[nfbmi-talk] The new governmental Affairs list

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Nov 3 23:56:42 UTC 2014

Everything I do is related to the right to access information and that 
includes this resolution too:

Effective Communications and the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons

              WHEREAS, Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires 
that all

Vocational Rehabilitation agencies, including the Michigan Bureau of 
Services for

Blind Persons (BSBP) communicates effectively through "appropriate modes of 

with all customers; and

             WHEREAS, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 
1990 (Subpart

e, Communications) requires that all entities of State and local government 

information to all people who are blind in their most effective format and 
in a timely

manner, including, of course, all those engaged with the Michigan Bureau of 

for Blind Persons; and

             WHEREAS, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires 

same; and

              WHEREAS, it has been documented over the years that BSBP does 

in all cases, remit timely materials in Braille, audio, electronic, or large 

even after continued requests from customers, Business Enterprise Program 

and members of the public who are blind; and

                WHEREAS, these documented and ongoing breaches of civil 
rights laws

delay, deny and otherwise inhibit delivery of required services and "due 

and equal protection" under these laws and thus constitute systemic, chronic 

pervasive acts of discrimination against people who are blind in the State 
of Michigan;


                WHEREAS, the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan is 

leading advocate for the rights of all the blind of Michigan, and believes 
such violations

of the law by the BSBP denies blind persons of their right to equal access 
and such

violations could be readily corrected by the BSBP:  Now, therefore,

                BE IT RESOLVED

that the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan in convention 
assembled this

20th day of October, 2013, in

the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan

 will file a Complaint forthwith to the United States Department of 
Education's Office

of Civil Rights against the Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons 

the chronic acts of discrimination and demanding prompt compliance with all 

laws in these regards.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Posont via nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
To: "nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 5:32 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] The new governmental Affairs list

> National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
> 7189 Connors Rd.
> Munising, MI 49862
> November 3, 2014
> Dear Michigan Federationists:
>     The new governmental Affairs list is here for Michigan. Please
> place all governmental content on this list rather than on the general
> NFBMI-Talk list serve. This would involve all matters of Legislation
> and all agency concerns such as freedom of information requests.
> Governmental Affairs information will be considered off topic on the
> NFBMI-Talk list. Placing Governmental Affairs information on the
> General list will make it necessary for me to remove you from that
> list. The new list is officially called
> Michigan-governmental-affairs
> To subscribe go to
> http://www.nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/michigan-governmental-affairs_nfbnet.org
> Sincerely,
> Larry Posont
> President
> National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
> (906) 387-3546
> Email: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
> Web page: www.nfbmi.org
> Munising home of the beautiful Pictured Rocks.
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> nfbmi-talk mailing list
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