[nFBMI-Talk] The Royal Treatment
Kane Brolin
kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Sat May 19 01:24:58 UTC 2018
What does it mean to live the life you want? For some, it means
getting a delicious, inside scoop into the pomp and romance of
Saturday's British Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan
Markle. But how do we the blind get all the descriptive detail? We
just have to listen overseas.
RNIB Connect Radio is the audio outlet of the Royal National Institute
for the Blind over in the UK. For no charge, we can listen to RNIB
Connect Radio whenever we want--including on the go, thanks to the
Audioboom mobile application. Or, from your PC, simply visit
http://www.insightradio.co.uk/. Here is what they say about their
Wedding coverage:
"Don't worry if you haven't received your wedding invite to the Royal
bash on Saturday 19th May!
"RNIB Connect Radio will have a special show to celebrate the wedding
of Prince Harry and Megan Markle.
"Join Allan, Yvonne & Pauline from 11am until 2pm as we play some
great party songs and talk you through the ceremony, let's face it we
all want to know what the dress is like?
"We'll be joined by BBC Royal Correspondent Nicholas Whitchell and if
you've got a few million to spend on your big day, then listen out for
Sarah Haywood, wedding and party planner to the rich and famous.
"So grab a glass and get the finger buffet ready for our celebration
show from 11am until 2pm on Saturday 19th May..."
Note that you have to convert the times shown in the above message to
whatever time zone you are occupying. 11:00 AM-2:00 PM in Great
Britain corresponds to the
window of 6:00 AM-9:00 AM in the Eastern Daylight Time zone of the
United States. The actual nuptuals are set to occur at 7:00 AM EDT,
4:00 AM PDT, on Saturday,
May 19.
Know any blind person here in America who isn't connected to the
Internet? Our friends at Aira, that incredible company that can hook
us up to live, human-produced audio description from anywhere using
Google Glass and our smartphone, is covering the wedding ceremony
itself in a way that we can simply dial in on the phone and listen
between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM Eastern Time. From the USA, the toll free
number to dial is (877)853-5257.
Kane Brolin, President
Michiana Chapter, National Federation of the Blind
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