[nfbmi-talk] {Spam?} Newsletter for the National Federation of the Blind of
Larry Posont
president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 18:17:17 UTC 2013
Newsletter for the
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado
Vol. 3 No. 3 December 2013 Holiday Issue
Scott C. LaBarre
NFB of Colorado President
2233 West Shepperd Avenue
Littleton, CO 80120
Phone: (303) 778-1130
slabarre at nfbco.org
Kevan Worley
1837 South Nevada Avenue
PMB 243
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Phone: (866) 543-6808
kevanworley at blindmerchants.org
Table of Contents:
A Letter from the Editor Page 3
>From the President’s Desk Page 5
2013/14 NFB of Colorado Scholarship Program Page 9
Blindness Cured? And thank you for it. Page 10
Jessica at Large Page 12
Meet the Blind Who Lead the Blind Page 15
Audit Slams Spending in Colorado Program … Page 18
A Presidential Report ____ Page 24
An Email from the First Vice President … Page 34
In Memoriam Page 36
In the Family: A Book Release Announcement Page 37
Quality CCTV’s from and for the Visually Impaired Page 38
Blind Buzz Page 39
Resolutions Page 45
The Letter from the Editor
Dear Reader,
“Here we come a-wassailing.” For most of us the holidays mean family
in one form or another. This is our holiday 2013 issue of the Blind
Coloradan...an issue filled with celebration, family, reflection,
resolution, recognition of accomplishment and love. I begin this
issue with a heartfelt wish for peace, prosperity and joy from the
Worley family to yours. The Federation Family revels in many faith
traditions. The Federation is truly a people’s movement. We are
thankful for each and every member. We honor your faith and worship
traditions. It is our diversity that makes us the strong and dynamic
force for change that we are. I hope you will agree that we capture
some of our Federation family diversity and spirit in this issue of
the Blind Coloradan.
Our family is sometimes reverent and often rambunctious. These are the
characteristics which also describe the recent mid-October State
Convention of the NFBCO in Colorado Springs. You will read some of the
highlights throughout this issue. Our Federation family is in the
midst of amazing growth and unprecedented influence. When it is
important to the blind and visually impaired of Colorado, the
Federation will be the leading voice.
In Colorado, we are fortunate to have a President who is not only a
voice for the blind of Colorado. He is a voice for the blind of this
Nation on the world stage. As many of our readers know, Scott LaBarre
has traveled throughout the world to bring our Federation perspective
to international treaty negotiations and other matters important to
the world’s people with disabilities. As Scott will tell you, however,
he has been able to earn those opportunities because we have such a
strong engaged affiliate working with him. He will also tell you of
the love and support of his wife, Anahit, a blind woman who is a
leader in her own right. Our State President has two bright, active
children who serve to keep him grounded. There is never a dull moment
in the LaBarre family, especially at the holidays. The same can be
said for our NFBCO family. Scott’s report is always a high point of
our State Convention. We proudly include it in this newsletter.
Holidays are for the children. You will learn a little of the work we
continue to do for our spiritual children at the Colorado School for
the Deaf and Blind. I know you will enjoy reading the reflections of
NFB of Colorado Board member Eric Woods. We will hear from budding
author and student Rebekah Felix. You will read about one of the
leaders of our Federation family, Wayne Marshall, as he works to
create opportunities, both within the Federation and for others who
are socially and economically disadvantaged. In this issue's Jessica
at Large column, we learn about new chapters of our family being
developed around the State.
We are publishing the full text of the resolutions passed at the State
Convention. These policy statements identify some of the work we will
take on in 2014, some of which has already begun in earnest.
The Blind Coloradan cannot bring you fruit cake. But you will be
filled with joy to note that Blind Buzz is back!
Let’s keep doing amazing things in 2014. In order to illustrate our
work, for our print readers, in a more vivid way, we hope to be able
to add some graphics and photos to the Blind Coloradan in 2014. Again,
we thank Julie Hunter, Lorinda Riddle, Lisa Bonderson, and Jessica
Beecham. Without them there would be no Blind Coloradan. Please
forward the Blind Coloradan to anyone you think may not be receiving
it. Call it our own family holiday letter. 2014 here we come!
At your service,
Kevan Worley
Aggregator and Contributor
“And so at this Christmas time I greet you. Not quite as the world
sends greetings but with profound esteem and with the prayer that for
you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.” -Fra
>From the President’s Desk
Unbelievably 2013 is drawing near a close and the holiday time is full
upon us. This time of year provides an excellent opportunity to slow
down and reflect upon the year upon which the calendar is about to
close and to look forward to the year about to start.
For the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, I think this has
been a tremendous year. We have taken several significant steps
forward on our march to equality and true freedom for the blind. Many
of our accomplishments are highlighted in the Presidential Report
reprinted elsewhere in this issue. Over all, we continue to grow and
thrive, adding new members and programs all the time. I want to
extend my sincerest gratitude to our members and supporters for the
tremendous work we have accomplished together.
Since that report, a number of significant events have occurred. On
Wednesday, December 11, 2013, our Educate Blind Children Now
Committee, under the tremendous leadership of Kevan Worley, met with
officials from the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind.
Superintendant Carol Hilty, Principal of the Blind School, Jennifer
Langley, and Director of Outreach, Laura Douglas traveled to the
Colorado Center for the Blind to meet with us. We had a very
positive and encouraging exchange of ideas. As you will see in my
Presidential Report, I had expressed concern over the school’s lack of
full engagement with us. Our recent meeting appears to be the
beginning of a new, much more meaningful era. NFB Colorado and CSDB
have pledged to work together more extensively on a number of
projects, including a mentorship program and future BELL programs in
Colorado Springs. Since I have been President of this affiliate, we
have never had such a high level meeting with the school. We met for
over two hours and I am very hopeful about what we will be able to
offer the dozens of blind children who attend the school and its
Recently, I returned from the National Center for the Blind where we
held some national board meetings. As most everyone has heard, Dr.
Maurer announced at that meeting, he is not planning to seek
reelection to the Office of President at the 2014 National Convention
and he will be supporting Mark Riccobono to become our next President.
As you can imagine, it was a very emotional and momentous board
meeting. Dr. Maurer has been a great National President. He is
stepping down at the zenith of his powers and abilities. He is still
very healthy and vibrant, making this the best time to affect a smooth
transition. Mark Riccobono is the Executive Director of the National
Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute. He is bright and highly
capable. I am confident that he will lead us well. Here in Colorado,
we proudly own a piece of Mr. Riccobono’s success because he is a
graduate of the Colorado Center for the Blind. Congratulations to
Marc Maurer and Mark Riccobono!
I have asked Dan Burke and Eric Woods to chair our Legislative Affairs
Committee. Our Annual State Day at the Capital is scheduled for
February 28th. As is our custom, we will gather around 8:00 a.m. in
the old Supreme Court Chambers. We will discuss logistics and the
issues important to the blind before taking our message to the halls
of the State Capital. Please stay tuned to all NFBCO information
Before leaving this message, I also wanted to tell you about a couple
of special events which took place at our 2013 Banquet. We presented
Dr. Tanni Anthony with our Distinguished Services Award. We did so
because of her incredible leadership in securing a stronger and better
education for all of our blind children. The handsome wooden plaque
presented to Dr. Anthony was engraved this way:
National Federation
of the Blind of Colorado
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to
Dr. Tanni Anthony
In recognition of your outstanding leadership in educating blind
children and for your tireless advocacy in making sure that blind
children receive a strong Braille education.
Dr. Anthony is the Director of the Access, Learning, and Literacy Team
of the Exceptional Student Services Unit within the Colorado
Department of Education.
At the Annual Banquet, I also had the great honor of presenting this
year’s Raymond W. McGeorge Award to Kevan and Bridget Worley. The
McGeorge Award is our highest honor and I cannot think of a couple
more deserving than Kevan and Bridget. These two exemplify and live
Ray’s spirit and work hard to accomplish the work Ray started in 1955.
Although she is the quieter of the two, Bridget works hard and in a
very powerful way to spread the Federation philosophy and message
everywhere. Since 1983, Kevan has committed his time and energy to
helping us secure real opportunity for the blind in our state and
throughout the world. Like many of us, there is no doubt that Ray
McGeorge deeply touched Kevan’s life and provided for him the ongoing
inspiration to keep realizing our dreams. When I presented the award,
I reminded Kevan of his own words in an article entitled The Ties That
Bind which he wrote for one of our NFB Kernel books. Here those words
“A group of students and I were heading out to the bus stop, talking
about the things we wished we had learned as blind children. I
casually mentioned wishing I had learned to tie a tie. Ray McGeorge
overheard and said, "I can teach you to do that right now."
As I hurried away from the center, I told him I would appreciate the
lesson. Perhaps we could get together sometime before I graduated. Ray
replied slowly, drawing out his words as he always does, "I don't see
why we can't get started right now." It was past 4:30 in the
afternoon, and I was ready to get back to the apartment. Ray was
saying, "I'll see if we can't find a tie around here, and we'll just
fix you right up." He's retired now, but at that time he had been a
machinist for about thirty-five years. I was sure he must be tired
from a hard day at work and certainly he would not be able to find a
tie. But as I stepped up to the bus stop on Broadway, I heard Ray's
distinct low voice behind me. "Come on, Kevan, this shouldn't take
long. Let's get to it."
With busses going by every ten minutes, Ray stood behind me, patiently
showing me how to make the knot. He had me do it until I not only got
it right but could do it again and again. "We need to do it so you
will never forget this time," he said. And then he added, "Maybe
someday you will show some other young man how to tie a tie."”
Our heartfelt words to Kevan and Bridget as permanently engraved on
their plaque are:
National Federation
of the Blind of Colorado
Presented to
Kevan & Bridget Worley
You inspire us with your passion, dedication and commitment. You make
a difference for blind people everywhere. We respect you, but above
all, we love you!
As I bring this message to a close, I want to wish all of you the
absolute best of the holiday season. May we all enjoy some quality
time with our friends and family during this delightful time of year.
It has been a terrific 2013. Let’s make 2014 even better!
Scott C. LaBarre, President
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado
“Heigh-ho! Sing, heigh-ho! Unto the green holly: Most friendship if
feigning, most loving mere folly: Then heigh-ho, the holly! This life
is most jolly.” –Shakespeare
2013 – 2014 NFB of Colorado Scholarship Program
By: Buna Dahal
>From the Editor: Buna Dahal is the effervescent chair-person of our
State Scholarship Committee. She has served in a number of leadership
positions. She is an entrepreneur and corporate trainer. Her website
is www.DynamicBuna.com. Each year the National Federation of the Blind
of Colorado has worked to increase our support for blind students.
Here is Buna’s latest report:
Congratulations to our scholars for 2013; Nicholas (Nick) Thomas from
Fort Collins, Nure Kebirtilmo from Greeley, and Antonio Rozier from
Littleton. Nick is pursuing his undergraduate degree in psychology at
Metro State University. Nure is a graduate student at the University
of Northern Colorado studying rehabilitation counseling. Antonio is
attending the Arapahoe Community College majoring in Computer
Information Systems. Scholarships were presented at the banquet of our
state convention in October. In addition to achieving scholarly
distinction, these winners have taken on leadership responsibilities
both within and outside of the Federation. Nure Kebirtilmo serves as a
board member of the Greeley Chapter, Antonio Rozier from Littleton,
serves as President of the Colorado Association of Blind Students and
the First Vice President of the Denver Chapter and Nicholas (Nick)
Thomas from Fort Collins is President of our Poudre Valley Chapter.
Antonio Rozier serves as President of the Colorado Association of
Blind Students. Nick Thomas is President of our Poudre Valley Chapter.
We are proud of our students!
The 2014 NFB of Colorado Scholarship Program is in full swing. This
program is one of our priorities that enrich the lives of blind
students in Colorado. The application deadline is April 15, 2014.
Scholarship information can be found on this site:
Previous winners are encouraged to apply. Let’s spread the news
throughout Colorado so new blind scholars can benefit from our
excellent program!
Blindness Cured?
And thank you for it.
By: Eric Woods
>From the Editor: Eric Woods is a long-time Federationist and a member
of the NFB of Colorado Board of Directors. As a blind adult he has
been an Industrial Arts instructor. He has worked as a counselor and
role model for hundreds of blind youth. Many of our readers know Eric
as a guitar player, singer and songwriter. Eric regularly performs in
the Americana Group ‘Stray Dog’. We are thankful for Eric’s
reflections during this time of celebration and Thanksgiving. Here is
what he says:
It being the holiday season and especially that of Thanksgiving, I
find myself, as many of us do around this time of year, putting the
giving of thanks that is in my heart into words. I've had what most
people around the world would consider to be a blessed existence, at
least comparatively so...decent up-bringing, opportunities, plenty of
good food and friends, and some times more than enough beer. For all
these things I am quite thankful. But as I get older, not only in my
overall years of life but also in the increasing number of years which
I have been blind, I find that my hopes for the future and my
thankfulness for all I've been lucky enough to have has simplified
some. I imagine that this is not altogether uncommon.
When I was a little boy I had such dreams; dreams that very few could
ever obtain, but the stuff that makes youngsters bounce around and
would likely lead to discouragement if dared to be dreamt at a later
age. I wanted to win Wimbledon. I wanted to play second base for a
World Series winning ball club. I wanted to be a rock star and have
countless busty chicks trying to tackle me on the street. Nobody will
be surprised to realize that not even a whiff of these or similar
dreams came true, though I once was knocked over by two women coming
out of a Wal-Mart. Gradually we all realize the differences between
dreams and reality. I had given up the pie-in-the-sky sort of dreams
for a regular existence and I was fine with that. I was about where I
wanted to be at that stage in my life when I went blind. After going
blind, I wanted to be cured and, God knows I would have been thankful.
Of course I was cured shortly thereafter. At least I began the
curing process though I didn't quite understand how all that was
happening at the time.
Initially I wanted my eyes back in good working order but, really,
that was just the cause of my problems, not the underlying
manifestation of my situation. I wanted to feel normal again. It
wasn't that I couldn't see a book or a newspaper; it's that I suddenly
had no means of reading any longer. It wasn't that I couldn't see the
grocery store; rather that I had no way of getting there. I wanted to
feel good about myself and I didn't. I wanted to feel optimistic
about the rest of my life and I couldn't. I wanted to be a normal guy
again and I didn't know how. God never chose to give me my sight
back. Doctors couldn't medicate or operate my eyes back into
usefulness. Scientists and engineers had no solutions. After some
time feeling despair and desperation I did find a cure of sorts. My
eyes are not healed, but the hole I felt in my soul over the loss of
sight I experienced as a young man has been filled with countless
caring men and women. I have known them for many years now. I am
thankful for them. I feel good about myself. I read books and
newspapers again and feel optimistic about my remaining time. I am a
normal guy. Thank you, National Federation of the Blind with all your
individual, local, state and national components. You have done this
for me. I will never be able to thank you enough.
“Are you going to send a flaming red neck tie to a quiet man with
pepper and salt taste in clothing? Are you going to give teaspoons to
a woman who already has several unused pounds of them? Are you
planning to give a set of Scott’s novels to a man who already has
every volume? Are you planning to give large objects to people who
live in small rooms? Are you going to send a potted fern to a lady who
lives near the woods? Are you planning to send a dyed goat skin to a
hunter? Are you forgetting that an author will already have plenty of
ink wells? God tells us to forgive our enemies, cried the fiercest of
all, the Medici’s. But nowhere does he tell us to forgive our friends.
And one may well suspect that he was moved to this exasperatory burst
by the receipt of an ill chosen gift for which he was expected to be
–Saturday Evening Post, 1907
Jessica At Large
By: Jessica Beecham
>From the Editor: Jessica Beecham is the Chapter and Community
Development Coordinator for the National Federation of the Blind of
Colorado. I know you will be inspired to read Jessica’s report. Catch
up to her if you can…
Colorado has an amazing affiliate. An affiliate that makes a
difference in the state of Colorado and across the Nation. As I
reflect back on the last few months, my heart swells with pride as I
consider all of the accomplishments and growth that has occurred in
the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado.
The word is RUN! Last April Scott LaBarre asked me to run the Cherry
Creek Sneak 5k to support Lending Sight, a USABA athletic club in the
Denver Metro area. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and
reconnect with awesome blind athletes like Randle Crosby, Amelia
Dickerson, Ethan Johnston, Kerry Kuck, Terry Garrett, and so many
more. Now that he knows I can run he has me running EVERYWHERE.
Hoofing it through the shops on 16th street mall to collect donations
for the NFBCO auction, dashing to meetings with the Denver Regional
Mobility and Access Council, DRMAC, membership committee, sprinting to
the Greyhound station to catch a ride to Rocky Ford to discuss
transportation issues, racing to Greeley for the New Perspectives
Technology Expo, jogging down to the Springs for a chapter meeting,
jetting downtown for a night time cocktail party/fundraiser on a
beautiful balcony. It's all a part of the exciting and high energy
work I get to do for NFBCO. From Colorado Springs to Greeley then
back to Denver all in a day’s time, that’s my style and I would be
lying if I said I didn’t absolutely LOVE it. Here, there, and
everywhere, the way to build the Federation in Colorado is to RUN,
As the leaves were changing color and falling from the trees, we of
NFBCO were experiencing new growth. The Aurora chapter had its first
official meeting on August 24. The chapter was formed with eight
members. Wayne Marshall is the President, Beth Mouriquand is Vice
President, Richard Mouriquand serves as a Secretary/Treasurer, James
Triplett serves as a Board Member, and Jan Triplett is a Board Member.
By the second meeting in September we doubled the number of members
to 16! There is nothing like exponential growth! In October they
hosted a fantastic Meet the Blind Month activity at Town Center of
Aurora Mall. The chapter had a table where members passed out NFB
literature and Kernel books.
In October our State Convention was held in beautiful Colorado
Springs! If you have never attended a NFBCO state convention it is an
experience worth having. In the opinion of many people who have
attended NFB state conventions across the United States, Colorado puts
on one of the best. We heard from great speakers who presented
information on topics relevant to the blind of Colorado. We heard
from Joelle Brouner, who is the new director of Rehabilitation
Services in Colorado. She had only been on the job a short few days.
Conventioneers were impressed with her energy and the experience she
has brought from the state of Washington. We were inspired by
Professor Cary Supalo, a nationally recognized blind chemist. Members
and guests were treated to a banquet address from Carl Jacobsen,
President, National Federation of the Blind of New York. Carl also
serves on the Board of Directors of our National Organization.
Throughout his long career, Carl has inspired a number of innovative
youth programs for the blind in New York. He is a retired entrepreneur
who brought his unique New York brand of wry humor, self-reflection,
and encouragement. The Friday luncheon featured Colorado
Representatives Pete Lee and Mark Waller. Each of these leading
legislators has shown a keen interest in our work. They were
particularly interested in a resolution brought to the convention
raising concern over the newly introduced name of the State Agency
which houses the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Representative Lee immediately championed our cause. There is no doubt
that the policy statement passed at the convention, along with
Representative Lee’s inquiry, had an immediate impact on Colorado
Officials. They stepped up their process to rename the “Office of
Long-Term Care” to one which more accurately represents its mission.
The convention featured many excellent seminars including seminars on
iDevices, emergency preparedness, wellness, tactile graphics, deaf
blindness, and more. Our newly formed Colorado Association of Guide
Dog Users elected a Board of Directors, which includes Melissa Green,
of Greeley, as its President. Vice President Shon Spears, Secretary
Marty Rahn, Treasurer Becky Sabo, and Board Members Daniel Sweeney,
Beth Allred, and Jenny Hwang. Our Exhibit Hall was packed with
exhibitors of technology and information for the blind. It wasn’t all
meetings, exhibits, and seminars. We made sure to take some time to
have fun! On Friday night we put our heads together to figure out
“Whodunnit” during the western-themed murder-mystery presented by Red
Herring, a local theater troop. Evening festivities ended with a
Ho-Down and the beginning of contests which pitted two Colorado
Springs chapter leaders against one another in a unique convention
fundraising competition. If you weren’t, you should have been there!
Let’s put it this way, in Colorado the Federation knows how to have
fun. Next year's convention will be in Denver over the last weekend in
October. Plan now to attend. There is nothing like the fun of a NFBCO
convention at Halloween. We will be planning activities for the
children of all ages from 2 to 92.
There is no rest in Colorado! As we head into a new year, we have
begun our work to form a new chapter in Grand Junction. Our organizing
meeting will take place on Saturday, January 18. The get together will
be at the Center for Independence. The address is 740 Gunnison Ave.
The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. with lunch to follow around noon.
How about pizza? If you know blind people in Grand Junction please
share their contact information with me. You can e-mail
jbeecham at cocenter.org or call 303-778-1130 x 223. Stay tuned to
Colorado Talk, Facebook, Twitter, www.nfbco.org, and the NFB-NEWSLINE®
local channel for details. If you have colleagues, friends or family
members anywhere on the Western Slope forward this newsletter to them.
Our organizing team will be in Grand Junction Wednesday, January 15
through Saturday, January 18.
Although our mentoring program got off to a slow start, we are now in
full swing. Our first mentoring session was held on December 11. We
met with four AWESOME students, ate pizza, and had lots of fun.
During our second session on December 18, we made holiday cookies and
Braille cards. There were 12 students in attendance and everyone had
a blast. I am happy to say that we are making great strides in our
efforts to work with CSDB administration. We are certain that with
our shared passion and commitment for educating blind students we will
come away from our discussions with a strengthened relationship that
will help both entities serve blind children more effectively.
As always, we want you to be in the know. The best way to keep up
with all the happenings in Colorado is to sign up for Colorado Talk.
You can do this by going to www.nfbnet.org and finding the link for
Colorado Talk. You will be asked to complete a short form that will
take less than a minute. If you need help, call 303-778-1130 x 223.
You can also read our blog at www.nfbco.blogspot.com, like us on
Facebook, and follow us on Twitter
@nfbco. Well until next time… got to run!
Meet the Blind Who Lead the Blind
>From the Editor: From time to time in these pages we introduce you to
one of our leaders. This month we proudly highlight Mr. Wayne
Marshall. Wayne has been a leader throughout his entire life. Before
his blindness and since, Wayne has worked to make a difference. We are
lucky to have his leadership in the movement.
Born in Saint Louis, Missouri, Wayne Marshall is the youngest of seven
children. While growing up, Wayne was very active in school, sports,
church and various community based activities. Upon the completion of
high school, Wayne attended college as a communications major until
leaving for a job in telecommunications.
He relocated to Denver in 1982 to advance his career. He later became
a building engineer for Beta West, a division of US West
Telecommunications. While at Beta West, Wayne was diagnosed with RP,
Retinitis Pigmentosa, a degenerative eye disease. Wayne is now blind
as a result of his RP. Before leaving Beta West, he founded Handy
Solutions of which he was the sole proprietor for ten years. Handy
Solutions took pride in providing high-quality, low-cost home repair
and landscaping services to seniors and single parent households.
After operating Handy Solutions for several years, Wayne began to
experience substantial vision loss. This made it difficult for him to
operate his company at the level of service he had become accustomed
to providing. At this time in Wayne’s life he had not learned the
alternative methods used by many blind people.
As a result of Wayne’s vision loss, he became a client of the Colorado
Vocational Rehabilitation Services where he met Julie Deden, who was
assigned as his counselor. She then referred him to the Colorado
Center for the Blind as a student in the SRT (Service Rep. Training
Program). As a student at the Colorado Center for the Blind, he became
a member of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB); however, he
did not participate actively because he was not totally accepting of
his blindness. After graduating from the Center, Wayne sought the
counseling services of Dr. William Saker, also blind, to help him deal
with adjusting to his blindness. It was Dr. Saker who encouraged
Wayne to pursue an education in human services. In 2007, while at
Metropolitan State University, Wayne returned to the Colorado Center
for the Blind as an intern. It was then that Wayne began to actively
participate in the NFB. In January of 2008, Wayne became a CCB staff
member, where he is currently employed. His responsibilities include
counseling and case management, orientation and mobility instructor
for the Independence Training Program, Adaptive Technology Instructor,
and facilitator for the Senior Services Program.
During his time at Metropolitan State University, Wayne worked at the
Access Center for Students with Disabilities. While assisting students
and staff with accessibility issues, Wayne was coined “Ambassador” due
to his diligent advocacy on behalf of students with disabilities.
Wayne has served as a board member of both the Denver and Mile High
Chapters of the Colorado affiliate of the National Federation of the
Blind, and currently serves as the president of the newly founded
Aurora Chapter.
Wayne is the father of two wonderful children, Tyler and Kelsey. As a
result of his divorce in 2002, Wayne founded the nonprofit
organization Me and My Dad, A Responsible Fatherhood Initiative. The
organization began because of a lack of support for fathers who wanted
to be an integral part of their children’s lives. “Though Me and My
Dad was founded as a support group for single and divorced fathers,
it has since evolved into a responsible fatherhood initiative to meet
the needs of all fathers who want to be a significant part of their
children’s lives”, says Wayne.
Wayne holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services for Mental
Health and Counseling, and Certification in Human Services for High
Risk Youth Studies from Metropolitan State University of Denver,
Colorado. He has earned an Associates of Arts degree from the
Community College of Aurora in Aurora, Colorado. He gained his Service
Rep Training Certification from the Colorado Center for the Blind, and
his National Orientation and Mobility Certification from the National
Blindness Professional Certification Board.
Wayne’s recognitions include Alma Mater (MSUD) in 2008 “Outstanding
Alumni Award for Work Ethic”, for his work on obtaining equal rights
for people with disabilities and his advocacy with the National
Federation of the Blind. He is the recipient of the Inclusion in
Education award from the Cross Disability Council of Denver and the
Martin Luther King Peace Award, for his human services and volunteer
work within the state of Colorado.
Currently, Wayne is the president of the Aurora Chapter of the
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, the Executive Director
of Me and My Dad, a member of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, and a member
of the Aurora Cyber Lions Club. Wayne’s hobbies consist of swimming,
bowling, tandem bike riding, attending sporting events, live concerts,
listening to music (especially Jazz), and reading books. As is often
the case with Federationists, Wayne stands up for justice and
equality. He is committed to children and those dads who overcome
obstacles to be a part of their children's lives. He touches many with
his energy, good humor, and humanity.
“Christmas is coming. The geese are getting fat. Please to put a penny
in the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’penny will do.
If you haven’t got a ha’penny, God bless you.” –A beggar’s rhyme.
Audit Slams Spending in Colorado Program to Help Disabled Get Jobs
By Joey Bunch
The Denver Post
Posted: 12/10/2013
>From the Editor: In the Labor Day 2013 Blind Coloradan, we carried an
article about mismanagement at the Colorado Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation, which has made it virtually impossible for eligible
blind individuals to receive appropriate and necessary rehabilitation
services. We published information about an upcoming legislative audit
as well as last summer’s dismissal of long time DVR Director Nancy
Smith. Since that issue, the division has hired Joelle Brouner as its
Director. The Legislative audit has been presented to the Joint Budget
Committee of the Colorado State Legislature. Printed below is an
article from the Denver Post. It is followed by a letter to Members of
the Legislative Audit Committee from Julie Reiskin. We think these two
items provide a balanced perspective. Julie Reiskin is wise and
persistent. She is the Executive Director of the Colorado
Cross-Disability Coalition, and a long time friend of the National
Federation of the Blind of Colorado. Here is the Denver Post Article:
A scathing audit of the state program intended to train disabled
people for jobs found that millions of dollars have been misspent with
little or no oversight, while people who need the program languished
on waiting lists.
The audit of Colorado's Vocational Rehabilitation Program, presented
to a legislative committee Tuesday, found "concerns" in 98 percent of
the cases that auditors reviewed.
In many instances, administrators and staff didn't understand state
and federal laws that govern the program, including how long people
can receive benefits, auditors found.
One person received $203,000 over 32 years without moving any closer
to employment. Another was paid $315,000 to pursue a variety of
unfinished degrees — including from a university in the Caribbean —
over a 19-year period and still doesn't have a job, the audit found.
A client who got more than $2,000 for job training spent the money on
personal expenses instead, while another got $1,300 for a laptop
computer but then exchanged it for a video game system.
The audit also found $13,800 in questionable charges on the program's
credit card, including a tent, gift cards, children's clothing, tools,
and household and cleaning supplies.
The report flagged $171,000 in bonuses to job-placement vendors, on
top of $340,000 in regular fees, although the bonuses did not appear
to be "reasonable, necessary or allowable under federal requirements."
The program, which serves nearly 20,000 people, spent about $53.5
million in the current fiscal year. As of August, nearly 4,300 people
were on the program's waiting list, while others continued to receive
benefits year after year without finishing their educations or finding
a job.
Audit committee member Sen. Lois Tochtrop, D-Thornton, said she was
"very appalled," and Sen. David Balmer, R-Centennial questioned
whether fraud charges were appropriate.
Jenny Page, the legislative audit manager who presented the report,
said that although there was no obvious proof of fraud, there were
pervasive mistakes and misunderstandings of the law.
In some cases, vendors billed for the same services more than once,
"but it wasn't clear whether that was a mistake or intentional," she
Reggie Bicha, head of the state Department of Human Services, asked
for the audit after the assessments he received from former division
administrators didn't match the data. He promised immediate reforms.
"We can do a much better job of being good stewards of the taxpayers'
resources," he said.
Bicha said the problems were the product of a "risk-averse culture" to
approve every request and leave people in the program indefinitely,
rather than challenge suspicious claims.
The program, however, has been the subject of critical audits in the
past, and no substantiative changes were made, Page said.
Viki Manley, director of the state Office of Long-Term Care, has been
put in charge of overseeing reforms. Manley cleaned up similar
problems with the Colorado State Veterans Nursing Home program, Bicha
In October, Joelle Brouner was hired to run the division. She served
in a similar role for the state of Washington.
Nancy Smith was the division director until about six months ago.
Manley would not say whether Smith was fired, only that there was a
"settlement process" and Smith no longer works for the state.
In an interview, Brouner and Manley said they had already reassessed
half of the division's cases. They spoke of restoring the public's
"It's totally unacceptable," Manley said. "Nobody here thinks it's acceptable.”
Brouner said the audit's findings should not be a black eye for the
value of the program.
"It is not a waste of money to help people with disabilities cultivate
the skills necessary to find employment," Brouner said. "Not when the
alternative is for government to support them their whole lives."
Gov. John Hickenlooper, who has spoken often about being a good
steward of the tax money, declined to comment through his press
office, but his spokesman said steps were being taken to correct the
That is what the Denver Post had to say. Here now, in part, is the
letter to the Joint Budget Committee from Julie Reiskin.
Dear Members of the Legislative Audit Committee:
I am writing you on behalf of the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
(CCDC). As most of you know, CCDC is the largest disability rights
organization in Colorado and we represent people with all types of
disabilities. …
We are very interested in the results and aftermath of this audit and
wanted to provide our position. …
First, we applaud Director Bicha calling for an audit. It is good
leadership to know and admit that you have a problem and seek
transparency in the solution.
Second, we applaud Director Bicha and the Department management for
hiring Joelle Brouner as the new director. While we have not yet had
an opportunity to work with our new DVR director, we are confident
that Ms. Brouner has the vision and leadership that we need. Under her
leadership, the Rehab Council in Washington state helped their program
make significant improvements, including a 98% placement in
competitive employment and assuring that 97% of clients had
significant disabilities. CCDC participated on the hiring committee
and STRONGLY supported her hiring. …
It is tempting when a negative audit comes out to make super
restrictive policies. It is tempting to find one client that received
what may be "too many" services or one vendor that may have been
overpaid and over-compensated by blanketing the program with rules,
layers, and bureaucracy. We do not know what is or is not being
proposed at this point. We hope that changes will be based on data,
some of which may or may not be immediately available. Changes in
policy or programs that are not based on data are the cause of most
program failures. Audits spot weaknesses but may not provide
comprehensive data. While we agree that even one dollar misspent is
a serious problem that needs to be corrected, we ask that you not
allow broad based punitive policies to be enacted.
Excessive bureaucracy and punitive oversight in disability programs
has not worked and will not work. People with disabilities deserve
policy and program changes that are based on fact, not fiction. We
ask you to direct the department to allow Ms. Brouner to work with the
disability community to come up with realistic plans that will assure
some real outcomes and then hold us to those outcomes.
Any corrective action plan must be outcome based. Under the
leadership of Director Bicha, CDHS has been a model in outcome based
solutions. We need to show that the money we spend on DVR is helping
people get or keep jobs or increase their earning power. The money we
spend on Independent Living Centers should be helping people get out
and stay out of institutions and should be providing measurable
increases in community integration. Micromanagement and layers of
bureaucracy will not achieve these goals. To achieve these goals we
need real and meaningful community engagement.
Real and meaningful community engagement is more than a rubber stamp.
Meaningful engagement is demonstrated when all parties listen, share,
and take action together.
…Please avoid the temptation to make the problem worse by
cutting off their resources.
We need DVR to be an agency that helps get people with disabilities
real jobs with livable wages. We need DVR to be an agency that will
support Independent Living Centers to provide useful, outcome based,
Independent Living Services as mandated by the Rehab Act. The goal
must be to end the drastic poverty and isolation that is reality for
too many of us with disabilities. Colorado has a proud history on
disability rights and inclusion, and has a strong disability community
that stands ready, willing and able to support Ms. Brouner and the
Department to implement a productive corrective action plan. Your
direction is the first steps towards a transformation that will help
Colorado take our rightful place as a national leader in employment
and integration for people with all types of disabilities.
Presented by: Scott C. LaBarre, President, NFBCO
October 18, 2013
We are amidst the 13th year of this 21st Century and we are now
embarking upon the 59th year of the National Federation of the Blind
of Colorado. For many the number thirteen represents bad luck and
impending doom. However, for the NFB of Colorado, this thirteenth
year of our still young century has been one of growth, celebration,
accomplishment, and good fortune. Despite our successes, there is
also much to remind us that we have not achieved our ultimate goal of
first class citizenship for the blind. In the last year, we have
achieved new heights, but we dream for more. We have made great
strides, but our march towards equality must continue. Exactly how we
will chart the course ahead is unknown, but we do know that we have
set ourselves firmly on the road to first class citizenship and a life
of true equality. No force on Earth shall detour us and hold us back.
Our dream is within reach and we shall make it come true.
In 1988, we made history by turning one of our dreams into reality.
Since our inception, we have always wished for a day when every blind
person would have the kind of training and opportunity necessary to
live life on his or her own terms, not those prescribed by society’s
misconceptions about blindness. For decades, we struggled to change
the existing rehabilitation system for the blind. Eventually we
realized that we must take the future of rehabilitation for the blind
into our own hands. So in January of 1988, Diane McGeorge and a
handful of other Federation leaders opened the Colorado Center for the
Blind. At first, our Center lived week to week, more like day by day.
Its existence and survival was an open question. Funds were scarce
and opposition plenty.
What a contrast that is from today. Our Center now stands as an
international leader and the best model for how to deliver adjustment
to blindness training. We are a strong, mature, and well-funded
program. We continue to touch the lives of blind individuals from all
over the world. The Center is truly an application of our Federation
philosophy to daily life. It is living proof that a life with
blindness need not be one of tragedy but rather one of limitless
Our Center succeeds because of the National Federation of the Blind.
Sure, this affiliate has poured millions of dollars into the Center
over its first twenty-five years. At times, Federation funding has
been the difference between keeping the doors open or shutting down.
More important than the money, though, is the unwavering commitment of
the NFB of Colorado to make the Center grow and prosper. It is our
love and our philosophy that stand as the true foundation of the
Center’s success. Our Center has our eternal support and backing. We
shall never stray from our commitment to the Center because it
represents everything for which we stand and thereby gives any blind
person touched by its programs the greatest opportunity to succeed.
On September 13, 2013, a very lucky day, we celebrated our Silver
Anniversary in style. We held a wonderful open house celebration at
our building where Dr. Maurer, National President of the Federation,
joined us to salute our success; Mark Riccobono, Executive Director of
the NFB Jernigan Institute and a graduate of the CCB offered rides in
the Federation’s blind drivable car; we unveiled Ann Cunningham’s
amazing tactile and multisensory depiction of the beautiful Colorado
front range mountains; and we were joined by community and civic
leaders adding their congratulations. The next day we enjoyed a gala
dinner where current and former students and staff delivered stirring
and inspirations accounts of how the CCB has changed their lives.
Tomorrow, we will hear more about the Center’s amazing first
twenty-five years and speculate about how much more we will accomplish
by the time we celebrate our Golden Anniversary in 2038. Before
leaving this topic, I would be remiss if we did not acknowledge Diane
McGeorge’s tremendous leadership, inspiration, and courage for
founding and sustaining the Center; Julie Deden’s incredible
leadership and boundless capacity to keep growing the Center in new
and innovative directions; the current and former staff members who
give the Center its quality, and, of course, the current and former
students who give the program life. Let’s hear one giant, loud
Federation roar for our CCB!
Our relationship with the Colorado Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation (DVR) over the years has been quite diverse, to say the
least. The relationship has gone from contentious to productive and
everywhere in between. Over the last few years, we have enjoyed a
generally positive experience. We don’t always agree with DVR one
hundred percent of the time but we have had meaningful input and we
are recognized as a key partner. For example, recently, our First
Vice President, Julie Deden, served on the selection committee for the
new DVR director.
Right now, I feel we are at a critical juncture with DVR, for a couple
of reasons. First of all, DVR has a new director. You heard from her
earlier today. We welcome Joelle Brouner to the post and we extend
our sincere best wishes and congratulations. We also offer our
cooperation and support. We are hopeful that we can work together to
create new and improved possibilities for the blind of our state.
However, let it not be forgotten that we intend to hold DVR
accountable. We have many concerns. DVR is on an order of selection
currently with hundreds of individuals on a waiting list to receive
services. DVR has been moved within the Department of Human Services
from the Office of Economic Security to the Office of Long Term Care.
To our way of thinking, vocational rehabilitation should emphasize the
economic security of its clients by getting them training and
education necessary to enter the workforce. Long Term Care smacks of
lifelong dependence and reinforcement of the welfare model for the
blind and others with disabilities. An even bigger problem is the
fact that DVR is several steps down in the bureaucracy of the
Department and does not have the profile necessary to maximize
opportunities for its consumers. These are challenges we intend to
address and overcome.
Last year, we created the Educate Blind Children Now Committee. Kevan
Worley has been chairing this committee and has done important work to
improve our relationship with the Colorado School for the Deaf and
Blind and to work more effectively with teachers of blind children.
Progress is being made on these fronts which we will address more
fully later. However, there are a couple of specific items that must
be mentioned. Despite the fact that this year’s state convention is
in Colorado Springs, home of the Colorado School for the Deaf and
Blind, and despite the fact that we have extended invitations to the
school to participate in this convention several months ago, there is
no participation at all from CSDB at the state’s largest gathering of
blind persons. Although we are working with CSDB on a mentoring
program and the school hosted one of our BELL programs last year, we
are concerned about the relationship we have with the school. We
intend to meet with CSDB’s leadership team and see if the relationship
can become far more meaningful. We are steadfastly committed to the
principal that every blind child in Colorado has the right to expect
that he or she can reach his or her maximum potential. We call upon
CSDB to join us as a true partner to secure this right.
I also want to take a moment to highlight another project of the
Committee. As you know, each third through twelfth grader in the
state of Colorado takes a state-wide assessment test known as TCAP.
Dr. Tanni Anthony and her team at the Colorado Department of Education
have worked vigorously to make sure that blind students are able to
take this paper and pencil test in an accessible format under fair
conditions. Things are changing, however. Colorado will be moving to
a computer based assessment known as PARCC that will be taken by all
third through twelfth graders starting in the 2014 and 2015 school
Our main concern is that this computer based test is fully accessible
to blind and low vision students. Currently, the prototype versions
of it are not. The Federation’s past experience is that the vast
majority of these computer exams do not work with the assistive
technology used by the blind. In June, Michelle Chacon, our NFBCO
Treasurer and a teacher of blind children, and I met with Joyce
Zurkowski, Executive Director of Assessment at the Colorado Department
of Education to express our concern. We left that meeting with a
commitment from the State that the exam will be accessible. We intend
to hold the Department of Education to this promise and to take action
if the assessment is not fully accessible. Although this is a
significant success, it does not address the problems we are
experiencing with accessible exams used by local school districts. We
will work as hard and as long as necessary to insure that our blind
children have the same ability to demonstrate their level of learning
as other children.
A year ago, I reported to you that Colorado State government intended
to have all of its employees switch over to Google Apps for Government
to conduct the vast majority of their computer work. The problem with
Google Apps is that much of it is inaccessible with assistive
technology. If fully implemented, Google Apps could have the effect
of threatening the jobs of many blind employees, like our very own Jon
Deden, because they would be unable to use the computer effectively
and thereby become unproductive. We wrote a letter to Governor
Hickenlooper advising that implementation of Google Apps would violate
the law. We demanded accessibility and full participation. I am
pleased to say that the State largely halted its efforts to implement
Google Apps and our blind state employees are able to do their jobs
effectively using preexisting tools. It is also my understanding that
many schools throughout the state are attempting to convert entirely
to Google Apps. To address this issue globally, we have been working
with Google nationally. Google has sent engineers to work with us at
the National Center and earlier this year, Google hired Ray Kurzweil
to become its Director of Engineering. As you know, Ray Kurzweil has
been working with the Federation since the 1970’s to create accessible
technology. One way or the other, we will make certain that Google
Apps are accessible and that blind employees and students will not be
thrown out of work or school because of a failure to comply with the
law. We will absolutely not be caught on the wrong side of the
digital divide!
We face discrimination based on blindness in all walks of life, not
just employment and education. Sometimes, we literally can’t even get
in the front door. The Federation, under Dr. tenBroek’s leadership,
introduced the so-called white cane laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
These laws boldly declared that the blind have the same right to
public places as anyone else, whether using a cane, a dog, or neither.
Late last year, Karen Norton from Fort Collins had to visit Walden,
Colorado for her work and she had reserved an upgraded room at the
North Park Inn. Karen happens to use a guide dog to aid her
independent travel. When she entered the hotel, the owner challenged
by saying “didn’t you see the sign? It says no pets.” The owner
refused to give her the upgraded room because of the “pet policy” and
tried to assign her to another, less desirable room which also
happened to be a smoking room, something which she very much did not
want. Karen tried to explain that it is the law of this state that
blind persons are allowed to bring their guide dogs anywhere they go.
The owner told her to leave and when she refused, he called the
Jackson County Sherriff. Instead of enforcing Colorado Law, the
officer who responded ordered Karen to leave or she would be arrested
and her dog impounded. My friends, if anyone tries to tell you that
we no longer face blatant, unadulterated discrimination, tell them
about Karen Norton.
We have filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division and
we will not rest until justice is done. We will teach the hotel owner
that all guests are welcome, even the blind, and we will teach the
Sherriff a thing or two about the law.
Last year, I reported to you that the NFB of Colorado had participated
in two informational protests against Goodwill and its practice of
paying workers with disabilities less than the minimum wage. Those
protests brought us hundreds of thousands of media impressions and
further our campaign. This year, we have continued our advocacy in
the halls of Congress through our support of H.R. 831, the Fair Wages
for Workers with Disabilities Act, which would eliminate the practice
of paying subminimum wages over time and our opposition to proposed
Section 511 of the Rehabilitation Act which would grant payment of
subminimum wages a more legitimate status as an acceptable outcome for
a rehab client. Representative Ed Perlmutter of Colorado has
cosponsored H.R. 831 and recently, Kevan Worley, Anil Lewis, and I met
with Senator Bennet and his chief staff members about these issues.
He pledged to help us find a new way to proceed on this issue and get
around the log jam we currently face. We will not rest until every
worker with a disability has the same right as any other American, the
right to earn a fair wage.
We are not only changing the world through our Colorado Center for the
Blind. Members of the NFB of Colorado are helping to end the book
famine faced by the blind. Less than one percent of published works
are turned into accessible copies, creating a great dearth of
information for the blind of our world. Part of the problem is that
in the vast majority of countries in the world, anyone who wants to
take a book and turn it into an accessible format copy like Braille,
audio, or accessible electronic text must go to the publisher and get
permission to do so. It often takes way too long or, sometimes,
permission is never granted. That is why some of the world’s
countries have adopted exceptions and limitations to copyright law
that allow books to be put into accessible formats without the
permission of the copyright holder. We have such a law here in the
U.S., the Chaffee Amendment. The other big problem has been the fact
that even if you produced an accessible format copy in one country,
you could not share that copy across international borders. That all
changed when the international community, through the World
Intellectual Property Organization, adopted the Marrakesh Treaty To
Facilitate Access To Published Works For Persons Who Are Blind,
Visually Impaired, Or Otherwise Print Disabled. Once the Nations of
the world start ratifying this treaty, a great deal more information
will start flowing across international borders for the blind.
We, here in Colorado played an important role in getting the Marrakesh
Treaty adopted. As most of you know, I have had the honor and
privilege of being the chief NFB delegate to WIPO since 2009.
However, what many of you may not know is that in June of this year,
many of our members donated significant time and effort recording
their stories about the importance of literacy and what the treaty
would mean to them. These real life accounts were seen all over the
world and helped us put pressure on the various rights holders and
industries who were opposing the treaty. On Sunday morning of this
convention, we will review some of these inspiring accounts. The work
of the NFB of Colorado will forever be imprinted upon the fabric of
the Marrakesh Treaty.
For the third year, we operated a BELL Camp. BELL stands for Braille
Enrichment through Literacy and Learning. This two week summer camp
offers blind children, ages five through twelve, an immersion into
Braille instruction and several other independence skills such as cane
travel and daily living, not to mention a bunch of fun activities like
horseback riding, swimming, and scavenger hunts. Once again, Diane
McGeorge and Michelle Chacon led a wonderful team who gave our BELL
kids a tremendous summer education. At the beginning of camp, many of
the children let their parents do just about everything for them. By
the end, the kids are insisting that their parents let them take care
of themselves. Tomorrow, we will have a full report on the 2013 BELL
Camp complete with a video we have produced about the program. The
BELL rings loudly and clearly in Colorado.
Last year, we hired Jessica Beecham to serve as our Chapter and
Community Development Coordinator and she is doing her job very well.
In the first eight months of this year, we created three new chapters
of the NFB. In June, we welcomed the Poudre Valley Chapter to our
family with Nick Thomas being elected as our first Poudre Valley
President. In July, we created the Colorado Association of Guide Dog
Users with Melissa Green being elected to serve as its first
President. And on August 24, 2013, the Aurora Chapter joined our
ranks with Wayne Marshall being chosen as the first President of that
chapter. Our new chapters are helping us reach new members and
allowing the Federation philosophy to reach new minds and hearts.
Hats off to Jessica and our new chapters!
It is through our local chapters that we reach our members on the most
local and frequent basis. I want to share a few highlights of how our
chapters and divisions are changing what it means to be blind.
Recently, the Denver Chapter scored a major victory when the Regional
Transportation District (RTD) finally implemented the Automated Stop
Announcement system. Using GPS, this system automatically announces
each bus stop in a clear, easy to hear voice. Since 1992, the
Americans with Disabilities Act has mandated that these bus stops be
announced but we have struggled for over two decades to get even
minimal compliance. This new system takes human inconsistency out of
the equation and stops are announced regularly and clearly. It is the
NFB of Denver who never gave up on this project and got the job done.
Now, we need to advocate for similar systems all throughout the state.
Under Jeanette Fortin’s tremendous leadership, our Colorado Springs
Chapter has grown by thirty percent in the last year and has
participated in several community events spreading the Federation
philosophy. I also want to thank the C. Springs Chapter for hosting
this year’s convention!
Earlier this year, Cody Bair became the President of our Greeley
Chapter and led the effort to put on the chapter’s New Perspectives
Expo at the University of Northern Colorado, reaching new individuals
and the potential teachers of the blind.
Mike Massey, our capable President in Pueblo, has directed the Pueblo
Chapter through several fundraisers, participation in disability
awareness fairs and an information table at Wal-Mart during Meet the
Blind Month.
Our new Aurora Chapter has doubled in size since its first meeting and
will disseminate information about blindness this month at the Aurora
Our Mile High Chapter with Gary van Dorn at the helm has held several
fundraisers including a wine and chocolate tasting and a night at the
Denver Center for the Performing Arts. These fund raisers have helped
people travel to national and state conventions and have supported our
BELL Camp.
Michelle Chacon has led our North Metro Chapter to another great year
where the chapter has raised substantial funds with its wine tasting
at Spirro’s Winery and other fundraisers allowing the Chapter to send
several people to national and state conventions, and to send
Elizabeth and Emily Romero to Baltimore for our NFB STEM X event, an
intensive seminar exploring math and science for blind youth.
Our Parent’s Chapter under the leadership of Everett Romero continues
to grow and has put on several events such as a large picnic for
parents and blind children in the summer and it publishes the
E-Connector on a monthly basis.
The Seniors Division sponsors support groups all over the area and
works with the CCB to empower blind seniors in a variety of ways
including teaching assistive technology. Marie Dambrosky, for
example, is mastering the iPad at the tender age of 94.
In this report, there just is not enough time to tell you about
everything that our chapters are doing. This does not diminish their
importance, however. Our fifteen chapters and divisions serve as the
backbone of this affiliate. We will hear from all of them on Sunday
As I conclude this report, I must say thank you. First, if it weren't
for the support and love of my family, Anahit, Alexander and Emily,
there is no way I could serve as President of this wonderful
affiliate. Thank you LaBarres! Second, I thank all of our officers
and board members. You are an awesome team with whom I have the
pleasure and honor to serve. Third, I want to thank our staff, Lisa
Bonderson, Jessica Beecham, and Lorinda Riddle for helping us manage
this terrific organization. Last, and most definitely not least, I
thank all of you for your support and loyalty. It is only through all
of our work together that we can truly change what it means to be
As many of you know, this year is the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s
“I Have a Dream” Speech. The corresponding media coverage gave me
the opportunity to hear that amazing rhetoric again. It left me in a
mood of reflection. The fact that we have made great progress in
achieving equality and freedom for the blind is undeniable. The fact
that we still face tremendous barriers is equally undeniable. When
will we be judged on the content of our character and not the
existence of our disability? The answer to that question is in our
hands. We know that a life with blindness need not be one of tragedy.
First-class citizenship is no longer just a fanciful dream. It shall
become our reality. We have touched the flame of freedom and it has
ignited our hearts and minds. Let us join those hearts, minds, and our
collective action together and march the rest of the way to true
freedom. This is our mission. This is our Federation, and this is
my report to you!
An Email From the First Vice President of the National Federation of the Blind
By: Dr. Fredrick K. Schroeder
>From the Editor: Dr. Fred Schroeder has served as First Vice President
of the NFB for many years. He has been a pioneer in work for the blind
over more than 3 decades. During the late 1990’s Dr. Schroeder served
as Commissioner of the Federal Rehabilitation Services Administration.
He currently serves as visiting professor at San Diego State
University, among other posts. Of special interests to Coloradans, Dr.
Schroeder serves on the Board of the Colorado Center for the Blind.
Typically, the Blind Coloradan does not publish items which may be
thought of as more “National in nature”. We choose to concentrate our
focus on Federation activities here in Colorado. However, as you will
see from Fred’s email, this announcement has great significance for
every blind person in America. We received this email the morning of
December 2nd. Here it is:
Over the weekend I participated in a meeting of the Board of Directors of
The National Federation of the Blind. The meeting was held at our
National Headquarters in Baltimore.
As you know, Dr. Marc Maurer has been our national president since
1986. He has served as president longer than any of our previous
presidents, and has guided us through a period of unprecedented growth
and change. It was under Dr. Maurer's leadership that we established
the Jernigan Institute and all of the programs that have been so
successful in demonstrating the truth of our assertion that when given
proper opportunity and training, blind people can live and work as
In particular we have developed many programs designed to provide
blind children and youth with the skills and confidence they need to
compete fully in their education, and to develop their life ambitions.
We have conducted the Youth Slam, Science Academy, and more recently
the BELL programs.
In the area of technology under Dr. Maurer's leadership we developed
the KNFB Reader Mobile, allowing blind people to have immediate access
to print with nothing more than a cell phone and special software. And
then there was the Blind Driver Challenge. There is no question that
lack of access to reliable transportation remains a major barrier for
blind people. Yet, the Blind Driver Challenge showed that we could
develop the technology to enable a blind person to drive a car, not
simply sit passively in a car that drives itself.
These are the expressions of Dr. Maurer's leadership. Yet at the heart
of his leadership are his spirit and his belief in every blind person.
He has inspired and encouraged us, faced the most difficult challenges
with resolution and strength, and he has kept us together, and never
let us waiver in our belief in our own right to live normal,
productive lives.
On Saturday afternoon, November 30, Dr. Maurer told the board that it
is his intention to not seek reelection to the presidency next summer
at our national convention. He feels the time is right to transition
to the next president, the next individual who can lead us for a
quarter century or more. Dr. Maurer is in good health and believes
that it is important that he step down from the presidency while he is
able to assist with the transition. Dr.
Maurer told the board that he, Dr. Maurer, plans to support Mr. Mark
Riccobono as the next president of the National Federation of the
Mr. Riccobono presently serves as the Executive Director of the
Jernigan Institute. He is an accomplished individual with the strength
and wisdom to assume the serious responsibility of leading our
movement. He has brought to his work the imagination and competency we
demand from our president.
We are truly fortunate that within the Federation we have individuals
who are able and willing to give all they have to furthering our move
toward true equality. The demands of the NFB presidency are
unimaginable. We require our leader to give all of his time, all of
his imagination, and all of his personal reserve of judgment to
leading our organization. This is what Dr. Maurer has done for the
past 27 and a half years, and it is what Mark Riccobono will do for
the time of his presidency.
The transition brings to an end one chapter in our history and what a
glorious chapter it has been. We cannot face the loss of Dr. Maurer's
leadership without a sense of sadness; but the transition to a new
president is not just the absence of what we had before. The
transition heralds a new chapter in our history and with it, new
opportunities- the chance to take all that has come before and build
something bigger and more powerful than we have ever known.
In Memoriam
>From the Editor: The National Federation of the Blind of Colorado has
an Educate Blind Kids Now Committee. It is very engaged. We know of
the need to recruit more teachers of visually impaired students. Our
support for Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind mentoring programs,
our ever growing BELL Summer Programs, and Science Technology
Engineering and Math, STEM, demonstrations at the CCB are only a few
of the ways we support the education of blind kids. Those of us who
care about celebrating Braille took note of a great loss this fall. On
Tuesday, October 1 the world lost a great man. Dr. Abraham Nemeth was
a teacher, thinker, inventor, musician, mentor, and friend to
thousands. Dr. Nemeth died at the age of 94 at his Detroit home. He
invented a unique Braille code which bears his name. The Nemeth Code
makes it practical for blind people all over the world to do simple or
complex computations for math, science and engineering. It’s true.
Some blind people do those things and are quite competent. They do
them, in part, due to the effort of a wonderful, witty, quirky blind
man named Abraham Nemeth. I first heard the term “Nemeth Code” in the
second grade. You can bet that I was in awe when I actually met the
man himself many years later, realizing that he was a real blind
intellect of the 20th Century. I had the great privilege to dine with
Dr. Nemeth a number of times. He was caring, creative, and always
curious. I use the Nemeth Code every day. When learning of his passing
I was filled with more sadness than I would have imagined. There
aren’t many people who can say they invented something so innovative,
practical, and impacting that it carried their name. Nemeth did. He
knew of the Code’s significance. He was proud but humble. When
observing some blind children meeting Dr. Nemeth I was struck by how
excited they were. I found the fact that they were drawn to him
compelling. It’s rare that a child has the opportunity to meet a
legend. When Nemeth lived he gave that opportunity to many blind kids.
Unlike the transient thrill of meeting a sports hero or celebrity,
rare as that is for most of us, Nemeth was accessible. He was a living
legend of letters. He was an inventor of something tangible, special,
meaningful. A thing blind people use every day. And he was a blind
guy. When meeting him there seemed to be a special connection. He was
one of us yet on a different plane. That’s the only way I can explain
it. He is now gone but his code lives on. Thanks Doc.
In the Family
A Book Release Announcement
By: Rebekah Felix
>From the Editor: Rebekah Felix, we know her as Bekah, is an active
member of our Colorado Springs Chapter. She is a freshman at Pikes
Peak Community College. She intends to transfer to Colorado Christian
University. Here is Bekah’s announcement:
Have you ever wondered if a blind person could write and publish a
book? Well, the answer is of course! And I’m living proof! I have
successfully written a novel, In the Family, and it is available now!
The coolest part is the main character, Aliyah, because she’s blind!
Aliyah is tired of her fellow classmates teasing her because of her
blindness. Her only friend, Kyra, is afraid to make her relationship
with Aliyah obvious to her friends for fear that it might ruin her
reputation. But when Aliyah realizes she has a secret admirer, Hayden,
her world turns upside down.
As they head towards the end of their senior year of high school,
Aliyah begins to fall in love for the first time. She becomes part of
Hayden’s group. But as she begins to discover some of Hayden’s family
secrets, many unique situations arise that threaten to ruin all of her
friendships for good.
Can Aliyah and her friends learn to look past physical traits and
focus on what really matters? Can they learn to love themselves, love
each other, and love God the way the Bible instructs before they lose
each other for good?
There are many different ways to find out! For print readers, In the
Family is available in paperback and hard cover formats, and they are
in large print. You can find these versions at Amazon.com or
In the Family is also available in several digital formats. Some of
which are accessible. On booklocker.com, you can find the e-book in
large print. You can also find it in Blio, Kindle, Nook, and iBooks.
If you want to find my book, look for In the Family by Rebekah Felix,
or go to bekahfelix.tripod.com.
Quality CCTV’s from and for the Visually Impaired:
A Colorado Company Making its Mark
>From the Editor: It’s always inspiring to highlight a company which is
locally owned. A company owned by a blind entrepreneur. A company
owned by a member of the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado
Springs. Such is the case with MagniSight and CEO Brian Smith.
Founded in 1990, MagniSight is the longest running manufacturer of
video magnifiers (CCTV’s) for the visually impaired in the United
States. MagniSight products are assembled in Colorado Springs,
Colorado and are sold throughout the U.S. and overseas to both
individuals and agencies. Brian Smith says, “One of our proudest
achievements was supplying America’s visually impaired veterans with
our products for many years under the National V.A. contract.”
Brian further explains, “When I founded MagniSight, my goal was to
manufacture equipment that would really make a difference in the lives
of visually impaired people. This was especially important to me
since, at an early age, I myself was diagnosed with a juvenile form of
Macular Degeneration. Today, MagniSight continues to fulfill that
goal by combining a unique understanding of low vision with the latest
technology.” For more information about MagniSight products and
services readers should visit www.magnisight.com. You can reach Brian
at (800) 753-4767.
“It’s good to be children sometimes. And never better than at
Christmas, when it’s mighty Founder was a child himself.” –Dickens
Blind Buzz
>From the Editor: Blind Buzz is a column which will have announcements,
notes, vignettes, profiles, assertions, snap-shots, rumors, innuendo
and observations. Blind Buzz is solely responsible for the content.
What’s happening? Blind Buzz wants to know.
A visit from the Commissioner
On November 13, the newly appointed Commissioner of the Rehabilitation
Services Administration of the United States Department of Education
toured the Colorado Center for the Blind. She came with 44 directors
and managers from State Programs across the Nation. Students told
their stories of challenge, hope, and determination. The tour was part
of the National Council of State Agencies for the Blind Conference
held at the Denver Grand Hyatt.
Again with the sharks?
Blind kids seem to love dissecting sharks. Wouldn’t you? Colorado
Center for the Blind seems to enjoy helping them do it. In November,
over 30 middle school and high school students from the Denver metro
area had an opportunity to learn about and dissect dogfish sharks.
Thanks to Arapahoe Community College and Terry Harrison, chair of the
biology department, blind students learned that they could fully
handle all aspects of the dissection
Amazing Travel Raffle
Congratulations to Jerry Adams. He won our 2013 Amazing Travel Raffle.
His daughter, Gina Bullard, bought the ticket for his birthday gift.
Gina is a NFBCO Springs chapter member. Dad now has $3,500 to travel
anywhere he wishes. That’s the second year in a row Colorado Springs
sold the winning ticket. Happy Birthday dad!
Brenda Mosby continues her journey
After more than 6 years, Brenda Mosby, a member of our Mile High
chapter, has announced that she is leaving the Colorado Center for the
Blind where she has been providing vocation and employment service.
She intends to continue her counseling and community work for EEI.
Blind entrepreneurs unite
Colorado Association of Blind Merchants reorganized at the recent
NFBCO State Convention. Bradley Basta was elected President. Joy Lynn
Nelson organized the group's Christmas Party. It was held December 7
at the Cheesecake Factory downtown Denver. It also happened to be
President Basta’s birthday. We can’t report everything that went on at
the party, but we know the group raised some bucks for the affiliate.
Colorado native to direct BLIND Inc.
In the Summer 2011 issue of the Blind Coloradan, we brought you an
update on the Wenzel family. They were part of our Colorado Federation
family for many years. At that time, Dan was managing State Programs
for the blind in Wisconsin. Prior to his work in Wisconsin, Dan served
as assistant director at the Colorado Center for the Blind and as a
Board Member for the NFB of Colorado. Dan is one of our best. The
Buzz has now picked up big news. Dan Wenzel has accepted the position
of Executive Director of BLIND, Inc. in Minneapolis, one of our three
NFB training centers. He believes deeply in the work of the
Federation and in our training centers as an expression of the
Federation. He is currently working as manager of youth services at
Blind Industries and Services of Maryland.
What’s the buzz at the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind
Kiddos and staff are on Holiday break. On December 11, NFBCO began our
2013/14 blind mentoring program. On December 12, the school held it’s
very popular Winter Program. On January 30, it will be time for
another Braille challenge event. April will bring the annual
employment fair. NFBCO role models will be a part of this event. It’s
all about the kids.
Elections bring change in Denver chapter
We receive the following from Brent Batron:
I wanted to give everyone an update on the recent elections of the
National Federation of the Blind of Denver.
President - Tom Anderson
1st Vice President - Antonio Rozier
2nd Vice President - Maureen Nietfeld
Secretary - Jennifer Spears
Treasurer - Suzie Drum
Board Member - John Batron
Board Member - Dishon Spears
Board Member - Jim Pilkington
Board Member - Beth Allred
It has been a pleasure to be president of this wonderful chapter and I
have served in that capacity since 2006. I am so pleased that Tom has
been elected and I know that he will do great things as the newly
elected president. Congratulations to the new board
>From the Buzz inbox
A graduate of the Colorado Center for the Blind writes “when I was a
child, I was never allowed to decorate the Christmas tree. It was just
assumed that my siblings would do it. So, for me, attending CCB where
I actually cut down a Christmas tree was truly a life transforming
experience.” –Anonymous.
Gary Van Dorn honored
On December 5, NFB Mile High chapter President Gary Van Dorn was
presented the Paul Bilzi Award for community service from the Colorado
Cross-Disability Coalition. Paul Bilzi was paralyzed after an
automobile accident. He spent many years avoiding people with
disabilities. Ultimately, he became a champion and long-time leader of
the Denver community of people with disabilities. Congratulations Gary
for your steadfast commitment to bringing highest quality transit
services to all people in the Denver-metro area.
Journey of success
The lead article in the December Braille Monitor was written by our
own Julie Deden. It celebrates 25 years at the Colorado Center for the
Blind. It is well worth a read. Congratulations to Julie and the team.
You truly have helped hundreds reach new heights of independence.
The Colorado way
It’s the way of strength, character, and camaraderie found in our
affiliate. Those qualities are envied around the nation. In early
January, NFBCO leaders will participate in a seminar at the Jernigan
Institute. Our leaders will mentor and share strategies for success
which have worked in Colorado. However, in true Federation fashion,
our NFBCO Board will gain as much as it gives. That’s the Federation
The New Year means making National Convention reservations
The Buzz has the skinny on this summer’s National Federation of the
Blind convention. For many of us it’s like our annual family reunion.
The convention will take place July 1-6 in Orlando, Florida at the
Rosen Centre Hotel. Room rates are unbelievably low! This is a first
class facility. Double rooms are $82.00, triples and quads $88.00 plus
13.5 percent tax. Make reservations beginning January 1 by calling
800-244-7234. For more details, keep checking the Braille Monitor.
Make plans now to attend. You won’t be sorry.
The NFB Scholarship Program invites blind students who will attend
college in Fall 2014 to apply for a scholarship
The National Federation of the Blind offers 30 awards, worth from
$3,000 up to $12,000, plus assistance for the 30 winners to attend the
July 2014 Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida. For full information
and the online application form, go to www.nfb.org/scholarships.
Deadline: 3-31-14.
What’s the deal?
What’s the deal with silly string competition at Colorado Springs
chapter? One never knows what fun might break out at a NFB chapter
Christmas party. Hold the hairspray, bring on the silly string!
Boulder Valley conducts training for professionals
We have this from Boulder Valley Chapter President Maryann Migliorelli:
On November 13, the Boulder Valley Chapter conducted the first in a
series of in-service workshops at Boulder Manor. We presented
blindness technologies, from canes and Braille to iPhones, and the
latest adapted medical equipment, along with an in-depth discussion of
current and appropriate attitudes of blindness. The dozen physical,
cognitive, and occupational therapists who attended learned many new
things, but most importantly, they learned what a valuable resource
the National Federation of the Blind is.
Feel the buzz! Go to a local chapter meeting
Below find a list of chapter meeting times and locations.
Occasionally, circumstance may dictate a change in time or location.
You may wish to check with your chapter president. You can also call
Jessica Beecham, she usually has the scoop.
At Large Chapter
When: 4th Tuesday of the month
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Telephonically
Call-in phone number: 712-432-1500 / Access code 564151#
Aurora Chapter
When: 4th Saturday of the month
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Fire Station #11
2291 S Joliet
Aurora, CO 80010
Boulder Valley Chapter
When: 4th Saturday of the month
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where: The Egg and I
2574 Baseline Road
Boulder, CO 80305
Colorado Springs Chapter
When: 2nd Saturday of the month
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Where: Garden Ranch YMCA
2380 Montebello Drive West
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
*Special note* We are informed by Jeanette Fortin, Colorado Springs
Chapter President, that in January the chapter will meet on January 4
to hold annual elections and celebrate the birthday of Louis Braille.
In February the chapter returns to its regular 2nd Saturday schedule.
Denver Chapter
When: 3rd Saturday of the month
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Colorado Center for the Blind
2233 W. Shepperd Avenue
Littleton, CO 80120
Greeley Chapter
When: 3rd Saturday of the month
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where: Greeley Senior Activity Center
1010 6th Street
Greeley, CO 80631
Mile High Chapter
When: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Time: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Brooks Towers
1020 15th Street
Denver, CO 80202
North Metro Denver Chapter
When: 2nd Saturday of the month
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: 10324 W 62nd Avenue (residence of chapter president)
Arvada, CO 80004
Poudre Valley Chapter
When: 1st Saturday of the month
Time: 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Old Chicago’s
147 S College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Pueblo Chapter
When: 2nd Saturday of the month
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Wesley Methodist Church
85 Stanford Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81005
Resolutions Passed at the
2013 State Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado
>From the Editor: Each year at our State Convention the Federation
deliberates over and typically passes a number of Resolutions. These
Resolutions become the policy statements of our organization. In
effect, these are the official planks of our platform. Below are
statements of our resolve to take actions necessary to redefine
blindness in Colorado and beyond.
Resolution 2013-01
Regarding the Implementation of the Regional Transportation Districts
Work and Implementation of the Automated Stop Announcement System
WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation District (RTD) initiated
Automated Stop Announcements (ASA) on all its local, limited and
regional routes within the past month and a half, which will make
traveling on all routes within the 2,400 square miles of RTD easier
for all blind and low vision Coloradans and visitors to Colorado; and
WHEREAS, conventions of the NFBCO passed Resolutions 2005-04 and
2006-05 to encourage Colorado Transit Companies to announce transit
stops and install ASA: Now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado in
Convention assembled this twentieth day of October, 2013, in the city
of Colorado Springs, Colorado, that the NFBCO applauds RTD for working
partnership with us and working diligently throughout the
implementation of ASA; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the NFBCO extends a special thank you to Eric
Farrington and his staff at RTD for their professionalism and
willingness to work with the NFBCO to implement all our suggestions
for ASA, up to and including, the voice used for ASA, the cadence and
volume of the voice, and the nuances of how the announcements are
pronounced; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the NFBCO encourages RTD to continue reaching
out to the NFBCO on other projects and elements of transportation such
as, paratransit, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), budget, route
development, Light Rail, Commuter Rail, accessibility on all RTDs
services, Smart Card implementation, and other future developments
which make RTD a world-class multi modal transit agency; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NFBCO encourages other transit
agencies throughout Colorado, and the nation, to work with the NFBCO
and RTD on the implementation of ASA on its buses as soon as possible
to allow blind and low vision riders to more effectively use its
Resolution 2013-02
Regarding RTD’s Smart Card System
WHEREAS, Denver's Regional Transportation District (RTD) has begun
deploying a smart card system which allows passengers to pay for bus
and train fares by electronically charging a smart card with the
amount chosen by the passenger; and
WHEREAS, it is RTD's intent to eliminate paper tickets and passes and
replace same with these smart cards; and
WHEREAS, the kiosks which passengers use to select their fares and
perform other functions related to the cards are inaccessible to blind
individuals due to the fact that the nonvisual access solutions chosen
by RTD are ineffective; and
WHEREAS, the NFB has repeatedly advised RTD that its solutions are
wholly ineffective; and
WHEREAS, RTD has callously ignored the Federation's input, a
perplexing and disturbing circumstance given the fact that RTD has
interacted productively with the Federation on other projects such as
the automated stop announcement now in place; and
WHEREAS, the inaccessibility of the smart card system constitutes a
violation of federal and state law: Now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado in
Convention assembled this twentieth day of October, 2013, in the city
of Colorado Springs, Colorado, that we condemn and deplore the
Regional Transportation District for the cavalier manner in which it
has handled the accessibility of the smart card system and for its
disregard of the law; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call upon RTD to make the smart card
system fully accessible to the blind immediately; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge RTD to work closely with us, as it
has done on other projects, to identify and implement the proper
accessibility solution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if RTD fails to make the smart card system
fully accessible within a reasonable time, this organization shall
take whatever legal or political action necessary to force RTD to
comply with the law and provide full accessibility to blind
Resolution 2013-03
Regarding Accessibility of Freestyle Touch Screen Vending Machines
WHEREAS, Colorado-based Noodles and Company, Burger King, and large
government institutions have begun to place Coca-Cola freestyle
machines offering consumers hundreds of choices through touch screen
technologies which are not accessible to blind and print disabled
customers; and
WHEREAS, while sighted customers are granted numerous choices for self
service soft drinks with their meal purchase, the touch screen nature
of the selection buttons on freestyle machines makes it difficult if
not impossible for a blind user to independently make even a random
selection and serve him or herself without requesting assistance; and
WHEREAS, such machines with multiple choices are possible thanks to
the power of small computer processers; and
WHEREAS, the cost of speech technologies is increasingly inexpensive
and easily incorporated into the electronics of such machines, and is
always cheaper and easier to implement when accessibility is a
priority in the process of design: Now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado in
Convention assembled this twentieth day of October, 2013, in the city
of Colorado Springs, Colorado, that this organization call upon the
National Automatic Merchandising Association, soft drink
manufacturers, major vending manufacturers such as Crane and U Select
It to take immediate steps to deploy speech technologies so that all
customers can access product information and enjoy refreshing
beverages on equal terms and independently.
Resolution 2013-04
Regarding Commending the Work of The Independence Center of Colorado Springs
WHEREAS, the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado exists to be
the voice of the blind of Colorado striving to ensure security,
equality, self determination, and independence for the blind of
Colorado; and
WHEREAS, since its inception 59 years ago, the National Federation of
the Blind of Colorado has exhibited a spirit and emulated a philosophy
best articulated by the first President of the National Federation of
the Blind,
Dr. Jacobus tenBroek, widely considered to be the father of the
disability rights movement; and
WHEREAS, long before advocates for the Americans with Disabilities
Act, the NFB of Colorado had begun laying the groundwork for
independence, equality, and opportunity for people who are blind or
otherwise disabled; and
WHEREAS, The Independence Center, located in Colorado Springs,
Colorado, has as its mission to work with people with disabilities,
their families and the community, to create independence so that all
may thrive; and
WHEREAS, The Independence Center shares the NFBCO’s commitment to the
civil rights of the disabled and the role models at The Independence
Center sit, stand, or lie at the point where people with disabilities
decide whether to create the life they desire or give in and resign
themselves to society’s reduced expectations; and
WHEREAS, The Independence Center is not a Social Services organization
but an empowerment and learning community striving everyday to create
a society where people with disabilities will be accepted, employed,
and welcomed; and
WHEREAS, The Independence Center has had an open door policy toward
the people and philosophy of the National Federation of the Blind;
hiring competent blind individuals, encouraging consumers to learn
about the activities of the NFB of Colorado Springs chapter, and
promoting a shared philosophy: Now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado in
Convention assembled this twentieth day of October, 2013, in the city
of Colorado Springs, Colorado, that this organization commend The
Independence Center for its steadfast commitment to independent
living, civil rights, and equality of opportunity; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Federation of the Blind of
Colorado stand ready to work in collaboration with The Independence
Center on community projects of mutual benefit to include employment,
access technology, and transportation.
Resolution 2013-05
Regarding Proper Location of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
in the State of Colorado Governing Structure
WHEREAS, the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation is the
unit in state government with a mandate to assist persons with
disabilities to succeed at work and live independently; and
WHEREAS, its principle focus is one of vocational training and
employment outcomes for people with disabilities; and
WHEREAS, the blind of Colorado strive to be a part of a mainstream
integrated workplace supporting the economic development of the state;
WHEREAS, a recent reorganization of the Colorado Department of Human
Services now finds the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation under the
Agency know as “Long Term Care” within the Department of Human
Services; and
WHEREAS, Coloradans requiring services under the Division are,
generally speaking, not seeking services in any way resembling long
term care; and
WHEREAS, while a government entity charged with the provision of
oversight of long term care is meritorious and necessary, it is
inconsistent with the mission of vocational rehabilitation; and
WHEREAS, housing an agency responsible for greater economic
possibilities and social integration of the blind within an agency for
long term care sends the wrong message about the capacity of people
with disabilities to consumers themselves, the general public, and
employers: Now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado in
convention assembled this twentieth day of October, 2013, in the city
of Colorado Springs, Colorado, that this organization strongly urge
Governor John Hickenlooper, The General Assembly, and The Executive
Director of the Colorado Department of Human Services, Reggie Bicha to
take such action as necessary to immediately transfer the Division of
Vocational Rehabilitation to the Office of Economic Security.
Thanks for reading The Blind Coloradan, Holiday Issue 2013. Errors,
assumptions, or omissions should be brought to the attention of the
editor who will likely blame Blind Buzz for any mistakes. Happy
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