[nfbmi-talk] Notes from Last Night's Call

J.J. Meddaugh jj at bestmidi.com
Fri Mar 27 13:35:56 UTC 2015

I know some people had difficulties calling in last night, so thought 
I'd pass along a few notes from the call. Of course Terri will have much 
mor detail in the minutes, and this is not intended to be a complete 

National convention. If you want assistance from the affiliate, please 
Email Larry by May 1. Also, if you have never attended, you should apply 
for a Jernigan scholarship by April 15 which will cover many of your costs.

DOES Seminar. 28 people are registered. Jordyn posted a separate message 
on the list with more info. Very excited for this event in teaching our 
philosophy and building membership.

Mugs. This is still being worked on. We want to make sure that braille 
mugs will have proper-looking braille among other things.

Michigan Flyer. The court hearing has been pushed back to April 28. We 
plan to support our resolution at this hearing.

Summer Science. Fred has completed the brochure, and questions of 
liability have been answered. The wheels are in motion.

State Scholarship. Terri has completed the forms and they will begin to 
be distributed. Two scholarships are available, one for $1,000 and one 
for $500.

We're working on the conference line and will likely try a new number at 
the next meeting.

Spring board meeting. Is May 24 in Ann Arbor.


Best regards,

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