[nfbmi-talk] Fw: FOIA Request for Edward Rodgers personnel File
Terry D. Eagle
terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 18 17:09:36 UTC 2013
Two Questions:
1. An Executive secretary is the LOWEST paid employee capable of
researching for such information? LARA much consist of a dull box of
2. Just what is there in Mr. Rodgers' file that LARA and Rodgers seek to
not be disclosed? Inquisitive minds wish to know the answer to that
question. I'd venture to say it might be worth the cost, however given the
corrupt nature of the state administration, I am certain they would find or
invent a way to not disclose that which LARA and Rodgers does not want known
-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of joe
harcz Comcast
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 5:31 PM
To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: FOIA Request for Edward Rodgers personnel File
Hmm...Cheaper than I thought. A real bargain.
----- Original Message -----
From: Farmer, Mel (LARA)
To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net)
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:30 PM
Subject: FOIA Request for Edward Rodgers personnel File
November 14, 2013
Mr. Paul Joseph, Jr.
1365 E. Mt Morris Rd.
Mt. Morris, MI 48458
joeharcz at comcat.com
RE: Freedom of Information Act Request/Edward Rodgers Personnel File
Dear Mr. Harcz:
This notice is in response to your November 8, 2013 emailed Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq., request for copies of existing,
nonexempt public records, in accessible format, within the Michigan
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) you describe as: ".the
complete personnel file of Mr. Edward F. Rodgers II."
Per MCL 15.235, Section 5(2)(c) of the state's FOIA, your request is
partially granted and partially denied, subject to the payment of allowable
fee charges to comply with your request pursuant to MCL 15.234, Section 4(3)
of the state's FOIA.
As you may be aware, nothing in the state's FOIA or the federal Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires a public body to process a FOIA request
free of charge. The state's FOIA (MCL 15.234), allows a public body to
charge a fee for processing particular FOIA requests. And whereas, the
federal ADA and Section 504 mandate that, upon request, certain
material/records be provided a requester in an accessible format free of
charge, neither precludes a public body from charging fees under the state's
FOIA. Thusly, please note that no labor fee charges have been, or will be,
assessed for converting existing, nonexempt public records responsive to
your request in an accessible format to forward to you.
Regarding the granted portion of your request, MCL 15.234, Section 4(3) of
the state's FOIA provides that a public body may charge certain processing
costs related to complying with FOIA requests, including labor for public
record searches; records examination, review, and the deletion and
separation of any exempt from nonexempt material; any duplication or
publication; and any mailing costs. The labor costs are based on the hourly
wages (including benefits) of the lowest paid LARA employees capable of
performing the necessary tasks to comply with your FOIA request. To process
this particular request, the lowest paid capable employee, an Office of
Human Resources (OHR) Executive Secretary 10, must be drawn away from her
regular assignments and duties for an estimated minimum of 3 hours. The
estimated 3 hours cost is $124.71 to retrieve, review, examine and redact
personal information exempted from disclosure by MCL 15.243, Section 13(1)
of the state's FOIA. Based on the abovementioned reasons and LARA's
published FOIA policies/procedures, it has been determined that failure to
charge a fee, in this particular instance, will result in unreasonably high
The estimated cost to comply with this particular request is calculated as
--Salary, including benefits of OHR Executive Secretary 10 @ $41.57/hour X 3
hours =$124.71
To complete the processing of this FOIA request, LARA requires payment of
$124.71 be sent to:
Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs
Office Services Mailroom
7150 Harris Drive, P.O. Box 30015
Lansing, MI 48909
Upon receiving payment of $124.71 as instructed above, LARA will notify you
of any balance due LARA or owed to you before any responsive records are
forwarded/transmitted. If no payment balance is owed, LARA will complete the
processing of this FOIA request; inform you of any claimed disclosure
denials; and inform you of your statutory remedial rights under the state's
/S/Melvin Farmer, Jr.
Central FOIA Coordinator
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