[nfbmi-talk] cash and caring committee

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Sat May 18 20:53:57 UTC 2013

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
20812 Ann Arbor Trail
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

May 18, 2013

Dear Michigan Federationists:

     The National Office is seeking someone from every State to be on
the cash and caring committee. Details will follow this letter. Please
contact me if you wish to  volunteer.


Larry Posont
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
(313) 271-3058
Email: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Web page: www.nfbmi.org

Vehicle Donations Take the Blind Further
Donate your car to the National Federation of the Blind today!
For more information, please visit:
or call 1-855-659-9314

From: "Ramona Walhof" <ramona.walhof at gmail.com>

Please respond by sending an email to me at ramona.walhof at gmail.com.  Please
number your responses so that it is not necessary to copy questions.  If you
have no response to some questions, skip them; just be sure to number those
you respond to.  Thank you very much.

1. Is the material in the Toolkit helpful?  What can you do with it?

2.  What would you like to have that is not now included?

3.  Does your affiliate or any of your chapters now conduct an event that
raises5000 dollars or more?  If so, please provide a short description.

4.  Would you like to have someone from another state who has experience
raising funds available as a consultant?  We understand that this advice is
free and does not have to be taken.

5.  Would you like to meet with others regarding affiliate fundraising at
national conventions or Washington seminars or send someone from your state
to do so?

6.   Please assign someone from your state to work with this Committee with
a goal of building a new event or improving an existing one.  Please provide
that person's name, email address, and phone number.

7.  Do any of your chapters or the state affiliate currently combine
fundraising with Meet-the-Blind Month activities?  Would you like to
participate in discussion about doing this?

8.  Does your affiliate or any of your chapters do a walk-a-thon,
bike-a-thon,or a similar event? If so, who leads it?  Do you think we should
try to coordinate events of this type?

9.  Would you prefer to communicate on the cash-and-caring list? on
facebook? through the state affiliate leadership list? or some other way?
If other, please specify.

10.  Do you have other general comments or suggestions regarding fundraising
for the Cash and Caring Committee or to share with other affiliates or

If the person answering these questions is not a state President, please
include your name and email address.

We appreciate your help.  Together, we can move toward a multi-facited
funding system which will benefit all of us.

Cash and Caring Committee
Ramona Walhof, Chair

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