[nfbmi-talk] 2015 Accessible Voting Resolution

Elizabeth Mohnke lizmohnke at hotmail.com
Sat May 21 12:41:47 UTC 2016

Hello All,

,  I just thought I would post the accessible voting resolution that was
passed during the 2015 state convention simply as a reminder for those of
you who may not remember it.

Warm regards,


New Accessible Voting Machines and Equipment for Michigan

WHEREAS, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 enables blind voters and other
voters with disabilities to exercise their right to vote privately and
independently at each polling location by requiring at least one voting
system accessible to individuals with disabilities, including nonvisual
accessibility for the blind and visually impaired, in a manner that provides
the same opportunity for access and participation in the voting process, and

WHEREAS, the state of Michigan is currently undergoing the process of
evaluating and certifying new voting machines and equipment to replace aging
voting machines and equipment purchased over ten years ago to comply with
the provisions of the Help America Vote Act of 2002; and

WHEREAS, the state of Michigan has about $25 million in funds left over from
the federal grant given to the state of Michigan in 2004 and 2005 as a part
of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 making it possible for the state of
Michigan to purchase new voting machines and equipment as soon as the
evaluation and certification process is complete; and

WHEREAS, the state of Michigan does not appear to be transparent in the
process of evaluating and certifying new voting machines and equipment by
allowing voters, including blind and visually impaired voters, the ability
to provide meaningful input and feedback regarding the voting machines and
equipment under consideration; and

WHEREAS, voters in states where the evaluation and certification process for
obtaining new voting machines and equipment were open and transparent, such
as Maryland, appear to be more satisfied with the evaluation and
certification of new voting machines and equipment when compared to other
states, such as New Mexico, that did not have an open and transparent
evaluation and certification process for new voting machines and equipment:
now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan assembled
in convention this eighth day of November, 2015 in the city of Lansing,
Michigan that this organization express in writing to the Michigan Secretary
of State our extreme disappointment in the lack of an open and transparent
evaluation and certification process for obtaining new voting machines and
equipment for the state of Michigan; and

BE It FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization take a proactive role in the
evaluation and certification process for obtaining new voting machines and
equipment for the state of Michigan by submitting a written recommendation
to the Michigan Secretary of State based on decisions made in other states
to ensure the new voting machines and equipment will meet the needs of blind
and visually impaired voters in Michigan. 

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