[nFBMI-Talk] Additional Clarification Regarding Student Elections at State Convention

Elizabeth Mohnke lizmohnke at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 8 01:56:38 UTC 2018

Hello All,

Please forgive me. It appears as though I made a mistake in my clarification regarding elections for the Michigan Association of Blind Students at state convention.

It has always been my understanding that the positions of President and Vice-President were to be heled by a person who was a student at the time of the elections. Everyone I know who has held these positions were students at the time of the elections. And I declined to run for one of these positions because I was not a student at the time of the elections.

However, here is what the constitution states about the elections for these positions:

"The president and vice presidents must be blind students and planning to attend a full-time educational program in the academic year following election."

Therefore, it appears as though a person does not need to be a student at the time of the elections as long as they will be a student after the elections take place.

I am not trying to create any controversy regarding the elections for these positions. I simply wanted to make sure that everyone was on the same page in terms of understanding the requirements for these positions. So please forgive me for failing to double check the working of the constitution before submitting my post.

Hopefully I have not confused everyone with my emails. So please let me know if there are any further questions in regards to this matter.

Warm regards,
Elizabeth Mohnke
Board Member,
Michigan Association of Blind Students

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