[nfbmi-talk] board meeting time

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 02:35:08 UTC 2014

Dear board members, 

   My concerns are many and my desire to resolve issues and develope a strong working envvironment for all of us is  also strong.   The downsize to having a get together earlier then the end of January are two fold:  it is a busy time of year for most,and secondly, we need to give everyone a chance to plan their travel.  The meeting should be open and we need to allow others to know that it is happening.  
   Larry was gracious enough to attempt an earlier time, but we may need to wait.  It may be a good time for the board to reflect on the organization and what role they need to have in our future efforts to help the blind of Michigan and the nation.  We are the elected leaders and we need to determine how we should lead and what are our members expectations.  Let's not make more stress for us by trying to hurry a discussion that I hope will be meaningful and productive.  
   I know we hoped to meet in Lansing, but J.J. brings up a good point about transportation which I hope we will consider.  It is not easy for anyone to get from town to town in Michigan, but lets see if we can make it good as we can for all. 
   It is important that if we wait until the end of January, we will need to devote some time to our goals for this discussion, so perhaps we will need a full day plus some time to get through all that we need to accomplish, This will include our regular business and a report from Washington and other plans that we may have to make decisions on.  
   Please let me hear your thoughts. 

Yours in Federationism,  

Dave Robinson

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