[nfbmi-talk] Fw: to farmer foia on foia

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Sat Nov 9 02:24:35 UTC 2013

Say does anyone here have a notion of "fair play" let alone basic notions of the rule of law over that of man? Does anyone understand basic tenants of "due process and equal protection under law"? Does anyone know how conflicted this absurdity is?

The nuns at St. Mary's chided my poor grasp of Latin. But I do understand "prima facae". The conflicts here are plain upon their face. They are so incestuous that I'm surprised genetic damage doesn't result.

Lord help me refrain from more explicit allusions, metaphors and such!

Now again Zimmer is the head and creator of the Michigan Administrative hearing system which has under ExecutiveOrder 2012-10 complete and final and total and shall we all say, "Hallelujah" determination of all ALJ determinations of BEP operators, VR clients and anyone else harmed by the arbitrary and capricious, and, mind you  Zimmer/Rodgers run MAHS system to begin with.

Sheesh, why don't they just take out all the blind people in this state and just judge us and lynch us outright and cut out the middle-man eh? Oops I forgot myself. If all we blind folks were dead then they wouldn't have a program and wouldn't get RSA funding to mess with all we blind folks to begin with. Oh, my I forgot myself for a moment and I thought, just for a moment that these programs were about the appropriate rehabilitation of people who are blind and not for as Fred Wertzel calls it an ATM system for the state.

Now I've got to "appeal" my so-called FOIA to begin with to the same Zimmer "judge and jury"?


Oh yea this is totally impartial. This is totally objective. This is all based upon a tenant of rule of law where justice is blind right?

Oh, my I'm the only one literally blind in this process and yet...It's a miracle! I can see the other BSBP of it all after all!

Ladies and gentlemen if this isn't corruption of process by any definition of the word "corruption" I don't know what is.

Oh if the freaks of injustice wish to sue me for defamation of their ignoble character let me remind  them they are public officials and  thus have for the moment a very high standard, threshold under the First Amendment for such commentary, but also under the Michigan Constitution of which they also abuse, "Truth is the ultimate defense..."

Then again these creeps, and I'll call them creeps because other words allude me for the moment and I'm on sort of a roll right now...Anyway these uter creeps are also highly paid creeps including Zimmer and Farmer and Rodgers just to name a few who make in excess of $100,000 per year in large part because we poor blind folks exist in the first place.

Now anyone out thre except for Mr. Essenberger who would like to make more than $100,000 per year even if it means screwing ones brother and sister in the back please raise your hands.....Sit down Mr. Essenberger please!....And not on Mrs. Essenberger's lap either.

Cut that out! I'm not a prude but that is disgusting sir!

(Oh did I mention satire and parody is protected under the first amendment of the United States Constitution? Really it is right in there. It's in a book and even Mrs. Essenberger read a book once in her life though probably not the , all on account of her short attention span and the fact there were no pictures, Constitution and certainly not the Promulgated Rules...But I digress...)

Ok so this is how I see it:
We have a corrupted apparatchek which is a sort of Soviet style Mafia/Fascist hybrid but perhaps, a little more comical in its utter stupidity if it didn't effect we blind folks so badly going on here.

Is that the consensus? Come on don't hold your sides laughing I'm serious as a heart attack here.

Listen guys and gals you gotta laugh at these folks or they'll make you shake and quake and cry...

Federationists may shake, and quake and cry just like all human beings do when stressed, bullied and humiliated over and over by corrupted systems. But, after that initial insult and assault we pick ourselves up and we pick each other up. We wipe the tears of rage from our eyes. We wipe the sweat from our brows. We gather ourselves. We stand tall and we march foward, perhaps bloodied, but never unbowed towards FREEDOm!!

And we attack not people per se, but we attack like soldiers in battle all whom stand in our way towards freedom for the blind.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Steve Arwood LARA Dep 
Cc: zimmerm at michigan.gov ; nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org ; Rodgers, Edward (LARA) 
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 8:36 PM
Subject: Fw: to farmer foia on foia

Dear Mr. Arwood and Mr. Zimmer,

I must say I "appeal" this self serving determination to inspect Mr. Farmer's computer for its self-serving sort of arbitrary and capricious sort of thing here. But then again you all aren't so non-conflicted either are you? Where are the checks and balances which I was taught as a child mind you in the school systems of this State against abuses of power and influence? Where is the open governance and the "humility" of "public servants"?

Regardless I wish to inspect Mr. Farmer's computer with my attorneys for all the silly and ludicrous assaults you've committed upon my person in your arrogant pursuit of power don't you know?

Oh and by the way you might wish to look at case law on this. Includes Detroit Free Press v. City of Detroit amongst others.

And don't think for a moment that other lawyers much more capable than yourselves are blind cc'd on this and don't think for a moment you are immune from the rule of law after all is said and done.

And do you all think I am so stupid that I don't know a total conflict of interests here in that Mr. Zimmer is both the head of the designated State Agency and the one I'm supposed to file a FOIA appeal to...Oh my no conflict of interest here. I mean the chief judge and jury is after all the chief judge and jury just like he is the "final agency determinator" (poor grammar sorry) of all ALJ determinations. My oh my I'm so sorry I passed my Junior High School Civics class with an "A plus" and even if I got an "F minus" this is so conflicted of a process it stinks to High Heaven and even a child knows one cannot be impartial in these regards. Shame on you all for picking on this poor blind guy with these absurdities, or trying to do so. Shame on your ddictatorial bullying that would be cause of action in any court of law in America, except the courts of law, so-to-speak, giving these arbitrary and capricious happenings that act as judicial processes ad hoc and ad hominum and absurd to the max. Those of you who have law degrees and who act with such perverted outrage against common sense let alone the rule of law in this matter should have your law licences yanked.

Those bureucratic wonks who hang cowardly behind the skirts of these "lawyers" should hang your head in shame. Those of you who think this blind man, with albeit limited resources is going to cave to your infamy and your perversions of justice and equity have another thing a coming.

For I will not bend to your infamy; legalistic bullying; taxpayer sponserrred bullying; or anything else you think convenient to cover your own sorry assetts that act contrary to the public trust, interest, and the notion of democratic process as this "panicked" and self-protective response of one bureucrat Melvin Farmer suggests in his own words here.

Have a nice day.

Joe Harcz
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Farmer, Mel (LARA) 
To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net) 
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 7:51 AM
Subject: FW: to farmer foia on foia


October 28, 2013


Paul Joseph Harcz

joeharcz at comcast.net


RE: Request to Inspect Computer


Dear Mr. Harcz:


This notice is in response to the attached copy of your October 23, 2013 request to me  ".to inspect my state issued computer for e-mails from Rodgers and, indeed Zimmer."


Pursuant to MCL 15.232, Section 2(e) & 2(f) and MCL 15.235, Section 5(2)(b) of the state's FOIA, MCL 15.231 et seq., your request is denied. LARA computer equipment is owned by the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget, and I am not authorized to allow non-state employees access to it.


Under MCL 15.240 of the state's FOIA, you may (1) submit a written appeal regarding the denial of any portion of your request to Mr. Steve Arwood, Director, LARA, Attention: Michael Zimmer, Chief Deputy Director, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, MI 48909. Your appeal must include the word "appeal" and identify the reason(s) for reversal of any disclosure denial; or (2) you may seek judicial review in circuit court within 180 days of this notice. If you prevail in court action, the court may award you reasonable attorney fees, costs, and disbursements. If the court finds LARA's actions to be arbitrary and capricious, the court shall award you, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $500.00.



/S/Melvin Farmer, Jr.

Central FOIA Coordinator




From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:38 PM
To: Farmer, Mel (LARA)
Subject: Re: to farmer foia on foia


No you are mixing apples with oranges here Mr. Farmer. I'm asking to inspect your state issued computer for e-mails from Rodgers and, indeed Zimmer.


Man, I couldn't be any more clear.


The two requests are only merged in your mind.


  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: Farmer, Mel (LARA) 

  To: joe harcz Comcast 

  Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:19 PM

  Subject: RE: to farmer foia on foia


  It is not feasible for you to inspect my state issued computer to confirm records on Mr. Edward Rodger's state issued computer or I-phone.


  From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net] 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:42 PM
  To: Farmer, Mel (LARA)
  Subject: Re: to farmer foia on foia


  Then sir I wish to inspect your state issued computer to verify if that is indeed a fact.


  And don't touch it either or expunge records requested.

    ----- Original Message ----- 

    From: Farmer, Mel (LARA) 

    To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net) 

    Cc: Rodgers, Edward (LARA) ; Haynes, Carla (LARA) 

    Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:38 PM

    Subject: FW: to farmer foia on foia



    October 23, 2013


    Paul Joseph Harcz

    1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

    Mt. Morris, MI 48485

    joeharcz at comcast.net


    RE: FOIA Request/FOIA Instruction Emails


    Dear Mr. Harcz:


    This notice is in response to the attached copy of your October 22, 2013 email requesting under the state's FOIA, MCL 15.231 et seq., copies of existing, nonexempt public records you describe as: ".any e-mail correspondence to you from August 25, 2013 to present advising you on how to respond to my requests for information from BSBP/LARA from either Michael Zimmer, Deputy Director of LARA and Edward Rodgers, Director of BSBP."


    Pursuant to MCL 15.235, Sections 5(2)(b) and 5(4)(b) of the state's FOIA your request is denied. After a search, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the public records you request do not exist within LARA under the name given by you, or another reasonably known name.  Pursuant to MCL 15.236, Section 6(1) of the state's FOIA, as the LARA's duly designated FOIA Coordinator, I am responsible for accepting and processing requests for LARA's public records in accordance with applicable provisions of the state's FOIA.


    MCL 15.240 of the state's FOIA provides that you may (1) submit a written appeal regarding the denial of any portion of your FOIA request to Mr. Steve Arwood, Director, LARA, Attention, Michael Zimmer, Chief Deputy Director, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, MI 48909. Your appeal must include the word "appeal" and identify the reason(s) for reversal of any disclosure denial; or (2) you may seek judicial review in circuit court within 180 days of this notice. If you prevail in court action, the court may award you reasonable attorney fees, costs, and disbursements. If the court finds LARA's actions to be arbitrary and capricious, the court shall award you, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of $500.00.



    /S/Melvin Farmer, Jr.

    Central FOIA Coordinator.


    From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net] 
    Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 1:55 PM
    To: Farmer, Mel (LARA)
    Cc: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org; BSBPcommissioners
    Subject: to farmer foia on foia


    October 22 2013 to Farmer FOIA on FOIA


    Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

    1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

    Mt. Morris, MI 48458

    joeharcz at comcast.net



    To: Melvin Farmer, LARA FOIA Coordinator

    (Via e-mail)

    Dear Mr. Farmer,


    I am writing you today to request some very simple information that is easily found on your own state owned computer (the very one you are using right now). I am requesting any e-mail correspondence to you from August 25, 2013 to the present advising you on how to respond to my requests for information from BSBP/LARA from either Michael Zimmer, Deputy Director of LARA and Edward Rodgers, Director of BSBP.


    You don't have to search very hard for this information as it will be in your own in box. And it doesn't cost anything to simply forward those e-mails to my e-mail address listed above which is precisely what I request now.




    Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


    Cc: NFB MI

    Cc: BSBP, Commissioners

    Cc: RSA

    Cc: several media and legislators



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