[nfbmi-talk] FW: Tax reform - urgent legislative alert

Michael Powell mpowell7583 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 17:22:02 UTC 2017

Hello to all on this list serve.

It is important that all our members and those who support the interests of the blind contact our Congress people  and those specified in this legislative alert.  Many are not aware that eliminating the standard deduction for blindness is being proposed.   I am asking all chapter presidents and those in chapters who keep up on legislative issues to have your calling committees contact or otherwise notify your members to this action we are being asked to take.

We need to call House Ways and Means committee member Representative Mike Bishop and Sander Levin’s office and ask for 2 things:


1.       Please keep the additional standard deduction for the blind by amending HR 1 to on page 25 to remove “and blind” so that it now reads:

“(4) Section 3402(m)(3) is amended by striking ‘‘(including the additional standard deduction under section 63(c)(3) for the aged)’’.”

2.       Please offer an amendment to HR 1 providing for the Access Technology Affordability Act (HR 1377). 

Again, it would also be a good idea to call your individual Congress person.  Here is the number to the   government switchboard.

U. S. Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121

Tell them who your representative is and they will connect you to the office.

Thank you for your help on this very important matter.

Michael Powell


National Federation of the Blind of Michigan


president at nfbmi.org 

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