[nfbmi-talk] the nationwide search for tc director
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Nov 14 18:14:22 UTC 2013
The Nationwide Search for Lisa Kisial
Wow after my signature line find how Rodger’s went on a nationwide search to replace Christine Boone at the Training Center. And miracle of miracles he and the rather informed interview panel found Lisa Kisial right in our own backyard.
Shoot I’m surprised though that Rodgersdidn’t go to Canada for a new TC director, or at least Dublin Ohio.
It’s also interesting though that at least Lisa has some sort of background in VR, including credentials and all that. Yet, the three people including Rodgers interviewing her don’t.
You know ladies and germs sometimes you just can’t make this stuff up.
>From July 18 2013 Commission Meeting
1 MS. MOGK: Okay. How about number two, status
2 of the training center director appointment?
3 MR. RODGERS: Very pertinent, very current
4 topic. We are in the process of conducting interviews on who
5 will be the permanent director of the training center.
6 Interviews are scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday.
7 We're interviewing seven or eight candidates who made the
8 final cut. The original process started out with about 200
9 applications. Then there's a thing called NEOGOV that's with
10 the Department of Civil Service where they look at initial
11 qualifications.
12 For example, if one of the qualifications to
13 have this job were to have a master's degree and an individual
14 didn't have a master's degree but only had a bachelor's
15 degree, then they wouldn't make that first cut, and NEOGOV
16 would automatically take them off the list, and then they
17 present us with a list, and I believe the first cut list that
18 we had was 48, 49, 50, thereabouts. We then cut it down to 10
19 candidates who we thought had superior credentials. I and key
20 staff reviewed that material, and then we scheduled interviews
21 for those 10. Since the interviews were scheduled a little
22 while ago, one individual has withdrawn their application, and
23 a second individual, only the last day or two has this
24 happened, but the second individual took another job. So we
25 still have eight candidates. They're being interviewed
1 Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
2 MS. MOGK: Questions, comments? Can we inquire
3 who's doing the interviewing?
4 MR. RODGERS: The interview panel is made up of
5 myself, Mr. Pemble, who is my deputy, and Margie Holben (ph)
6 who's from the department and who's one of our HR specialists.
7 MS. MOGK: Okay. No other questions?
8 MS. BARNES-PARKER: I have one. So once you do
9 these interviews, the eight you have now, what amount of time
10 are you going to be giving that final decision?
11 MR. RODGERS: It'll be a short period of time.
12 Because what we'll do is every candidate is asked -- the way
13 the interview works is the individual is brought in front of
14 the panel, there are questions that have been put together by
15 staff and the HR experts because of certain questions you can
16 and cannot ask under civil service rules, and as such we did a
17 draft of questions. We got input from the HR people as to if
18 there were some we shouldn't be asking and some we should be
19 asking.
20 And everybody will be asked the same questions.
21 The answers will be taken down by the three people that are in
22 the panel, and then we'll all gather together, and we'll do a
23 review of all that information. And then we'll make a
24 selection, and then at that point we'll do a write up and
25 offer the position to the chosen candidate.
1 MS. BARNES-PARKER: Thank you.
2 MS. MOGK: All right. The next item is the
3 training center business plan and the status of that.
4 MR. RODGERS: It's kind of on hold, and for an
5 obvious reason I think at this point, until we have a
6 permanent director. There was some preliminary discussion
7 with Lisa Kisiel, who's our acting director, that at that
8 point she and I, in consultation with a couple other staff
9 members, decided to not go forward with what might become her
10 proposed or draft management plan until we had selected a
11 permanent director. I don't think it would be appropriate to
12 have the acting director propose and recommend an operational
13 plan for the training center and then the new person, if it's
14 not that acting director, is stuck with somebody else's plan.
15 So it's on hold, at least for a little while.
16 MS. MOGK: Any questions or comments in that
17 regard? Okay. Well, let's go on to the overview and
18 discussion of the State Plan.
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