[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind Board Meeting, Minutes April 25

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 2 02:05:22 UTC 2013

National Federation of the Blind Board Meeting, April 25, 8:30 P.M.
Quorum yes Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Joe Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle, Dave Robinson, Nicholas Wilcox and Mary Wurtzel.
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Mike Powell moved to adopt the April 4 Minutes. Nick Wilcox seconded the Motion. The Minutes were 
Treasurer's Report, Mark Eagle. The Newsline Account has $17,083. The Affiliate Account has $121,944.08 including $20,000 for youth 
activities from an anonymous donor. Dave Robinson moved to adopt the Treasurer's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The 
Treasurer's Report was approved.
Introduction of Participating Members
President's Report, Larry Posont. The Leadership Seminar for Michigan at the National Office cannot happen until after National 
Convention. People who need financial assistance must ask for it by May 1. Contact Larry Posont for assistance. Eight or nine people 
have requested assistance. People can get up to $250 for assistance. Lillian Quigley from Detroit will work the Michigan exhibit 
table at National Convention. Larry Posont will meet with the person for cinnamon almonds. We will also sell tote bags. Mary Wurtzel 
will coordinate a senior fair at State Convention.
Vehicle Donation Program. Marcus Simmons will be our Vehicle Donation Chair.
Mark Eagle has volunteered to be the Voting Liaison for Michigan.
The Quarterly Board Meeting will be the first week end after Memorial Day, probably at the Doubletree in Dearborn. The possibility 
of starting a Training Center in Michigan with National Federation of the Blind philosophy at some point in the future was 
Old Business: The location of the advisory Board Meeting is moved. The Kalamazoo Chapter needs reforming. The August Board Meeting 
will be on August 10 or 24. Ed Rogers is dictating that rehabilitation at the Training Center will have a "cookie cutter" approach 
of 9 week semesters for every student. Ed Rogers is dictating four 9 week semesters and other designated opportunities at the 
Training Center for mini adjustment and youth. Blind people are getting hurt. Lisa Kisiel is directing the Training Center. Is there 
enough damage to blind people to warrant going to the Legislature?
New Business: Dave Robinson is Grandfather to Gabriella Grace.
Terri Wilcox moved to adjourn at 9:13. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.


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