[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind Minutes October 21, 2012 Doubletree Hotel
Marcus Simmons
president at map-n.org
Mon Jan 7 19:23:58 UTC 2013
I noticed in the minutes, the following statement
"Tote bags are good and we are out. Sheila Latham will check the cost for
tote bags."
My suggestion is to contact Queensboro as a supplier at:
They have great prices and greater quality. My company uses Queensboro for
all of our embroidered items and have no issues..
Marcus Simmons - President
ASE Certified Technician
Motown Automotive Professionals nonprofit
A 501(C)(3) Public Charity
55390 Lion Industrial Drive
New Hudson, MI 48165-8544
(248) 552-8928
See our story at:
And get more information at:
Email: president at map-n.org
----- Original Message -----
From: "trising" <trising at sbcglobal.net>
To: "nfbmi List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 8:39 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind Minutes October
21,2012 Doubletree Hotel
> National Federation of the Blind Minutes October 21, 2012 Doubletree Hotel
> Quorum, yes, Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Melinda Latham, Terri Wilcox, Mary
> Wurtzel, Dave Robinson, Nick Wilcox and Sarah Norwood.
> Mike Powell made a motion to approve the Agenda. Dave Robinson seconded
> the motion. The Agenda was approved.
> Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson made a motion to approve
> the Secretary's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Secretary's
> Report was approved.
> Treasurer's Report, Mary Wurtzel. Youth Outreach Report, An anonymous
> donor gave 20,000 for our Braille and Science camps at Camp Tuhsmeheta.
> The total spent on the two camps was $17,095. This left 2,905 to be used
> for other expenses for youth. There is 5,105 in the youth account. The
> Michigan parents of the Visually Impaired gave $1,450. $1,450 was spent as
> expenses for the Bridge Walk. $250 was the advance deposit for the YWCA
> Camp. $1,609.55 was spent on supplies for the Bridge Walk. $483.39 was
> spent on tee shirts. $3,059 was spent on the YWCA camp. $656.40 was spent
> on the bus. Kevin Reeves was paid $200 for his work as a musician, and DJ
> during the talent show and dance. $100 was spent on food for the drivers.
> $89.78 was spent on supplies purchased at the Bridge Walk. $480 was spent
> on two vans. Total expenses for the Bridge Walk were $6,979. These
> included $6,555, plus $550 that was paid by attendees. $7,305 was the
> income from the Bridge Walk. Revenue of $7,305 minus expenses of $6,979 =
> $326.
> The Newsline Account contains $1,557.63. In July, the Affiliate account
> contained $85,689.03. At the end of July it contained 117,016.45. On
> October 19, the Affiliate Account contained $86,007.50. Mike Powell made
> a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report. Sarah Norwood seconded the
> motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
> Margo Downey was thanked for attending Convention. She stated that she
> felt welcome. There will be a Christmas Open House at the Training Center.
> The Affiliate made $528 at the Auction. Haley Dare's sister and
> brother-in-law are going to raise Leader Dog puppies. Kandi Jelinski
> thanked Marcia Catona and other Chapter at Large Members who made cookies.
> The Chapter at Large made $200. Come and buy National Federation of the
> Blind products from Dave Robinson. The Ann Arbor Chapter has the gift card
> raffle and the 50/50. Elsie Duell made the following announcement: Give
> new people with the Bureau some benefit of the doubt. Allow the change to
> happen. If workers have good will they will take direction from blind
> people themselves. We are not always recipients but givers.
> Results of Elections
> Larry Posont has been elected by acclamation for President of the National
> Federation of the Blind of Michigan.
> Mike Powell has been elected First Vice President of the National
> Federation of the Blind of Michigan.
> Joe Sontag has been elected as Second Vice President of the National
> Federation of the Blind of Michigan.
> Terri Wilcox has been elected by acclamation as Secretary of the National
> Federation of the Blind of Michigan.
> Mark Eagle has been elected by acclamation as Treasurer of the National
> Federation of the Blind of Michigan.
> Mary Wurtzel has been Elected by acclamation to Board Position three of
> the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan.
> The National Convention will be July 1-6, in Orlando in 2013. Mike Powell
> made a motion that the President and the First Vice President are the
> delegate and the alternate delegate for National Convention.
> National Convention Fund Raising. A different distributor is needed for
> coffee. J.J. Meddaugh volunteered to check out coffee possibilities in
> Kalamazoo. Mary Wurtzel is the liaison. Helium balloons need helium.
> Cinnamon almonds were popular. Tote bags are good and we are out. Sheila
> Latham will check the cost for tote bags.
> Locations for Next Year State Convention. We have talked with Grand Rapids
> concerning State Convention in 2013 and Travers City or Southgate for
> 2014. A Convention in Lansing may lead to legislative attention. We would
> like to begin a support group/Chapter in Grand Rapids. State Convention
> will also be there. 80% of American Council of the Blind members are in
> Grand Rapids. Parents in Grand Rapids are a potential source of members.
> Brunhilde Merck-Adam is willing to do a Parent Seminar in Grand Rapids.
> Technology needs to be available, with people to demonstrate. A support
> group can expand people's thinking about what blindness is and is not. We
> get the Free White Cane list. This is information which should be used for
> chapter building. West Michigan uses Newsline. Students will help. J.J.
> Meddaugh made a motion to have Mary Wurtzel secure a hotel for Grand
> Rapids for 2013 for State Convention. Dave Robinson seconded the motion.
> The motion passed. J.J. Meddaugh made a motion to secure dates for State
> Convention around down river Detroit in 2014. Christine Boone seconded the
> motion. The motion passed.
> Washington Seminar 2013 is February 4-7. Rates are $177 plus tax per room
> per night. Terri Wilcox made a motion to fund a room for women and a room
> for men for three nights for Washington Seminar at a cost of $1,200. J.J.
> Meddaugh seconded the motion. The motion passed. Mary Wurtzel made a
> motion to allocate $1,000 at Larry Posont's discretion to assist people to
> attend Washington Seminar. Terri Wilcox seconded the motion. The motion
> passed. Matt McCubbin volunteered to set up appointments for the Michigan
> Affiliate.
> Resolutions
> Resolution 2012-01
> WHEREAS, Executive Order 2012 - 10 abolishes the Board of Commissioners,
> established by Public Act 260 of 1978, as amended, section 393.352 of
> Michigan Compiled Laws; and
> WHEREAS, The abolition of the Michigan Commission for the Blind Board of
> Commissioners under Executive Order 2012 - 10 eliminates the Commission
> board's
> participation to develop and set the policies that affect the lives of
> blind citizens both
> personally and professionally; and
> WHEREAS, Executive Order 2012 -10 does not comply with PA 260 of 1978
> and the Executive order Act of 1965 and other federal regulations required
> under the Rehabilitation Services Administration as the Board of
> Commissioners has been
> abolished and replaced with an Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is only
> to advise the Director of the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons; and;
> WHEREAS, Executive order 2012-10 grants to The director of Licensing and
> Regulatory Affairs the authority to make final agency decisions related to
> grievances
> filed under due process rights granted by promulgated rules against the
> department
> providing no fair and impartial review and judgment of such adjudication,
> thereby
> creating an unethical conflict of interest: Now Therefore,
> BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the
> Blind of Michigan in convention assembled this 20th day of October, 2012
> in
> the City of Dearborn, Michigan that that this organization calls upon the
> Michigan
> Legislature to enact a bill to abolish the Bureau of Service for Blind
> Persons and the
> position of Director and to re-establish the Michigan Commission for the
> Blind, The Board of Commissioners and position of Director, and all other
> rights to the Commission Board found in P.A. 260.
> Resolution 2012-02
> BEP Operator Information Exchange Line
> WHEREAS, the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan is the largest
> consumer organization of blind persons in Michigan; and
> WHEREAS, the NFB of Michigan provides a great deal of information, support
> and services to the blind of Michigan, including the Business Enterprise
> Program
> Operators; and has been doing so for many years; and
> WHEREAS, the Operator Information Exchange Line is operated by the
> Business Enterprise Program to provide operators information that may be
> of interest to
> the operators; and
> WHEREAS, for the second year in a row, the Business Enterprise Program
> manager, Constance Zanger, has rejected our request to have information
> about the NFB
> of Michigan's annual convention placed on this information line; and
> WHEREAS, Ms. Zanger gave no response for such rejection to our
> organization's representative, totally ignoring our repeated request to
> include the entire
> requested announcement and not just the portion announcing the Merchants
> division meeting; and
> WHEREAS, the Commission for the Blind, now the BSBP, did not address the
> egregious act of discrimination against the National Federation of the
> Blind of Michigan
> last year when such action was requested See resolution 2011-06: Now,
> Therefore,
> BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the blind of Michigan in
> Convention assembled this 21 day of October in the city of Dearborn,
> Michigan that
> this organization demand from the management of BSBP and the program
> manager of the BEP a public apology to our organization for such
> discriminatory actions, and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that severe discipline including termination from
> State employment be rendered to those responsible for such acts; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the BSBP take all necessary steps to
> assure the blind of Michigan, that such discriminatory behavior will never
> occur again.
> Resolution 2012-03
> WHEREAS, under Public Act 260 of 1978, as amended, a priority is given to
> blind persons to operate food establishments within state mandated
> buildings and/or
> properties without discrimination; and
> WHEREAS, There is no licensee within the Business Enterprise Program
> interested in operating the State Plate cafeteria located in the Anderson
> building; and
> WHEREAS, the Business Enterprise Program has demonstrated in recent years
> a practice of securing sighted individuals to operate BEP facilities for
> either short or long term agreements; and
> WHEREAS, The Business Enterprise Program, also has a record of employing
> outside food service companies to operate facilities which have been
> established for the
> employment of blind persons; and
> WHEREAS, It is critical to the employment of blind persons to maintain the
> priority to operate food establishments within state mandated buildings
> and/or
> properties without discrimination now and into the future: Now, Therefore,
> BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the
> Blind of Michigan in convention assembled this 20th day of October, 2012
> in
> the City of Dearborn, Michigan that that this organization calls upon the
> BEP manager to
> seek out a licensee in the program or a qualified blind individual outside
> of the BEP to
> operate the State Plate Cafeteria located at the Anderson House of
> Representatives Building.
> RESOLUTION 2012-04
> WHEREAS, Act 51 of the public Acts of 1951 as amended provides for the
> creation
> of a public transportation system which includes demand vehicles as well
> as fixed route land haul vehicles; and
> whereas, said demand vehicles are for the use of the elderly, over 65 and
> the disabled,
> including the blind, who are challenged by issues of mobility from using
> the fixed route land
> haul vehicles; and
> WHEREAS, the act requires the creation of a Local Advisory Council (LAC)
> which enables the active participants of the LAC to offer their input to
> address any problems that arise in conducting the service; and
> WHEREAS, the LAC consists of consumers and consumer organizations, such as
> the National Federation Of The Blind (NFB), Warriors On Wheels (WOW), The
> Detroit Area Agency On
> Aging (DAAA), and said consumers and consumer organizations are to carry
> out their responsibilities under the Act through the LAC by commenting on
> the services of the local public transportation operation, which has been
> done continuously and vociferously; and
> WHEREAS, the local transportation entity is to provide the LAC with the
> mandatory
> annual Accessibility Plan for comment before sending it to the Michigan
> Department Of
> Transportation (MDOT) on an annual basis, which it has failed to do; and
> WHEREAS, the Detroit Department Of transportation has established a demand
> vehicle system called "Metro Lift" which utilizes four private vendors,
> Enjoi Transportation, Checker Cab, Delray Transportation, and Lakeside
> Transportation, which are required to provide curb to curb
> Service; and
> WHEREAS, there appears to be a systemic management and service delivery
> problem involving
> Metro Lift and the vendors which are demonstrated buy the following:
> A. Enjoi Transportation is inexplicably the first vendor of choice
> selected every time by the DDOT scheduling representative even though
> personal choice by customers is allegedly available.
> B. There appears to be a number of chronic service delivery problems with
> Enjoi Transportation and Checker Cab as service providers, which include
> but are not limited to the following:
> 1. Enjoi is guilty of transporting seniors eighty years of age and older
> for an excessive period of time in violation of Federal and State
> guidelines, which has caused some to soil their clothing.
> 2. Overloading buses that have sometimes required passengers to sit on the
> floor.
> 3. Continuously causing employed passengers to be late for work, because
> they refused to
> prioritize trips, which can result in employment termination.
> 4. Rewriting trip manifest provided by DDOT, which results in them missing
> clients, who are
> ultimately recorded as "NO shows" by Enjoi and Checker Cab.
> 5. Many of the Checker Cab drivers specifically are not helpful with
> customers, which is
> demonstrated by their failure to blow their horns to notify blind
> customers, of their presence,
> failing to direct blind customers in which direction to travel after they
> disembark.
> 6. Failing to identify themselves so blind customers can know they are
> entering the correct vehicle, and
> 7. Refusing to take customers to locations outside the City Of Detroit,
> even though the travel
> destination is within the service area; and
> Whereas, a large part of this management and service problem may be
> resolvable
> through sensitivity training of scheduling clerks, dispatchers, and
> drivers, which has been offered
> by the LAC and rejected; and
> WHEREAS, DDOT claims it has provided sensitivity training but will not
> state by whom, when,
> Or where or how often it has occurred: Now, Therefore,
> BE IT RESOLVED that the National Federation Of The Blind Of Michigan in
> Convention assembled this 21st day of October 2012 in the City of
> Dearborn, Michigan that this organization demands strongly that the
> Detroit Department Of Transportation follow all requirements of the
> Michigan Department Of Transportation in carrying out all the requirements
> of Act 51 of P.A. 1951 as amended regarding the manner and method of
> providing services to the elderly and disabled; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Federation Of The blind of
> Michigan demands that DDOT correct the previously described acts of
> malfeasants and
> malfeasants by the service providers; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NFB will provide sensitivity training
> through its knowledgeable members, or aid in finding sources for proper
> sensitivity
> training; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of the National Federation Of The
> Blind Of Michigan shall cause complaints to be filed with the Federal
> Transit Authority
> MDOT, the department of Civil rights, and the U.S. Attorney's office of
> Disability Rights upon failure of DDOT to correct the describe problems
> expeditiously.
> Resolution 2012-05
> Commendation for THE Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund
> WHEREAS, the Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund, located in Jackson,
> Michigan is celebrating its 50th year of service to the blind of our
> nation and the world and;
> WHEREAS, its ongoing production of Braille books and other Braille
> material has kept Braille in the hands of blind people and giving them a
> vital resource for
> knowledge and literacy; and
> WHEREAS, the National Federation of the Blind has consistently advocated
> for the use of Braille by blind persons through its many programs
> including the Braille Readers are Leaders contest and
> The Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund through its foundation has
> generously supported
> many programs and services to the blind including the needs of individuals
> who are blind, and;
> WHEREAS, the Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund develops vocational
> opportunities for the expanded production of Braille by helping to set up
> those who are
> trained as Braille transcriptionists into their own Braille production
> business: Now, therefore,
> BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan in
> convention assembled this day of October 21, 2012 in the city of Dearborn,
> Michigan that
> this organization congratulates and celebrate the Michigan Braille
> Transcribing Fund for
> its 50 years of service and support; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this commendation be forwarded to all the
> appropriate governmental, private and media sources.
> RESOLUTION 2012-06
> WHEREAS, Newsline is a free service which provides for the reading of
> newspapers, magazines and other information resources for the blind and
> print disabled and is sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind;
> and
> WHEREAS, Newsline provides access via the telephone, and other wireless
> devices for more than 300 newspapers, 40 magazines, job listings, TV
> listings, voting information and many other sources of valuable
> information needed by all Americans; and
> WHEREAS, more than 2900 people in Michigan currently subscribe to
> Newsline, with thousands more eligible for the service, and;
> WHEREAS, the Newsline service in Michigan costs more than $80,000 annually
> to operate; and
> WHEREAS, many states throughout America provide funding for the Newsline
> service to their print disabled citizens: Now, therefore,
> BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan in
> convention assembled this 21st day October 2012 in the city of Dearborn
> Michigan that this organization take all necessary steps to assure
> Newsline funding so that this vital service can continue; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization seek funding for the
> Newsline service as a line item within our state's budget; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we continue to reach out to everyone in the
> state that could benefit from this vital service.
> Chapter Reports. Jordyn Castor gave the Student Division Report. Elections
> are as follows: President, Jordyn Castor, Vice President, Mauricio
> Almeida, Secretary, J.J. Meddaugh and Treasurer, Matt McCubbin. The Board
> consists of Jeff Crouch and Kim Mohnke.
> The Michigan Association of Guide Dog Users Elections
> Chairman, Larry D Keeler
> Vice-chair, Bob Rehahn
> Secretary, Cynthia Cross and
> Treasurer, Karen Evans.
> A new member came from Ann Arbor to convention. The Ann Arbor Chapter
> meets the second Saturday of each month. The Wayne County Chapter meets
> the first Saturday of each month. Bob Rehahn is running for President. The
> Lansing Chapter brought three new members to Convention. The Lansing
> Chapter meets the third Monday of each month at 6:30. The Lansing Chapter
> is working with Lansing Community College to make it better for blind
> students. They are having fund raising activities at Noodles and Co. and
> with the Leah Sophia jewelry company. The Detroit and Lansing Chapters are
> having Christmas parties in December. The Detroit Chapter has meetings the
> second Saturday of each month. The Merchant's Division had its annual
> meeting. The Governor and his Administration should not snub or deny
> opportunities to vendors in the Business Enterprise Program. This is the
> largest employer of the blind in the state. The Merchant's Division is
> applying for a license to run bingo to send people to Blast.
> New Business: The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan is in need
> of a Newsletter publication on the internet. It would contain news, plus a
> calendar of events and information concerning blind people. $3,000 is
> needed to write this newsletter. It would be an internet newspaper for
> Michigan. The National Federation of the Blind is found on the internet
> and the national office helps with this. Bob Rehahn made a motion to
> approve 3,000 for a communications coordinator to disseminate information
> concerning blindness in the state. Funds are restricted to 3,000. It was
> seconded by Mike Powell. Larry Posont met with Ed Rogers. It is necessary
> to focus on four main areas that include: long term training of staff with
> positive attitudes and beliefs about blindness, achieve ADA accessibility,
> an emphasis on Braille for people who need it plus raised character and
> Braille signage. Clean up and improve the Administration of the Business
> Enterprise Program and give vendors proper training. The State Plate must
> be operated by a blind vendor. Blind people must be employed. Placement
> Specialists should not be bumped. Our name should be on Good Search.
> People with projects of interest should bring them to the Board but we
> need individuals to volunteer for things that interest them. Mike Ellis
> stepped-up to do sound and did a great job.
> Mike Powell made a motion to adjourn at 12:25.
> Voice Lessons and Braille Tutoring available. Contact Terri Wilcox MA at
> (734)663-4050 or at trising at sbcglobal.net
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