[nfbmi-talk] Minutes National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting April 24 2014
trising at sbcglobal.net
trising at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 1 20:30:32 UTC 2014
Minutes National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Board Meeting April 24 2014
Quorum yes Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Joe Sontag, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle, Dave Robinson, Derek Moore and Mary Wurtzel.
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson moved to adopt the March 20 minutes. Joe Sontag seconded the motion. The minutes
were adopted.
Treasurer's Report, Mark Eagle. The Pnc account has 82.75. The youth account has 9,841.40. The general account has 72,605,85.
Terri Wilcox moved to adopt the Treasurer's Report. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
introduction of Participating Members
President's Report, Larry Posont. Scholarship letters to the national office are completed. Christine Boone is on the Scholarship
Committee. Jernigan Scholarship letters were also sent. Requests for financial assistance for National Convention need to be
completed by May 1. Requesters must register for Convention,
work the exhibit table and attend the banquet. An email was written to Mr. Rodgers that questioned why the Anderson building was
taken off the bid line before the designated two weeks had been completed. It has also been claimed that no qualified blind vendor
has bid for the location. There was a long discussion concerning the Bep and hiring.
Walk/A/Thon/Quarterly Board Meeting, May 17, Lansing Michigan, Mark Eagle. The pledge form has been sent out. Dave Robinson
reported that the Walk-A-Than has been post- . Elizabeth Mohnke stated that the Walk-A-thon will be postponed until next
year.Flint Chapter Start up, Dave Robinson. Dave Robinson reported that twelve people attended the new Flint Chapter. Dues are $5.
The next meeting is May 10 at 11:30. Officers were elected. The constitution will be sent to the National office, Larry Posont and
Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson moved to approve the Flint Constitution. Mary Wurtzel seconded the motion. The motion passed. The
Flint Chapter Constitution will be sent to Terri Wilcox and Larry Posont. Dave Robinson moved to allocate $50 from the Affiliate as
start up funds for Flint. Mary Wurtel seconded the motion. The motion was approved.Bell Program, Terri Wilcox. The granter is
gracioutly providing a grant for youth. Terri Wilcox sent out a budget for the Bell Program. The Bell Program will be held at the
Ann Arbor Community Center. Liability insurance will be necessary.
Summer Science Spectacular Donna Posont. Fred Wurtzel reported on the cost of tandem bikes. The total is $15,157. There is a plan
for twelve students and eight staff. A contract is needed to be signed with the university. Science aspects of baseball will be
explained at the Tiger Game. The students will learn skills of blindness such as riding the people mover. Mary Wurtzel moved to
approve the budget for both summer youth programs as recommended. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The motion passed. Students
will be accepted on a first come first served basis unless they do not fit the criteria for the program. Liability Insurance, Fred
Wurtzel. Fred Wurtzel reported that liability insurance will be purchased for the Board with riders for events.
New Business: Changes of Minutes must be made by a Board Member at the next meeting. This complies with Roberts Rules of order.
Joe Harcz suggested setting aside a fund for those in serious need. Old Business: Dave Robinson reported that Pretty Lake Camp is
ten miles west of Kalamazoo. We would have the Leadership Retreat on September 5-6. If approximately 30 people attend, cost for
two nights would be $50 per person, plus $12 for linen, plus meals. It is a nice facility recommended by Lydia Schuck. Dave
Robinson moved to allocate $3,000 in order to hold a Michigan Leadership Seminar on September 5-6. Mike Powell seconded the motion.
The motion was appooved. State Convention is October 10-12. Elizabeth Mohnke reported that the Vernal Equinnox week end was an
excellent experience. Larry Posont is working on a mug with the Braille alphabet and a message to sell for National Convention.
Terry Smith was brought in to speak at the Business Enterprise Program workshop. An open discussion will occur next Thursday night
concerning taking our message to the streets in May. Mary Wurtzel reported that she yand Fred Wurtzel are new grandparents to
Willow Bell.
Mike Powell moved to adjourn at 9:57. Dave Robinson seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
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