[nfbmi-talk] Calling all Federationist to action

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 17:50:48 UTC 2015

Dear Federationists, 

   Our NFB president, Mark Rickabono has asked all Michigan Federationists to join others in the protest of the ADA celebration to be held on Thursday, September 17 at the State Capitol in Lansing.  This protest is organized by many in the disabled community.  This celebration is an attempt to fool the public and convince everyone that the agencies who are sponsoring this event are doing wonderful things for people with disabilities, when in fact, they are cronic abusers and keep people with disabilites from achieving equality.  
   The message we need to bring is one of truth and just how the disabled our treated and our our civil rights are violated.  The main issues will be the lack of ADA compliance and the continued abuse of agencies paying sub minimum wages and the continuing face of government to look the other way. 
   We will be gathering in front of the State Capitol onn Thursday, September 17 at around 10:30 a.m.  and will move into the state lawn form there.  Please come and let your voice be heard.  If you need some financial support to get there please call our president, larry Posont at 313-727-3546.  

Dave Robinson 

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