". Most important
of all, I meant every word and you know what? As you have proven Marcus, I
was, with the help of a most excellent staff, always able to find just the
information that was asked for and together we were able to come to a
win-win. It will never get easier for me to know that I was not good enough
for the leadership within LARA when I applied for the position that Ed
Rodgers holds today, but harder to bear than this is the fact that he is so
unable to reach even the lowest level of competence as an administrator and
is also seemingly unable and/or unwilling to learn. Edward Rodgers swears
that he is not going to be a short timer. That when his contract expires he
will get another and serve for maybe 8 or 10 years before he is ready to
retire. So there you have it. I know that some day, wiser heads and warmer
hearts will prevail here in Michigan and that the light will return to the
lives of blind people in this state that the Lord has blessed with such
beauty in nature. I am sorry that I will not be here to celebrate that day
with you but I will certainly be with you in spirit. Please know that y'all
are welcome to visit us any time.  I am so proud to tell you that my own
Doug Boone will begin to serve as administrator of VR services for the
blind, the library and the school for the blind in our new home state of
Oklahoma on January 6th, 2014.   
Boone Christine Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 9, 2013, at 12:09 PM, "Marcus Simmons" <president at map-n.org> wrote:
> Dear Concerned Persons,
> Please find attached, the receipt for the $31,261.74 from Rolka Loube
Saltzer Associates sent to BSBP for services rendered in the National Deaf
Blind Equipment Distribution Program in which Mr. Edward F. Rodgers told me
he had no knowledge of...    
> Changing what it means to be blind,
> Marcus Simmons, President,
> Wayne County chapter NFBMI
> Second Vice-president, NFB Deaf/Blind Division
> 28179 Brentwood
> Southfield, MI 48076-3069
> president at map-n.org
> (248) 552-8928
> <MI_Administrative Reimbursement Summary_297N.pdf>
> <MI_Jan-Jun_2013_297N.pdf>
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