[NFBMI-Talk] Sad News

Fred Wurtzel f.wurtzel at att.net
Mon Jan 25 17:02:48 UTC 2021

Hello Fellow Alum,


I regret to inform you all; I just received a call from Larry Posont.  He
called to tell me that Steve Council died last night.  Steve has been
hospitalized for several weeks with ki9dney and other complications.  I
spoke with him last week.  He told me how much the School for the blind
meant to him and how much all his friends from MSB were so important to him.


Larry and I shared a few houses with Steve.  He was a generous and happy
person.  He was a crusader along with many of us to make the world better
for blind persons, especially the Business Enterprise Program.


This is a difficult day, another friend, Fran Mohnke, also died yesterday.
She died from Covid-19.  Please, everyone, wear your mask and socially


Warmest Regards,



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