[nfbmi-talk] Free Screen Reader Download for the Blind

Edward Simmons Jr ecsventures at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 28 00:12:24 UTC 2013

I am blind and saw your Free Download Newsletter advertising 'Free Screen
Reader for Blind People. I clicked on the link and it took me to a page with
product ads and tons of downloads of other items. If I find a link near a
line that says: "Free Screen Reader" it takes me to another advertising
page. I've shared it with some of my friends and they report the same
problem; some of them have expensive screen readers such as 'Jaws,' and
others use Zoom Text (by aisquared.com) which I use, yet a larger number
have no screen reader except the software that came on their computer. We
would also like a Product REVIEW if we can get it. So what is the direct
link to this download? This may be a blessing for hundreds of blind people.


Thank you,


Ed Simmons, Jr.

Member National Federation for the Blind

(313) 273-8510

ecsventures at sbcglobal.net


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