[nfbmi-talk] OT CATA Paratransit (SPECTRAN) Contract

Fred Wurtzel f.wurtzel at att.net
Wed Oct 4 04:34:50 UTC 2017


First, I apologize to anyone who feels this is OT.  To me, good
transportation is a top concern for all blind folks.


To anyone who lives in the Lansing area or uses SPECTRAN paratransit when
visiting Lansing, here is something to be looked at.  The present contract
with Dean transportation for SPECTRAN services is expiring.


The website to view the Request for Quote is:




The basic information is:


BID #2017-137  

Paratransit Demand Response Services

Category:  Operations

Posted On: October 2nd, 2017

Due Date: November 21st, 2017


First, let me say that on balance, SPECTRAN is a very useful and affordable
service.  Most of the folks I have met are fine people and I like them.
So, I am not a hater of SPECTRAN and use it often.  I, however, see a lot of
room for improvement in the way various groups are treated, beginning with
riders and going on to include drivers.


Also, I must say that I have no problems with Dean transportation.  Dean
does what CATA requires them to do in the contract.  It is up to CATA to
manage the contract.  


First, this contract should wait until the new CATA director takes over
after the beginning of 2018.  The new director should be able to set their
own philosophy in place, especially with such a large contract affecting
such a large group of riders.


Second, there ought to be some kind of public input session or sessions in
accessible places to gather input regarding improvements which riders may
suggest.  This was not announced to the CATA board.  I was at the last
meeting and there was no mention of it.  Mary and I met with a CATA
executive to discuss SPECTRAN and other CATA concerns in the past couple
weeks and the new contract was not mentioned.  Donna rose, a blind CATA
board member was not notified.  This is too big a program to be summarily
updated without some kind of input from the public.  Of course, such a
comment process should have taken place before the Request for Quote or Bid
was issued, but, here we are and we ought to speak up.


Some of my personal interests for change are:


**  Possible use of Uber or Lyft as less expensive alternatives to Dean or
CATA.  There is no reason that CATA could not make such an arrangement.
This would reduce costs and increase the level of service and flexibility of
pickups and drop-offs.


**  Some kind of notification for blind people that the SPECTRAN vehicle is
approaching, similar to Uber where it is possible to track the ride.
Especially in winter or in inclement weather this could be extremely
valuable.  Sometimes there is no way to know if the vehicle has arrived,
though some drivers are decent about trying to let us know.  There is no
requirement that they do.  Notification of arrival ought to be included in
the contract.


***  The "window" system which allows the vehicle to arrive early and leave
after 5 minutes is wrong.  If the vehicle can leave after 5 minutes, then,
riders ought to get a free ride if the vehicle is more than 5 minutes late.
This is probably a policy issue rather than a contract issue, but a contract
provision could be written in that the vehicle could not leave before the
scheduled window and that they not charge the rider or CATA when they are
late.  This could be set up with a tolerance for a certain number of late
rides per week or month.  In any case, riders should not be charged for late
rides, if SPECTRAN has the right to leave early without the rider.


**  SPECTRAN should never leave anyone registered as a rider behind if they
are in contact with the person.  SPECTRAN left Mary, my wife, behind because
the ride was booked in my name and I was sick, even though mary is a
registered rider.  It was winter and the bus was parked over a large patch
of extremely slippery ice.  They made her get off the bus.  I have seen them
refuse someone for not having money.  The simple thing is to not book any
future rides until the past-due fares are paid.  No registered rider should
be left behind.  First, it is dangerous, especially in cold weather.  The
contract could include language about never leaving anyone and the procedure
for follow-up.  


** parents with small children should be able to drop off their children at
daycare and continue to their destination.  Booking 2 rides for this is
unreasonable and inefficient, especially for working people who need to get
to work on time.  This, again, is probably a policy issue, but procedures
could be included in the contract for such situations.


**  Riders should not be picked up at home, taken on a tour of the greater
Lansing area and then return to the pickup point and then continue on to
their destination.  I have been picked up, at least 3 times in the past
year, taken to East Lansing and then have passed right back past our house
before going on to the West side of Lansing.  This wastes my time and the
time of the vehicle which could have been routed more efficiently.  Again,
this is possibly a policy matter, but the driver ought to be able to
override the manifest if it improves efficiency, which is a contract matter.


These are a few of my thoughts and they may not be issues for anyone else.
To me, efficiency and fairness are 2 major issues.  Each SPECTRAN ride costs
somewhere around $20 to provide, of which we pay only $2.50.  This is a
great deal in terms of cost.  So, you may wonder why I want to change it
since I am getting such a great deal on the taxpayer tab.  Well, that is
part of my issue.  Taxpayers are pretty sensitive about taxes these days.
The present service has a lot of inefficiencies in it which cost the system
money.  If the cost is broken down by miles traveled per trip, the cost per
mile is increased by carting folks all over town unnecessarily.  I do not
have a problem with picking up folks on the way to my destination.  But
riding around for a half an hour and then returning to where I started seems
very inefficient, never mind the waste of my own time, which is a fairness
and respect issue.  Taxpayers, who have been very generous with CATA
;millages may change their minds if they realize the inefficiencies of the
system, especially when they know UBER can make the same trip for around
$10.  For example, Uber costs around $6 from our house to Sparrow hospital.
Spectran is paying more than $20 for the same trip.  I do not believe this
is politically sustainable.


Please take time to let CATA know your thoughts, even if you love it just
the way it is.  We blind folks need to speak up, regardless of our positive
or negative opinion on any given issue, on such a fundamental service as
Transportation.  CATA does not do a very good job of listening to riders,
especially SPECTRAN riders and we ought to help them improve this.


they have a pre bid meeting - open to the public. it is a great forum to
raise all the issues we had and the vendors bidding on this will have to
hear our questions.   



The person in charge of the bid processis:


Andrew Brieschke

Director of Operations

Capital Area Transportation Authority

4615 Tranter Street

Lansing, MI 48910

Phone 517-394-1100

Mr. Brieschke will, most likely try to dissuade you from attending the
Pre-bid meeting.  It is open to the public, so simply politely ask him when
and where it is.  Then, come and let your voice be heard.  Alternatively,
you may write to Mr. Brieschke at the above address.



Thank you for listening.


Warmest Regards,



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