[nFBMI-Talk] Upcoming MABS Board Meeting

Rachel Pavone rachelpavone at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 12 23:19:52 UTC 2018

Hello all students,, 
I am emailing all of you to let you know that we are having our first official board meeting this Sunday at 7pm. We will be talking about Washington Seminar so please come with any questions that you may have. Kenia Florus from the NABS Legislative and Advocacy Board will be on out call to talk about Washington Seminar and answer any questions that you may have. Hope to see you all their the conference call number is (605) 475-4333
The access code is 

I hope that everyone has a great week and will join us for our conference call this upcoming Sunday.
Rachel Pavone 
Secretary for the Michigan Association of Blind Students

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