[nfbmi-talk] 9 weeks of training?

Linda Bloodsaw lbloodsaw2018 at gmail.com
Thu May 2 02:34:33 UTC 2013

It took me 6 weeks to learn grade 1 braille and another 6 weeks to learn grade 2.  I had a wonderful teacher at the training center and I did hours of homework.  There is no way I could have done that in 9 weeks.  How can this man deny my right to learn when my tax dollars are paying for it?

On May 1, 2013, at 10:05 PM, "trising" <trising at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> National Federation of the Blind Board Meeting, April 25, 8:30 P.M.
> Quorum yes Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Joe Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle, Dave Robinson, Nicholas Wilcox and Mary Wurtzel.
> Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Mike Powell moved to adopt the April 4 Minutes. Nick Wilcox seconded the Motion. The Minutes were 
> approved.
> Treasurer's Report, Mark Eagle. The Newsline Account has $17,083. The Affiliate Account has $121,944.08 including $20,000 for youth 
> activities from an anonymous donor. Dave Robinson moved to adopt the Treasurer's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The 
> Treasurer's Report was approved.
> Introduction of Participating Members
> President's Report, Larry Posont. The Leadership Seminar for Michigan at the National Office cannot happen until after National 
> Convention. People who need financial assistance must ask for it by May 1. Contact Larry Posont for assistance. Eight or nine people 
> have requested assistance. People can get up to $250 for assistance. Lillian Quigley from Detroit will work the Michigan exhibit 
> table at National Convention. Larry Posont will meet with the person for cinnamon almonds. We will also sell tote bags. Mary Wurtzel 
> will coordinate a senior fair at State Convention.
> Vehicle Donation Program. Marcus Simmons will be our Vehicle Donation Chair.
> Mark Eagle has volunteered to be the Voting Liaison for Michigan.
> The Quarterly Board Meeting will be the first week end after Memorial Day, probably at the Doubletree in Dearborn. The possibility 
> of starting a Training Center in Michigan with National Federation of the Blind philosophy at some point in the future was 
> discussed.
> Old Business: The location of the advisory Board Meeting is moved. The Kalamazoo Chapter needs reforming. The August Board Meeting 
> will be on August 10 or 24. Ed Rogers is dictating that rehabilitation at the Training Center will have a "cookie cutter" approach 
> of 9 week semesters for every student. Ed Rogers is dictating four 9 week semesters and other designated opportunities at the 
> Training Center for mini adjustment and youth. Blind people are getting hurt. Lisa Kisiel is directing the Training Center. Is there 
> enough damage to blind people to warrant going to the Legislature?
> New Business: Dave Robinson is Grandfather to Gabriella Grace.
> Terri Wilcox moved to adjourn at 9:13. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
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