[nfbmi-talk] (no subject)
trising at sbcglobal.net
trising at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 21 00:26:13 UTC 2013
August 17 2013 Quarterly Board Meeting minutes of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
Quorum yes, Larry Posont, Joe
Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle, Nick Wilcox, Dave Robinson and
Mary Wurtzel.
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson
moved to adopt the June 1 Quarterly Minutes of the National
Federation of the Blind of Michigan. Mary Wurtzel seconded the
motion. The Quarterly Minutes were approved. Dave Robinson
moved to adopt the August 8 Board Meeting Minutes. Joe Sontag
seconded the motion. The August 8 Minutes were approved. Treasurer's Report" Mark Eagle.
The Newsline Account has 1,783.26. The General Account has
$111,512.11 The Camp Tuhsmeheta grant has 14,129.38. Terri
Wilcox moved to accept the Treasurer's Report. Nick Wilcox
seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
Introduction of Participating Members
President's Report, Larry Posont. Things are coming to a head
relating to Agency policies. Three Policy Statements have been
written that include a General Agency Statement, a Business
Enterprise Statement and an Americans with Disabilities
Accessibility Statement. Press releases will be written. The
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan website was down for
thirty days. Mark Eagle is now running it. Press releases will
be issued on a weekly basis with links to the National Federation
of the Blind of Michigan website. A press release on
Scholarships from the National Federation of the Blind will be
issued. The Scholarship notice will also be placed on the
website. A Speaker's Bureau will be developed and placed on the
website. The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan must
be present at the Legislature in Lansing in September every time
it is in session. The Michigan Affiliate needs a part-time
employee to assist with all that needs to be done. It is hard
for volunteers to travel in order to accomplish all that needs to
be done. $250 per year has been spent for press releases.
Eventually, press releases will generate interest in our issues
in the public, media, and Legislature. Ed Rodgers was never
going to fund Newsline. The base cost for Newsline is $52,500
with nothing extra. During the past two years The Commission for
the Blind paid $20,000. It is time to pay the proper amount for
Newsline or it will be shut off. Opportunities Unlimited for the
Blind asked for money. Rodgers said he would give $20,000 but
never did. The Agency is not taught to use Newsline to assist
clients in finding jobs. The Agency is being destroyed. Rodgers
has been Director for ten months. Terry Eagle spearheaded
writing the policy statements. Terry Eagle thanks people who
gave perspective on the documents. Information in the Business
Enterprise document is backed up by the audit. Eventually, the
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan will write an
article on client's rights from the Agency. An article like this
has already been written nationally that discusses what the
Commission for the Blind should do. Dave Robinson moved to
approve the general statement on the Bureau of Services for Blind
Persons. Joe Sontag seconded the motion. The motion was
approved. Six to eight bullets of one to two sentences each are
suggested as an Executive Summary. Names of groups must be
correct in the document. Staffers of Legislators look for more
information so the length is correct. Condensing the material
into a few words may cause people not to read the entire
document. It is suggested that we clarify some wording and
shorten some sentences. Drop titles after introductions. Send the changed version to the
board. Dave Robinson moved that
The Business Enterprise Program position statement be supported
by the organization with necessary changes for accuracy. Nick
Wilcox seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Dave
Robinson moved to approve the Accessibility Position Statement.
The motion was approved. Legislative Report, Joe Sontag. Since
it is summer, nothing is happening concerning the Business
Enterprise Program bills including Hb 4549. Nothing is happening
except things are bogged down concerning making freedom of access
bills that facilitate open government without payments attached.
The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons has 113 Full time
employments for the next fiscal year. A new division has been
created and funded all from rehabilitation dollars. The Bureau
of Services for Blind Persons hired six or seven new management
positions. Essenberg has the rank of 17 with two people
reporting to him. His location has still not been placed on the
bid line. It was given to a blind vendor from the next building.
The current manager will continue to do for the new operator what
she did for Essenberg. It is not right to give a temporary
license to an operator who is running another location. There
are two locations with one operator receiving profit. There has
been no luck in getting response from our senators concerning the
Workforce Reinvestment Act. Section 511 authorizes disabled
people to be placed in subminimum wage work. There is also
language that moves Rehabilitation Services from the Department
of Education to the Department of Labor. This language must be
taken out. Contact Senators and ask that they meet with our
delegation in person or with their staffers. Possible Leadership Seminar, Thursday November
14-through Sunday
November 17 2013. The bus costs $4,500 to travel to Baltimore.
The National Center can hold 50 people. A $50 nonrefundable
deposit is required. The National Federation of the Blind of
Michigan has until Monday or Tuesday after State Convention to
back out of the contract with the bus. The trip will not occur
if less than 35 people sign up. At the latest, bring $50 to
State Convention, but this is a first come first served trip.
The bus will return late Sunday night. If you wish to guarantee
your spot on the trip send money to the Treasurer. Michigan Association of Guide Dog Users,
written by Larry Keeler,
read by Terri Wilcox. It is suggested that we write a Resolution
concerning Guide Dog Law and that we go to the Legislature to
have Michigan's Guide Dog law updated. The email address to
subscribe for the Michigan Association of Guide Dog Users list is
Micgdu at nfbnet.orgFuture Relationship of Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind and
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan for next year's
Youth Programming. Money sent for Science Camp was returned.
The original rough draft budget for Braille Camp came in at
$9,500. Extraneous items were removed. 3,500 is still owed.
The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan may lose the
deposit for the camp up north. Science Camp was closed because
of whooping cough. The cost of $17,000 was negated because
Science Camp was closed. A written statement was requested from
someone who worked at the camp. They may or may not send a
response. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind did not have a
lifeguard. The Director of camp was fired earlier in the season.
A Bell Program is suggested for next year. Should we do the
Science program at or away from Camp Tuhsmeheta next year?
Members of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan would
like to conduct Science programming. We do not want to be
required to obtain a license. How will we conduct Science
programming if not through Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind?
A letter is ready to go out about the relationship between
Opportunities Unlimited For the Blind and the National Federation
of the Blind of Michigan. A contract must be written by the end
of September. The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
owns talking Lab Quest equipment. It is proposed that we teach
blind kids to do Science with their peers. It is suggested that
we seek proposals from Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind and
other camp entities for our programming. Money has been carried
over for youth programming from one year to the next. Larry
Posont asked Terri Wilcox to investigate the possibility of a
Bell Program for next year and report to the Board. Chemistry,
Ph, navigable waterways, soil and food are all past subjects for
Science Camp. It should be verified that the camp up north got
the money. Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind does not get
first choice of when it uses Camp Tuhsmeheta. Opportunities
Unlimited for the Blind was only allowed one week end for blind
kids this summer. The budget is heavy administratively with
6,400 for wages. It will not paid until it is itemized. There
is an undercurrent in Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind that
does not like the Federation. It is recommended that a decision
is made between now and the end of September. Hostility to the
Federation is growing in Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind.
The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan has made a
difference in the lives of blind kids at Camp. There is a belief
that Camp TUHSMEHETA will be offered to someone else to buy after
the blind community is worn down. A committee consisting of Fred
Wurtzel, Donna Posont, Terri Wilcox and Nick Wilcox will report
back to the Board by the end of September concerning
Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind and youth programming for
next year. We have contact information from kids.
Braille Camp
Update, Terri Wilcox. We did not get much cooperation regarding
Braille Camp from the Camp staff. Prom was pushed into our
Braille Camp without our consent. In spite of difficulties six
out of seven students increased Braille reading speeds. Two
students learned the Braille alphabet. Two students reviewed
contractions or read aloud with a volunteer who assisted with
their accuracy. It was a successful Braille Camp. Twenty-six
boxes of Braille books were taken to camp and given away to
Affiliate Program for Youth and College Students
The Student Division will be a connection between youth and
adults at Convention. Use the energy of youth and develop a
presentation to generate interest connecting mentors to youth.
Each chapter could have one trained female and one trained male
mentor for youth. There could be a goal of five adults being
trained for mentoring youth. We could begin with one or two
adults mentoring youth. We must drum up interest in mentoring.
Assist youth from Braille Camp to become involved in mentoring.
Get youth on facebook.
State Convention Update, October 18-20.
Parents of blind kids must be mentored. There is a segment of
the web page for parents. Joe Ruffalo is the National
Representative. He has been successful at conducting senior
seminars. Larry Posont and Joe Ruffalo talked about the
affiliate and services through the Agency. Get out the theme.
Prime rib will be available at the banquet. Registration is $15
online and $20 at the door. The banquet costs $35 online and $40
at the door.
Child care is taken care
of at State Convention.
The Website is alive, both the front page and the Convention
page! Fill out the Registration page right now! The website is
moving at the speed of content.
The website
address is nfbmi.org. One letter has been sent out to invite
Steve Delongchamp to show the new voting machine at State
Convention. Joe Sontag will write the flyer for State
Senior Fair Update, Mary Wurtzel. The senior
seminar will be from 1:00 to 5:00 Friday afternoon. Terry Eagle,
Leonard Gross, and Lillian Quickly will be on the Senior
committee with Mary Wurtzel. Stations will be around the room
that include letter writing and signatures, cutting up apples and
slicing cheese. At Guys and Scrip Talk may also be there. Wine
may also be available with the cheese.
Network to get seniors from
Association for the Blind to state convention. A personal story about success would be good
for the senior fair at State Convention.
Newsline: Larry Posont
worked hard to keep Newsline operational and does not want it
turned off. It must be completely funded. Rodgers asked many
questions and said he will not fund Newsline because we will not
answer them all. We believe he has trouble because the National
Federation of the Blind runs it. 3,100 people are subscribed to
Newsline. Basic service is $52,000. If two newspapers are
added, at a cost of 20,000 for the first year and 10,000 for the
next, plus 40,000 for advertising, the total cost is $112,000 for
Newsline. The Affiliate is making better use of the white cane
list. On Monday or Tuesday a press release will be issued
concerning Newsline.
Resolutions Committee, Dave Robinson. Write a Resolution on
Guide Dog Law. Contact Resolutionatnfbmi.org.
Fund Raising for the National Federation of the Blind of
Michigan. The membership must fund raise for the Affiliate and
the expansion of Newsline. A grant writer for the Affiliate fund
raising projects is needed. Fund raising can also occur in the
Upper Peninsula which is favorable to the Federation. Mark Eagle
is searching for a grant writer. A small steady stream of income
is suggested. Bequests yield mixed results. A committee for
long term funding of the organization consists of Larry Posont,
Dave Robinson and Mark Eagle. The Affiliate must get out of the
business of tote bag sales! Cinnamon almonds all sold at
Convention. These sell well for a good profit margin. Place
stickers for car donations on bulletin boards. Car donations are
on the website. Discussions with general counsel at the national
level have not yielded a lot of encouragement. It is suspected
that the national office is cutting down on monetary expenses.
Rehabilitation agencies are serving multiply handicapped clients.
Rehabilitation is tearing down independence and promoting
Supplemental Security Income and subsidized housing. There is a
class system in this state to keep blind people on welfare. The
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan must take the lead
and is gathering data. Invite Legislators to state convention.
Three hotels and sites were investigated for state Convention
2014. In Lansing, the Kellogg Center wanted to charge $91 per
night. The Holiday Inn Gateway in Flint is another possibility.
The Holiday Inn downriver does not seem as interested. Follow up
with Flint and bring to the Board so that the 2014 Convention
location can be announced at the 2013 Convention.
Chapter Reports: The Lansing Chapter has Macy's shop for the
cause passes that are $5. The Lansing Chapter had a picnic at
Morris Park on Saturday August 24 from 12:00 to 5:00. Mark Eagle
will become President in September because the President leaves
for college in Albion. The Jackson Chapter will conduct an
information fair on October 15 in Westwood Mall. The chapter is
growing and meeting new people. The Ann Arbor Chapter is seeking
new members. One new person came in August. Scholarship
information has been distributed widely and was placed on the
listserv. The Grand Rapids Chapter is still recruiting new
members. More members are needed for elections. The Kalamazoo
Chapter restructuring may occur in late September.
Joe Sontag moved to adjourn at 3:30 P.M. Mary Wurtzel seconded
the motion. The Board meeting adjourned.
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