[nfbmi-talk] what a bunch of documented lies and evasions

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Aug 29 19:38:56 UTC 2014

(Especially number 4 which in documented fashion is routinely violated.--JH)


1 - We recommend that the Council receives the program and financial data that BSBP submits to Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) each month.  We recognize the value of this information as we work to review, analyze and advise BSBP about their service system. 


BSBP Response:  BSBP does not submit program and financial data to RSA monthly.  As a result, BSBP cannot provide the Council with the recommended data at this time. However, BSBP will work with the Council in exploring the creation of data on a monthly basis.


2 – We recommend that the process of conducting the triennial Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment be reviewed at a meeting with all of the involved partners.  The Council would like to see the process be designed at the beginning of the three year cycle, that it is ongoing in the first two years, and that the report is written in the third year, with ample time for review, discussion and consensus on the final document.  In addition, we would like to see consideration given to the expansion of modalities in gaining “needs input”. 


BSBP Response:  BSBP is in agreement that all parties should be involved at the beginning of the three year cycle of the Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA) so that the Bureau’s input will be considered in the collection of data and in the analysis of the final document.  The Bureau agrees with the Councils recommendation in the expansion of modalities in gaining more definitive needs for service delivery.


3 - We recommend that the Council receives the tool and data (including anecdotal information) from the Customer Satisfaction Survey implemented during FY 2014.  We recognize the value of this information as we work to review, analyze and advise BSBP about their service system.  


BSBP Response:  BSBP will make available to the Council the tools and data from the Customer Satisfaction Survey that was conducted in FY 2013 and compiled in FY 2014.  BSBP shared the Customer Satisfaction Survey with the Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment team where the results were included in the final report.


4 – We recommend that BSBP provide the Council with assurances in an agreed upon ongoing manner that the various methods of communication to their customers and the public (i.e. customer applications, brochures, website, etc.) be provided in a manner that is in accessible formats. We recognize that this service system practice is the foundation for BSBP and that it is critical to the ongoing work of the MCRS, as we review, analyze and advise your program.


BSBP Response:  BSBP’s practice is to provide its brochures and publications, as well as its website in an accessible format for consumers.  In addition, we include on our brochures and publications and on our website an invitation to consumers to request alternative formats as needed. Therefore, the Bureau can assure the Council that these resources will be provided in alternative formats to consumers and interested individuals upon request.


5 – We recommend that the Council receive any Title 1 BSBP Hearings Reports conducted since the beginning of FY 2013 in a redacted version.  This request assures that the DSU is upholding one of the federal mandate requirements for their State Rehabilitation Council.  


BSBP Response:  During FY 2013, the Bureau did not conduct any Title 1 hearings.  However, the Bureau will comply with the Council’s request as appropriate.


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