[nfbmi-talk] First MiPOBC MiPhone Conference Call on 1/22 at 7 PM

Haley Dare haley.dare at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 15 20:41:10 UTC 2017

 Just a reminder that the first MiPOBC MiPhone Conference Call is scheduled for Sunday night, 1/22 at 7pm. We will be discussing the NFB BELL Academy, "Who is the MiPOBC?", and "What Can We Say Positively About Our Blind/VI Child?". Also, we will have our state president, Mike Powell, on the call! If you were given an assignment to bring 1-2 ideas because you responded positively on our earlier poll, please plan to share those during the call. I am so excited to chat with each and every one of you!  The call-in number is 515-614-9392 and the id#938765. Have a lovely evening!
Haley DarePresident, MiPOBCNational Federation of the Blind of Michigan

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