[nfbmi-talk] Call for resolutions

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 12:21:24 UTC 2014

Dear Michigan Federationists,

   The annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan is fast approaching so we need to begin to submit our resolutions and ideas for resolutions to the resolution committee.  Resolutions, once voted on by the convention attendees, are statements or positions we as an organization take on various issues.  If you have an idea about a particular issue which the NFB of Michigan should make a public statement, but not sure about how to write a resolution, please contact the resolution committee chairperson, David Robinson for more information. Resolutions should be submitted in advance of the convention. Preferred format is e mail, but other forms may be used.  If you are writing a resolution, please plan to attend the resolution committee meeting at convention on Friday, October 10 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.  The committtee would be asking for your comments on the resolution. 
   Send all resolutions and ideas for resolutions to David Robinson, resolution chairperson at (drob1946 at gmial.com) or mail him at 818 Loomis St.  Jackson, Mi 49202.  If you have questions call Dave at 517-775-7943.  

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