[nFBMI-Talk] State Convention Fundraiser: Any others?

Kim Evans kitties_kimmy at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 23 22:37:39 UTC 2018

I am asking if any other chapters or divisions want to join the Lansing chapter in its jar war fundraiser for State Convention.  Right now I think the Detroit chapter is joining us.  Are there any other chapters or divisions that want to join?  
What the jar war is that we will have jars at State Convention.  For every quarter put in your jar you get a point.  For every paper bill that is a negative point for your jar.  The jar with the most points wins and gets a biggar portion of the money put in the jars.  It will be going on until late Saturday night and the winners will be announced on Sunday.  
If interested, contact me off-list at kitties_kimmy at yahoo.com 
Kim (Mohnke) Evans 

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