[nfbmi-talk] Fwd: 75 Days of Action celebration in California

J.J. Meddaugh jj at bestmidi.com
Wed Sep 3 22:05:13 UTC 2014

A bit of encouragement from our California affiliate.

Best regards,

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	75 Days of Action celebration in California
Date: 	Wed, 3 Sep 2014 18:31:55 +0000
From: 	75days <75days at nfb.org>

Greetings colleagues,

Kevan Worley here. Today we celebrate the San Francisco chapter. We look 
forward to celebrating your accomplishments. Please share you successes 
with us. Here is what San Francisco chapter president, Tim Elder, sent 
to the California affiliate board and the Committee of 75;

Hello all,

I am thrilled to report that the San Francisco chapter met last night 
and attendance has increased by approximately 150%.  We had several 
people who are new to blindness and NFB.  Their attendance is a direct 
result of the remarkable work we accomplished at the Discovering You 
seminar.  Thank you for investing in the Bay Area.  We will keep 
following up with this core group in hopes of continuing to increase the 
chapter and returns on your investment.


Timothy Elder
TRE Legal Practice, LLC
4226 Castanos Street
Fremont, CA 94536
Phone: (410) 415-3493
Fax: (888) 718-0617
E-mail: telder at trelegal.com <mailto:telder at trelegal.com>
www.trelegal.com <http://www.trelegal.com/>
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Thank you!

*At your service,*

Kevan Worley


/National Federation of the Blind 75 Days of Action Campaign/

Jeannie Massay


*"Live the Life you Want"*


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