[nFBMI-Talk] Unparalleled Access For The Blind To This Weekend's Big Game!

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 15:03:48 UTC 2019

This goes out to all blind sports fans. The Big Game is almost here.
Sure, we can find plenty of ways to hear the play-by-play of the
actual contest between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles
Rams. But do you ever feel left out of the pageantry? This year, our
good friends at Aira will be giving us, free of charge, live audio
descriptions of the opening ceremony, half-time show, and the closing
ceremony from Atlanta.  It all starts at 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
in the U.S., on Sunday, February 3.  Find out about several ways to
dial in and listen by visiting

Kind regards,

Kane Brolin
President, Michiana Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of Indiana

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