[nfbmi-talk] National Federation of the Blind Of Oklahoma

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 21:13:00 UTC 2014

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
7189 Connors Rd.
Munising, MI 49862

Dear Michigan Federationists:

     Here is something that you may wish to read and sign up to attend
in Baltimore at the 	National Center.

Larry Posont
 National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
 (906) 387-3546
Email: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
 Web page: www.nfbmi.org

Munising home of the beautiful Pictured Rocks.

Celebrating 40 Years of Action!

National Federation of the Blind Of Oklahoma

Hope: The Intersection Between Our Past and Our Future
Live the life you want!

2014 National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma Annual Convention
April 11-13, 2014

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create
obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can have the life
you want; blindness is not what holds you back.

Jeannie Massay, President
457 N. Blackwelder Ave.
Edmond, OK 73034
jeannie.massay at nfbok.org




       I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National
Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security
for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation;
and to abide by its constitution.

Board of Directors

Jeannie Massay

1st Vice President
Audrey T. Farnum

2nd vice President
Dorothy C. Robinson

Steve Shelton

Tim Willison

Board Members
Jedi Moerke
Glenda Farnum
Rob Brown

National Representative
Mark A. Riccobono
Director, Jernigan Institute

Doubletree by Hilton Tulsa - Warren Place		
6110 South Yale Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74136

Room reservations must be made directly with the Doubletree Hotel by
Hilton Tulsa @ Warren Place by calling the hotel directly at this
toll-free number 1-800-801-1317.  Attendees must request the group
rate for National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma.  Our rate per
evening for singles through quads is $94.00 + applicable room and tax
per evening.

Hotel layout and points of interest
The Doubletree Hotel features a simple layout that consists of a long
hallway from east to west with a gentle curve to the north on the west
end.  The NFB convention will use the lobby level, the floor just
beneath the lobby, and the sleeping section.

The Lobby
The lobby is located at the midpoint of the east to west hallway.  The
Main entrance is located on the north side of the lobby.  The front
desk is located to the west at 3 o'clock as you enter the hotel.  A
coffee shop is located to the south southwest at 11 o'clock.  An
eastward hallway leading to some escalators and to the hotel
restaurants are at 9 o'clock.

>From the Front Desk
The elevator Bank leading to the sleeping floor is located across the
hall to the south at 9 o'clock when facing the front desk.  This is
the only elevator bank that serves the sleeping section.  It also
serves the meeting rooms down below.  Parkview East is our meeting
room for General Session.  It is located across the hall directly in
front of the elevator bank once on the lower level.

Hotel Restaurants
The hotel has two restaurants: a pub-style restaurant and an upscale
lounge.  Both of these are located to the east of the lobby located at
9 o'clock as you stand with the main entrance to your back.  The pub
sits along the north wall and the lounge sits to the southwest across
the hall.

Meeting Rooms
This hotel has two sets of meeting rooms.  The NFB convention will use
the Denver room for its blood drive and some of the breakout sessions.
 This room is located on the east side of a north south hallway that
starts across the hall from the hotel pub.  This hallway ends at a set
of glass doors and elevators that take you to Parkview at the south
end.  This set of elevators can be used to access the meeting rooms
below.  It is recommended, however, that NFB participants use the
elevator by the front desk, as it is closer to Parkview East.  A set
of escalators between the lobby and hotel restaurants also provide
access to the meeting rooms.

Hotel Spa and Fitness Center
the Doubletree Hotel features a fitness center and spa which are
located at the west end of the hallway below the lobby.  These
facilities can be accessed using the escalators or the elevators
closest to the front desk.  The hotel also provides a manicured
walking trail for guests along the south side of the hotel.

Additional Notes
Emergency exits: emergency exits from the sleeping floors are located
along the south side of the hallways closer to the west end.

Snacks and ice: each sleeping floor has a set of vending machines and
an icemaker which is located on the south side of the hallways just to
the east of the elevator bank.  These are hard to hear as they are
typically stationed behind a closed door.

Complementary shuttle: the hotel offers guests a complimentary shuttle
that runs from about 7 AM to 10 PM.  The shuttle will pick up and drop
off guests within a three-mile radius.  This shuttle also transports
guests to and from transport stations such as Tulsa International
Airport.  It is a good idea to provide flight information to the hotel
ahead of time so they can more easily find you.  The shuttle seats
about 10 people.

Surrounding points of interest: the Doubletree Hotel at Warren Place
is surrounded by restaurants, shopping, and entertainment within a
3-mile radius.  The Brookside shopping district is located along S.
Peoria Ave. to the west. 71st St. has restaurants of several types
located south of the hotel. There are a couple of restaurants within
walking distance.

Convention Schedule

Friday, April 11
8:00-8:45		Registration
9:00-11:00		Board Meeting - Open to all members
11:00-1:00		Lunch on your own / boxed lunches available
11:00-8:00		Exhibit Hall
1:00-2:00		Resolutions Committee
2:15-10:00		Seminars & Division Meetings

Saturday, April 12,
8:00-9:45		Registration
9:00-12:00		General Session
12:00-1:30		Lunch on your own
1:30-5:00		General Session
7:00-10:00		Banquet

Sunday, April 13		
9:00-12:00		Technology Fair
10:00-11:00		Cane walk for kids and their parents

Registration & Registration Packages - Registration form and
instructions are located at the end of this agenda.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday - $90.00
Includes Registration for all 3 days, Lunch on Friday and Saturday
Banquet ticket.

Saturday & Sunday - 75.00
Includes Registration for Saturday and Sunday, and Saturday Banquet Ticket.

Saturday Only Packages
Registration and Banquet Ticket - $65.00
Registration by day (One Day) - $25.00
Banquet Ticket Only - $50.00

The Presidential Suite will be open throughout convention, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday morning.  Light refreshments will be available.
Should you like to speak directly with Jeannie, please call to make an
appointment specifically with her by calling 405-600-0695.

Exhibit Hall hours are from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm on Friday April 11th.
The Exhibit Hall is located in the Parkview Pre-function area.

NEW!!!!	Mentoring Members
A new program designed to acquaint new members and interested parties
to the organizational mission and purpose of the National Federation
of the Blind of Oklahoma, our chapters, divisions, and to the larger
national organization.  If you, as a current member, are interested in
working with a new member, are a new member or are interested in
joining our organization, please contact Rex Schuttler at
rexschuttler at gmail.com  or by phone at 918-955-6761

NEW!!!!	Mini-BELL - Braille Enrichment for Literacy & Learning
At the 2014 NFBOK convention, we will hold our first ever mini-BELL
program.  Children ages 4 to 14 are invited to attend.  BELL will
focus on Braille instruction, games, scavenger hunts and more.  You
won't have to leave your blind child at home to attend this
convention!  Contact Tamala Young at talk2tam at sbcglobal.net  or by
phone at 405-830-9177.

NEW!!!!	Parents: Finding the Answers for You and Your Blind Child
"When I found out that my child was blind, I was panicked.  What do I
do?  Who can help me?  Where is the manual?  I searched for resources,
but I was overwhelmed".
In order to reach out to parents of blind children and provide vital
support, encouragement, and information.  We would like to invite all
parents, relatives, educators, blind adults, and others interested in
promoting opportunities for blind children and youth in Oklahoma to
join us for a day full of seminars about Braille instruction,
orientation and mobility, the IEP process and advocacy.  For more
information about the parent seminars, please contact Jeannie Massay
at jmassay1 at cox.net  or by phone at 405-600-0695.

Oklahoma Association of Blind Merchants   (OABM) - Annual Division Meeting
As a proud division of the National Federation of the Blind of
Oklahoma the OABM is an organization of blind merchants, many of whom,
participate in the Blind Entrepreneurs  program  under the Federal
Randolph Sheppard Act in the state of Oklahoma, or are self-employed.
The OABM provides information regarding rehabilitation, social
security, tax, and other issues, which directly affect blind
merchants.  OABM serves as an advocacy and support organization within
the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma.  For information
about the OABM Division meeting or about the OABM, please contact Rob
Brown at RobertLBrown42 at yahoo.com or by phone at 918-906-3613.

Oklahoma Association of Blind Students (OK-ABS) - Annual Division Meeting
As the Student division of the National Federation of the Blind of
Oklahoma, OK-ABS is an organization for blind students.  We work to
promote the equality of the blind by serving as a source of
information, a forum for networking and vehicle for collective action
for blind students.  Our work on the local, state and national levels
is firmly rooted in the conviction that blindness need not prevent one
from excelling in a chosen field of study or living a full and
productive life.  Open to blind students living in Oklahoma.  For more
information, please contact Brooke Anderson at
brookenicholeanderson at gmail.com
or by phone at 918-830-4214.
Convention Agenda
Friday, April 11, 2014

9:00-11:00		Oklahoma Affiliate Board Meeting
			Parkview East
			Open to all Affiliate of Oklahoma Members
			Jeannie Massay, President, NFBOK Affiliate

11:15-12:30	Mentoring Members Luncheon
			Presidential Suite
			Chapter Presidents, Mentor Members, and New Members
						participating in the Mentoring Members program meet for lunch
and 				learn about the National Federation of the Blind
			Jeannie Massay, President, NFBOK Affiliate

11:00-3:00		National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma / Oklahoma
Blood 					Institute Blood Drive and Bone Marrow Registry
			Denver Room
			Donate Blood and / or register on the National Bone marrow Donor
				Database.  Donations will benefit Harley, a teenage Texan
						Federationist fighting leukemia.
			For more information and to sign up to reserve your time slot call
					Jeannie Massay at 405-600-0695

1:00 - 2:00		Resolutions Committee Meeting
			Parkview East
			At this meeting, resolutions regarding the policy of the National
					Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma are introduced to the
Committee 				with discussion amongst committee members and open to
comment 				by the general membership.  The resolutions will be voted
on by the 				committee for later introduction, and vote to the
membership at large.
			Glenda Farnum, Resolutions Committee Chair

2:15-6:00		Mini-BELL: Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning
			Presidential Suite
			The goal of this program is to provide children ages 4-12 with two
days 				of intense Braille instruction through fun, hands-on learning
			Lots of fun, meet new friends, reacquaint with old ones, you know,
from 			the BELL program last summer or from other blind camps in
					Oklahoma.  You can make your parents go to other meetings, while
you 				learn and have tons of fun!
			Tamala Young, Oklahoma Bell Program Coordinator

2:15 - 3:45		Colorado Center for the Blind
			Tulsa Learning Theatre
			Learn about the programs offered by the Colorado Center and other
				Structured Discovery Centers for the Blind, run and taught by the
				blind.  The Colorado Center for the Blind is a world-renowned
training 				center located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in
Littleton, 					Colorado, about 13 miles south of Denver.  Since its
establishment in 				1988, the Colorado Center has provided innovative
teaching techniques 				and philosophy that continues to have
Far-reaching effects on the lives 				of blind people, taking them to
new heights of independence and self-				reliance.  Sponsored by the
National Federation of the Blind (NFB), the 				Colorado Center
training techniques and teaching methods are based 				on the positive
philosophy of the NFB which states that, "with proper 				training and
opportunity, blind people can compete on terms of equality 			with
their sighted peers".
			Kimberly McCutcheon, Director, Career & Student Services
			Colorado Center for the Blind

2:15-3:45		Sports & Recreation
			Parkview West
			Do you love Rowing, Goal ball, Fencing, Tandem Cycling?  Many of
our 			affiliate members actively participate in all of these
activities and more.  			Join in on discussion of participation in
these sports as blind athletes, or 			if you are interested in
becoming one!  All individuals interested in 				forming a Sports &
Rec. Division of the NFB of Oklahoma, please 					attend.
			Panelists: Audrey T. Farnum, Tim Willison, Cathy Tuton

2:15 - 3:45		The IEP Process: Know your child's rights and your
responsibilities -
			Parkview East		
			Presentation and discussion of Parent's experiences and solutions
					regarding the Individualized Education Plan for their blind
children, 				shared frustrations and solutions to common concerns.
			Carlton Anne Cook-Walker, President, National Organization of
					Parents of Blind Children
			Kim Cunningham, NOPBC-Texas

4:00-5:30		Oklahoma Association of Blind Merchants (OABM): Annual
					Business Meeting
			Tulsa Learning Theatre
			As a proud division of the National Federation of the Blind of
					Oklahoma, the OABM is an organization of blind merchants, many of
				whom, participate in the Blind Entrepreneurs program under the
					Federal Randolph Sheppard Act in the state of Oklahoma, or are
self-				employed.  The OABM provides information regarding
rehabilitation, 				social security, tax, and other issues, which
directly affect blind 					merchants.  OABM serves as an advocacy and
support organization 				within the National Federation of the Blind
of Oklahoma.
			Rob Brown, President, OABM

4:00-5:30 		Oklahoma Association of Blind Students (OK-ABS) - Annual
Business 				Meeting
			Parkview West
Come together with students of all ages across Oklahoma.  As the
Student Division of the National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma,
OK-ABS is an organization of blind students.  Our work on the local,
state and national levels is firmly rooted in the conviction that
blindness need not prevent one from having fun, excelling in a chosen
field of study or living a full and productive life.  Open to blind
students living in Oklahoma.
Brooke Anderson, President, OK-ABS

4:00-5:30		An Apple in Your Day Brings Accessibility Your Way!
			Denver Room
If you have never heard of IOS, Voice-over, an iPad, iPod or an iphone
you will definitely want to attend this seminar!  If you have heard of
these items 	and have a love/hate relationship with your Apple
product, you will definitely want to attend this seminar!  Learn about
the Apple line of products that the blind can use right off of the
shelf, just like everyone else. Share your favorite tips and pointers
and learn from each other.
			Co-presented and moderated by:
			Mark Riccobono, Director of the Jernigan Institute
			Audrey T. Farnum, Web-master and Apple product junkie

4:00-5:30 		Braille Instruction: Should my Child be Learning to Read Braille?
			Parkview East		
A dilemma often faced and dealt with by parents of blind and visually
impaired children and, by the blind and visually impaired children
themselves. 	The NEW National Reading Media Assessment (NRMA) is a new
assessment tool was developed to identify the medium with which a
child with a visual impairment can most efficiently and 	effectively
achieve literacy.  Learn about the assessment, and how it might 	apply
to your child.  Discussion of how much is enough Braille instruction
for your child will follow the presentation.
			Presented and moderated by:
			Carlton Walker, President NOPBC,	 Mother of a blind child, Teacher
of 			the Visually Impaired and Attorney

5:45-7:15		Legislative Seminar
			Tulsa Learning Theatre
The Legislative process, Building a state legislative network,
National Federation of the Blind of Oklahoma Legislative Agenda, and
the national Legislative agenda of the National Federation of the
Blind are topics covered in this presentation.  Time for group
interaction and discussion will be 	included.
			Glenda Farnum, Legislative Director

5:45-7:15		Want to work?  Where do I Start?  How Can I Get the Job I Want? 	
			Denver Room
A seminar designed to answer questions and provide strategies to
working age, blind adults seeking employment.  Expectations for job
seekers in today's work environment.
			Kimberly McCutcheon, Director, Career & Student Services
			Colorado Center for the Blind

5:45-7:15		Funding our Affiliate	
			Parkview East 	
Development of the Oklahoma Affiliate Fund Raising Committee
Love to ask people for money?  Not many of us do.  However, we need to
learn to love to do it to support the programs and initiatives of the
Oklahoma National Federation of the Blind and our national
organization.  Come together to discuss and plan how we can do this
together Committee members and interested parties should attend.
			Rob Brown, Fundraising Committee Chair

5:45-7:15		Family fun Night!  Meet and Mingle for Parents and Children
			Parkview West
Families from across the state come together to Meet & Greet, Learn,
Laugh and Play together.  Time well spent to get to know each other,
form 	friendships, and unite in a collective voice of action for the
blind children in 	your families.  Discussion of and possible
formation of an Oklahoma Parents of Blind Children Division

7:30-9:00		First Impressions: Keys for Success
			Tulsa Learning Theatre
Image has a direct impact on success in life, education, confidence,
employment and much more.  Topics of discussion include understanding
how words impact image, techniques to build a strong image and
strategies for reaching your life goals.
			Glenda Farnum, Blind Image Consulting

7:30-10:00		OK-ABS Hang out!  Meet and Mingle!	
			Denver Room
You do not have to be a student to hang out with us!  All NFB Ok
Convention attendees are invited to come hang out, listen to music,
play games and interact with each other, talking, texting, tweeting
whatever your preferred method might be!

7:30-8:00		Nominating Committee 	
			Parkview East
			Committee Members Only
			Audrey T. Farnum, Committee Chair  						

8:15-10:00		Chapter Presidents Meeting
			Presidential Suite
Affiliate Board and Chapter Presidents strategic planning for the next
year and beyond: Growing membership, developing programs, and funding
local chapters, the state affiliate, and our national organization.
			Hope abounds!
			Jeannie Massay, President, NFBOK Affiliate

Saturday April 12, 2014

8:00-8:45		Registration	

9:00-9:20		Call to Order & Welcome!
			Jeannie Massay, President

9:20-9:30		Invocation
			Tim Willison, Secretary

9:30-10:00		National Report
			Mark A. Riccobono, Director, Jernigan Institute

10:00-10:30		The State of the State in Oklahoma Rehabilitation
			Joe Cordova
			Director, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation 	

10:30-11:00		Why am I a Federationist?
			Carlton Walker, President, National Organization of Parents of
Blind 				Children
			Kimberly Cunningham, Texas Organization Parents of Blind 					Children

11:00-11:30		Visual Services in Oklahoma
			Doug Boone, Division Administrator, Visual Services
			Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation

11:30-11:45		Colorado Center for the Blind: Acquiring the Skills of
Blindness, 					 at any Age
			Kimberly McCutcheon, Director, Career and Student Services	
			Colorado Center for the Blind

11:45-12:00		The Skills of Blindness: Why I Chose the Colorado Center
for the Blind
			Brian Watts, Current CCB Student, Graduate, University of Oklahoma
				Law School

12:00			Adjourn

12:00-2:00		Lunch

2:00-2:30		Presidential Report: Live the Life You Want
			Jeannie Massay, President, NFB of Oklahoma

2:30-2:50		BELL - Braille Enrichment for Literacy & Learning
			Tamala Young, BELL Coordinator
			Linda Raleigh, Teacher of the Visually Impaired  			

2:50-3:10		Oklahoma Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped
			Kevin Treas, Director, Library Services

3:10-3:30		What is the Jernigan Institute?
			Mark A. Riccobono, Director, Jernigan Institute

3:30-3:50		Resolutions Committee Report
			Glenda Farnum, Legislative & Resolutions Committee Chair

3:50-4:00		Nominating Committee Report & Elections 	
			Audrey T. Farnum, 1st Vice President

4:00-4:30		Report on Strategic Planning Meeting
			Jeannie Massay, President

4:30-5:00		Chapter Reports & Commitments 	
			All Chapters on Deck!

5:00			Adjourn

6:00-8:00		Kid's Pizza Banquet-Presidential suite

7:00-10:00		Banquet - Parkview East

Sunday April 13, 2014

9:00-12:00		Technology Fair
			Parkview East

10:00			Cane Walk for kids


To Pre-register you may cut and copy the form below in an e-mail and
send it directly to Glenda Farnum, Convention Chair at gfarnum at cox.net
 or call by phone and give the information directly to Glenda at

Registration Form
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Cell Phone:
E-mail address:
Additional names of attendees that you are paying for and/or are registering.

Please indicate the number and total for the packages, passes and/ or
banquet tickets that you would like to purchase.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday - $90.00
Includes Registration for all 3 days, Lunch on Friday and Saturday
Banquet ticket.
Number requested:

Saturday & Sunday - $75.00
Includes Registration for Saturday and Sunday, and Saturday Banquet Ticket.
Number requested:

Saturday Only Packages
Registration and Banquet Ticket - $65.00
Number requested:

Registration by day (One Day) - $25.00
For what day:
Number requested:

Friday Boxed Lunch - $20
Number requested:

Banquet Ticket Only - $50.00
Number requested:

Place an X next to the Banquet dinner that you choose to select for
the Saturday evening Banquet, each meal comes with choice of coffee,
tea or water, plated salad, and dessert:
_____ Seared Breast of Chicken - Chicken Breast Seared with a Wild
Mushroom Mashed Potato and Thyme Bordelaise, Chef's Choice of
_____ Basil Crusted Salmon- Salmon Crusted in Basil with Barley
Risotto and Lemon Butter Sauce, Chef's Choice of Vegetables
A description of the hotel and a list of vendors  and sponsors will be
in the final version of the agenda.

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