[nfbmi-talk] "Your Legal Rights to Work When You Can't See Any More" - VisionAware

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 16:22:28 UTC 2017

New people are joining the organized blind movement every day in the
USA, because every day people are losing their eyesight.  And every
day, some of us who already live with blindness, lose our jobs or get
denied the chance for jobs as a result of unjust and illegal
treatment.  So it's important every now and then to go back to the

It is not permissible for a disabled person to be refused a job or to
be dismissed from a job on account of his or her disability, as long
as that individual can demonstrate competency in performing the
essential functions of the job with the aid of reasonable

The linked article, copyrighted by the American Foundation of the
Blind, presents a very good basic understanding of our rights under
the law as persons who are blind who wish to remain or become part of
the gainful workforce.

The phrase "Equal Justice Under Law" is emblazoned over the door of
the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC.  But all of us know that
justice for all must be more than an empty platitude; it must be
assured and maintained through specific and ongoing action.  It has
been said that if you don't know your rights, then you don't have any.
Never truer than today.

Respectfully submitted,

Kane Brolin

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