[nfbmi-talk] more lara inaccessable documents

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Dec 2 14:52:36 UTC 2014

ADA Request Complaint Barrier Free Design Board

(Minutes Meeting Packets)


December 2, 2014


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

Mt. Morris, MI 48458

joeharcz at comcast.net




Michael Zimmer, Director

Mich. Dept. Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)

Sharon Alston Ellis,

State of Mich. ADA Compliance Officer


(Via e-mail)


Dear Mr. Zimmer and Ms. Ellis,


I am writing you Mr. Zimmer as the head of LARA and you Ms. Ellis, as State of Michigan ADA Compliance Officer. I point your attention to the following:



“Inaccessible barrier free design board meeting packets


Source for page:




2014 Board meetings will be held at

2501 Woodlake Circle ,

Conference Room 3, 1st floor, Okemos at 9:30 a.m. on the following dates:


Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014 - CANCELLED

Friday, July 18, 2014 -

Agenda and Packet 1,

Packet 2,

Packet 3

Friday, September 19, 2014 - CANCELLED

Friday, November 21, 2014 - CANCELLED


The meeting site and parking are accessible. Individuals attending the meeting are requested to refrain from using heavily scented personal care products,

in order to enhance accessibility for everyone. Please make sure all cell phones, pagers and other personal electronic devices are turned off or set to

vibrate. People with disabilities requiring additional services (such as materials in alternative format) in order to participate in the meeting should

call the Plan Review Division at 517-241-9328 at least 10 work days before the event. LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program.


Dates, times and locations are subject to change. Questions regarding board meetings should be directed to the Plan Review Division at 517-241-9328.”


The meeting packets referenced above are for the most part image files, or in lay persons terms pictures of words. Thus these documents (meeting packets) are not accessible to me, a person who is blind using screen reader technology. Moreover, I called the numbers referenced above to request reasonable accommodations and got the proverbial “run around” and never did get a call back.


Now, I am requesting that these documents are made available to me without surcharge or delay as either/or plain text enclosures or Word attachments to my e-mail address listed above. Moreover, I am requesting on behalf of the class that these documents are made accessible to all on this web site. Of course, I invoke the requirements of the ADA, Title II, subpart e and relevant portions of the Rehabilitation Act for these requests.


It is very ironic that this board which is supposed to address disability concerns in the built environment isn’t fully accessible to all including those of us who are blind, and doubly ironic as one member of the board, Ms. Carla Hudson is blind.


Regardless I thank you in advance for your prompt compliance.




Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.





Cc: several






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