[nfbmi-talk] Minutes NationalFederationofthe Blindof MichiganBoard Meeting March 20, 2014

Elizabeth Mohnke lizmohnke at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 1 18:42:46 UTC 2014

Hello Terry and All,

It is really sad to see a request for a simple correction in the conference 
call board meeting minutes to escalate into a great debate that has 
absolutely nothing to do with the minutes of this meeting.

Although I am generally impressed by the quality of the meeting minutes, I 
thought these ones were poorly written. There are several places where a 
person who was not at the meeting was cited as providing a report during the 
meeting despite their absence from the meeting. Meanwhile, those who 
provided reports during this meeting are not mentioned. This seems to go 
against the norm of how the minutes are generally presented.

Since I was the one who brought up the subject of whether or not the state 
affiliate was going to sponsor a college scholarship program to be awarded 
at state convention, I felt as though the way this was mentioned in the 
minutes did not adequately reflect what actually took place during the 
meeting. Regardless of how a committee is appointed or whether or not it 
needs any appropriations to be created is really beside the point here as 
neither one of these took place during the meeting. Since I do not recall 
either the President or the board appointing a committee for the college 
scholarships during this meeting, I do not believe this action should be 
recorded in the minutes if it did not take place during the meeting.

Now as for deeming some activities within our organization as being more 
important or less important than others, I believe this only does a great 
disservice to our organization. Not everyone has the innate ability to raise 
money for our organization, but that should not mean they are any less 
valuable to the organization when they are able to contribute to the 
organization in their own unique way. Failing to recognize the ways in which 
members contribute to this organization only seems to push people away from 
the organization.

The fact that requests were made to the email list within the past month for 
minutes from the quarterly board meeting would seem to indicate that the 
minutes are valued by members of this organization. Simple corrections have 
always been accepted as part of the approval process. I do not see how my 
request is any different from any other request that has been made in the 
past. However, I am sorry that my simple request only seemed to lead to a 
great debate regarding how committees are created and operate within this 
organization. This was never the intent of my email, and I am sorry this 
debate took place.

Warm regards,

From: "Terry D. Eagle" <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 10:15 AM
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes NationalFederationofthe	BlindofMichiganBoardMeeting March 20, 2014

> As Fred pointed out, the existence of a AFFILIATE STANDING COMMITTEE is 
> not
> dependent on an appropriation of funds, or any decision by the affiliate 
> or
> committee to act in any manner.  The affiliate has had a scholarship
> committee as many years as my memory allows, at least as long as Mark has
> been alive, when I served on the affiliate Scholarship Committee.  Some
> years the affiliate has funds and other years it does not for a certain
> cause, and that does not change the philosophy, mission, or make-up of the
> organization structure from year-to-year.
> I believe this points out the strong need for this organization to
> continuously find methods to raise funds to promote and carry-out the
> philosophy, mission, and collective dreams of our members--namely, change
> what it means to be blind in a world with vision beyond sight.
> The upcoming joint chapter affiliate walk-a-thon, is a prime example of
> which I write about raising funds for the advancement and fulfillment of 
> the
> organization's philosophy, mission, and dreams.  Everyone who believes in
> the philosophy, mission, and dreams of the NFB, should be involved in the
> walk-a-thon to raise funds to advance the work of our chapter and 
> affiliate
> Committees.
> Did you know, the National Funeral Directors has reported that the average
> person who dies, and that is all of us at some point in time, knows an
> average of 300 people we each know by way of relatives, friends, fellow
> employees, students, and social and faith-based associates and
> acquaintances, and that average number is nearly borne out by the number 
> of
> social media contacts many Americans have on there chosen social media 
> page
> contacts.
> Imagine if each person who believes in the philosophy, mission, and dreams
> of the NFB, made a personal commitment to raise just $1 from 300 people,
> which translate to $each NFB supporter bringing in $300 for the 
> walk-a-thon,
> just imagine the programs, such as chapter and membership building, 
> Braille
> training outreach, scholarships to attend state and national conventions,
> Washington Seminar, college scholarships, and other  programs and causes, 
> we
> the NFB are  engaged and and wish to advance.
> Is $300 raised by each NFB supporters readily achievable?  Certainly.  For
> those who desire to say that they don't know 300 people, as the national
> funeral directors association suggest, just consider how easy it is to
> secure $10 from the 30 family members, friend, and acquaintances we may or
> might have in our life, past or present.  $300 is easily achievable I
> submit.  If each NFB supporter just secured a $10 pledge or donation for 
> the
> walk-a-thon, whether you can walk in the event or not, at the rate of one
> $10 per day for the 45 days that remain before the walk-a-thon date, that 
> is
> 45 $10 contributions, or $450 to turn in toward this fund raiser.  So you
> can see how easy $300 is  a cinch to raise in 45 days with little effort.
> Please do your part if you are reading this, as you must believe in the 
> work
> that the NFB is doing to change what it means to be blind in Michigan and
> across this great nation.  Please get a pledge form from the nfbmi.org
> website, and talk, tweet, or write your way to $300, $450, or more
> contributions toward the walk-a-thon in each of the next 45 days.
> Finally, can anyone recall the last time you went back to read the minutes
> of a NFB board meeting?  Better yet, can anyone recall a case of a blind
> person being discriminated against employment, access to public programs 
> and
> services, a student not getting the books, supports, or funds to achieve a
> quality education, in order to achieve the skills for competitive
> employment, or avoid the slave wages of a sweatshop employment opportunity
> for life, or a senior citizen that feels that a useful, fulfilling life is
> over because of vision loss, and wondering how they shall survive in the
> darkness of blindness?  The latter are the cause and work of the NFB to
> overcome to change, for positive, what it means to be blind in employment,
> education, independence at home and in the community, and much more for a
> finer quality and fulfillment of life dreams, collectively and 
> individually.
> This is the first of forty-five days for each of us who believe in the 
> NFB,
> to take decisive consistent personal daily action to do our easy part to
> make the May 17 walk-a-thon fundraiser event a fabulous financial and NFB
> outreach success!  Please, let all of us put energy where it can really
> matter--in the lives of blind persons present and future.  This challenge 
> is
> ours as individual NFB supportwes to embrace and achieve or not--a matter 
> of
> priority, dedication, commitment and personal action for the next 45 days.
> Note to chapter, division, and interest committee presidents and leaders:
> Please widely distribute this fundraising challenge to your members and
> supporters immediately.  The clock is ticking toward the May 17 event.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
> Elizabeth Mohnke
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 7:37 PM
> To: NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes National Federationofthe Blindof
> MichiganBoard Meeting March 20, 2014
> Hello Fred,
> It is my understanding that the minutes should reflect what took place
> during the meeting. Since there was no formation of a college scholarship
> committee during this meeting, I do not believe it should be reflected in
> the minutes. As I recall it, Mark Eagle stated he would like to serve on
> this committee when I asked whether or not the state affiliate was going 
> to
> sponsor the college scholarship program again this year. However, I do not
> recall anyone appointing a college scholarship committee during this
> meeting. I just want the minutes to adequately reflect what actually took
> place during the meeting.
> Warm regards,
> Elizabeth
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at att.net>
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 7:14 PM
> To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes National Federation ofthe
> BlindofMichiganBoardMeeting March 20, 2014
>> Hello,
>> There is no need to have an appropriation for scholarships to have a
>> scholarship committtee.  The President may appoint any commmittees he
>> chooses at any time, that is the prorogative of the President.  I am not
>> sure what the issue is here.  No funds have been spent.  The Committee
>> could
>> recommend a number of scholarships with certain values and the board 
>> could
>> then either approve, change or reject the recommendation.  I see no issue
>> here with the minutes.
>> Warmest Regards,
>> Fred
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>> Elizabeth Mohnke
>> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 7:10 PM
>> To: Mark Eagle; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes National Federation of the Blindof
>> MichiganBoard Meeting March 20, 2014
>> Hello Mark,
>> My understanding of a standing committee is one that does not need any
>> kind
>> of approval to continue to exist year after year. However, since the
>> decision to promote a college scholarship program is approved on a year 
>> by
>> year basis, I do not see how the college scholarship committee could be
>> considered a standing committee.
>> In fact, as I understand it, the college scholarship committee has always
>> been formed after the board approves the funds for the college 
>> scholarship
>> program. In 2011, I formed the college scholarship committee after the
>> board
>> approved the funds for the college scholarship program. In 2012 there was
>> no
>> college scholarship committee as the board did not approve the funds for
>> the
>> college scholarship program. Last year, in 2013, the college scholarship
>> committee was again formed after the board approved the funds for the
>> college scholarship program.
>> While I do not have a problem with people stating their desire to
>> volunteer
>> for this committee, I do believe it is a bit premature for the college
>> scholarship committee to start working as the funds have not yet been
>> approves to sponsor such a college scholarship program. Since the board
>> has
>> not always approved the funds for a college scholarship program within 
>> the
>> past recent years, I do not see how there could be any guarantee that 
>> this
>> will indeed happen again this year.
>> Since the board did not make any decisions in regards to the college
>> scholarship committee during this meeting, I believe it should not be
>> reflected this way in the minutes. For example, if the minutes simply
>> stated
>> that questions and concerns regarding whether or not the state affiliate
>> would once again sponsor a college scholarship program, and Mark Eagle 
>> and
>> Terri Wilcox volunteered to look into this possibility further, I would
>> not
>> have a problem as I believe this type of statement better reflects what
>> actually took place during the meeting.
>> Warm regards,
>> Elizabeth
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Mark Eagle" <markaeagle at yahoo.com>
>> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 5:48 PM
>> To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes National Federation of the
>> BlindofMichiganBoardMeeting March 20, 2014
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I don't think the board needs to make a motion to create the
>>> scholarship committee because the scholarship committee is a standing
>>> committee. Just like the resolutions committee. We don't vote every year
>> to re-create it.
>>> As for the make up of the committee that is merely voluntary. No
>>> committee by laws are in place to direct the committee at this time.
>>> The three member of the committee are the state board secretary, state
>>> board treasurer and 1 other at large position.
>>> Although money hasn't been appropriated we have had a meeting about
>>> recomendations to the board. Such as scholarship dates, deadlines,
>>> application and application process. Our findings will be presented to
>>> the board at a future state board meeting.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark Eagle
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Elizabeth Mohnke <lizmohnke at hotmail.com>
>>> To: NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 3:04 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes National Federation of the Blind of
>>> MichiganBoard Meeting March 20, 2014
>>> Hello Terri,
>>> Thank you as always for producing these minutes. However, I have a
>>> couple of questions I would like to ask in regards to these minutes.
>>> First, if I recall correctly, I do not believe Donna attended this
>>> conference call. Therefore, how was it possible for her to make a
>>> report during this meeting if she did not attend it in the first
>>> place? If someone else gave the report during the conference call,
>>> then I believe this person should be mentioned in the minutes as the
>>> one who gave the report.
>>> Second, near the end of the minutes it states that "Mark Eagle and
>>> Terri Wilcox will be on the State Affiliate  Scholarship Committee."
>>> However, I do not recall any discussion or motions made to create such
>>> a committee. If the state affiliate would like to sponsor a college
>>> scholarship again this year, then I believe the state affiliate board
>>> would need to make a motion to create such a committee and provide the
>>> appropriations to spend on a scholarship  program. Since there was not
>>> a motion to create such a committee during this meeting, I do not
>>> believe the minutes should reflect the creation of such a committee.
>>> I believe the minutes should adequately reflect what actually took
>>> place during the meeting, and not necessarily what should have taken
>>> place during the meeting, nor intentions of what should take place
>>> after the meeting.
>>> Therefore, if you could please change the minutes to adequately
>>> reflect who provided reports during the meeting, I would greatly
>>> appreciate it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Elizabeth
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: <trising at sbcglobal.net>
>>> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 2:20 PM
>>> To: "nfbmi List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Minutes National Federation of the Blind of
>>> MichiganBoard Meeting March 20, 2014
>>>> Minutes National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting
>>>> March 20, 2014 Quorum Larry Posont, Joe Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Mark
>>>> Eagle, Derek Moore and
>>>> Dave Robinson      Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox.
>>>> Dave Robinson moved to adopt the January 23 Minutes.  Derek Moore
>>>> seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  Treasurer's Report, Mark
>>>> Eagle.  The numbers were the same as during the Quarterly Meeting.
>>>> Introduction of Participating Members President's Report, Larry
>>>> Posont.  Donna Posont is having a Birding Week end.  The Agenda has
>>>> been posted.  Space is still available to attend.
>>>> Fund Raising Committee, Mark Eagle, Marcus Simmons and Joe Sontag.
>>>> Background research was done on dividend companies.  Three companies
>>>> were targeted.  The President or Board can determine how much money
>>>> to put into the project.  Dividends are paid at least once a year
>>>> with some paying every three or four months.  It is necessary to
>>>> decide how much money to put toward dividends for the next 18 months.
>>>> The Board needs a detailed report to decide whether dividends is a
>>>> good way to earn more money.  Who would manage it and what taxes are
>>>> involved? Leadership Seminar Follow Up.  Leadership Seminar in
>>>> Michigan, Dave Robinson, Mike Powell, Mary Wurtzel, and J.J.
>>>> Meddaugh.  The date is for the Michigan leadership Seminar is
>>>> September 5.  Kim Mohnke and Mike Powell will create the list of
>>>> invitees to the retreat.  The President can also invite.  Fred
>>>> Wurtzel and Lydia Schuck are working on the program plus inviting
>>>> someone from the national office to come and facilitate.  Washington
>>>> Seminar Follow Up, J.J.  Meddaugh.
>>>> Follow up with Walberg? Upton? Bentivolio? It is necessary to speak
>>>> directly with Walberg.  Walberg is on KMI on Friday and might be
>>>> reached.  The Kmi phone number and time for Walberg's visit via radio
>>>> are needed.  RepresentativeCongressman Dan Kildee said he would
>>>> support Teach and Subminimum Wage legislation.  National Convention,
>>>> 2014, Orlando Florida July 1-6 Rosen Center Hotel.
>>>> National Convention Funding Assistance? People must register for
>>>> Convention, sign up to work the exhibit table and register for the
>>>> banquet in order to obtain assistance.  They must also call or email
>>>> Larry Posont at (313(727-3546 or (906) 387-3546 or email at
>>>> president.nfbmi at gmail.com Four or five people have requested
>>>> assistance for National Convention.  It is likely that people who
>>>> request assistance will receive $250 unless more than twelve
>>>> individuals request assistance.  A glass cup with the Braille
>>>> Alphabet is a possibility as a sale item for National Convention.
>>>> The mug would sell better with a lid.  Sell mugs for $10.  May 17
>>>> Board Meeting/Walk-A-Thon in Lansing? The Walk-a-thon will be
>>>> followed by a meeting and picnic.  Check the list serv rather website
>>>> for details.  The pledge forms will be out later this week.
>>>> Insurance will be obtained for the Walk-a-thon.  The Bell Program is
>>>> August 4-15.
>>>> Mailing List Etiquette Report by Joe Sontag and Nick Wilcox.  Nick
>>>> Wilcox and Joe Sontag will develop guidelines for the listserv.
>>>> Science Camp Report, Fred Wurtzel.  Science Camp is July 28 to August 
>>>> 1.
>>>> Resolutions Update.  Marcus Simmons is helping get a Dr.  Nemeth day
>>>> into the Legislature. Senator Vincent Gregory is putting together a
>>>> bill.  Joe Harcz is working on Resolutions.  There was a long
>>>> discussion about blind vendors at the Capitol and State Plate.
>>>> The Dog Guide Committee will meet the second Sunday of each month at
>>>> 6:00 via the conference line.  Old Business: A letter was written
>>>> regarding the wood carving show stating that the blind should be
>>>> paying to attend.  There is a vendor Fair in Lansing March
>>>> 21 showing six voting machines that could be used in Michigan.
>>>> Feedback is sought.  There is a form available to obtain Hava funds
>>>> to improve accessibility at polling sites.  New Business: The Members
>>>> at Large Chapter will meet via the conference line on Monday March 24
>>>> at 6:30 P.M.  The Flint Chapter will meet on April 12 at the Flint
>>>> Library.  The Meeting will be 12:00-2:00.  State Convention is at the
>>>> Holiday Inn Gateway in Flint from October 10-12.
>>>> Mark Eagle and Terri Wilcox will be on the State Affiliate
>>>> Scholarship Committee.  Joe Sontag moved to adjourn at 9-40.  Terri
>>>> Wilcox seconded the motion.  The motion passed.
>>>> ---
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