[nfbmi-talk] no accountability anderson bldg capitol etc

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Jun 19 14:11:01 UTC 2014

June 19 2014 Response to Inventory Anderson and Capitol


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

Mt. Morris, MI 48458

joeharcz at comcast.net



To: Several




By now many have seen the numerous and ludicrous so-called FOIA responses to my inquiries about inventory in the BSBP BEP locations in the Michigan Capitol and the House Office Building (Anderson Building). The agency literally wishes to charge me hundreds of dollars to account for several hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital equipment purchases at these two locations alone which are by the way supposed to be staffed and run by licensed blind operators and which there isn’t even one paid blind employee in either.


Now, here is the finding from the Michigan Auditor General’s Report from November 2012 relative to equipment inventory:

“Audit Objective:

To assess the effectiveness of MCB's efforts

to ensure that BEP's equipment inventory is

properly accounted for and safeguarded.

Audit Conclusion:

We concluded that MCB's efforts to ensure

that BEP's equipment inventory is properly

accounted for and safeguarded were not

effective. We noted two material conditions

(Findings 5 and 6).

Material Conditions:

MCB did not properly account for all

equipment items at BEP vending facilities

located throughout the State (

Finding 5

). As

a result, MCB could not ensure that State


owned equipment items were properly

safeguarded, recorded, and maintained.

Also, MCB's equipment inventory was

overstated by $697,000 and the State's

Accounting records were overstated by


MCB's contractor selection and contract

monitoring processes were not sufficient to

ensure that products and services were

acquired at competitive prices and were in

compliance with State purchasing policies

and procedures (

Finding 6

). The use of

sound business practices when awarding and

monitoring publicly funded contracts helps to

ensure that desired products and services are

acquired at competitive prices and that the

business community has a fair and equal

opportunity to participate in publicly funded



I contend, and it is documented in the public record that violations and accountability in these regards is worse, much worse today in these regards and that there is no accounting let alone accountability from BSBP in these regards.


How do we the public no if costly equipment purchased with citizen’s dollars isn’t actually being stolen?


The purpose of asking for and demanding accounting and accountability is to ensure that waste, fraud and abuse doesn’t occur and that Vocational Rehabilitation funds are spent for the purposes intended.




Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.




Cc: E. Lamb, 


Cc: Joe Sibley BSBP Commission


Cc: several



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