[NFBMI-Talk] Detroit Disability Power is hiring
Lydia Anne Schuck
lydia.a.schuck at wmich.edu
Mon Aug 10 19:16:07 UTC 2020
Detroit Disability Power (DDP) is a membership organization that works to build the organizing power of the disability community to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in Metro Detroit. We are people with disabilities organizing together to dismantle structural and cultural challenges facing us in housing, employment, education, transportation, healthcare and more.
DDP is committed to engaging with people across diverse disabilities, including chronic illness, as well as other important identities; DDP’s power- building efforts will always be with an intersectional lens and with attention to race, class, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship status, religion, and other aspects of our lives.
Currently (as of August 6, 2020), DDP has three open job postings to hire motivated, talented people for our team.
1. We are seeking an enthusiastic, curious and creative Community Organizer to work with the Executive Director and other staff to develop relationships with community leaders, with a focus on the Metro Detroit area. The primary goal of this position is to build the power of the disability community so we can change Detroit and the world. This is a full-time position, grant-funded for at least a year. See https://<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://tiny.cc/DDPorganizer&sa=D&ust=1597090491555000&usg=AOvVaw3jYufZiJc3_BE3goVLjr0r>tiny.cc/DDPorganizer<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://tiny.cc/DDPorganizer&sa=D&ust=1597090491555000&usg=AOvVaw3jYufZiJc3_BE3goVLjr0r> for details on the role and how to apply.
1. DDP is hiring an experienced organizer to serve as the lead representative and Field Team Coordinator for our voter engagement campaign leading up to the 2020 general election. Our team will work remotely by phone and text on a campaign to engage voters about disability-related issues and how a commitment to vote and take action can make a difference for voters, their families and communities. This is a temporary, full-time position that will last from September 1 through early November, 2020. See https://tiny.cc/DDPfieldcoordr<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://tiny.cc/DDPfieldcoordr&sa=D&ust=1597090491556000&usg=AOvVaw38BEQNlmsfxfVc6r-U44eb> for details on the role and how to apply.
1. We are hiring 8-10 individuals as part-time Field Representatives for the voter engagement campaign described above. These are temporary positions of 15-35 hours/week from mid-August through early November, 2020. See https://tiny.cc/DDPfieldrep<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://tiny.cc/DDPfieldrep&sa=D&ust=1597090491557000&usg=AOvVaw2hrPZINc6dfAyxgm_NHgHX> for details on the role and how to apply.
All interviews and all work for positions currently being filled will be remote due to COVID. The long-term position of Organizer may become on-site if and when the pandemic conditions change.
You can learn about DDP at https://detroitdisabilitypower.org<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://detroitdisabilitypower.org&sa=D&ust=1597090491558000&usg=AOvVaw22LXw9S7kUF2Z8XkV9ihAp>.
There is no formal education requirement for these positions; people of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. DDP values and specifically seeks applicants who are people of color, women, LGBTQIA and gender fluid people, people with disabilities, veterans, and members of other diverse identities. If this is you, know that your contributions and leadership are especially valuable at DDP.
Lydia Schuck, PhD
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