[NFBMI-Talk] Big Chances: NFBMI 50/50 Raffle Ending Soon

Robert Parsons rob.parso3389 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 14:46:23 UTC 2023

Good Morning My Federation Family, 

What a wonderful convention it has been. With so many enlightening conversations, sessions, and opportunities; I almost forgot to take the time to thank our amazing affiliate members that travelled to Houston to experience the Federation in action. Our members were efficient in selling and marketing our items at the exhibit hall, while making strong connections in the process. 
It's not too late for you to be a part of our affiliate's fundraising efforts. Our successful 50/50 raffle has just surpassed last year's total of $900. This means that someone, either in-person or virtually, is going to leave convension very satisfied. All members and guests are still invited to get in on the competition and help us build the Federation, for every dollar donated goes towards programs that benefit blind people in the state of Michigan. The winner of the raffle today wins half of the funds raised in the raffle.  Remember, the cost of a 50/50 raffle is $10 per ticket or three tickets for $20. The raffle will conclude and the winner will be drawn live  on our official Facebook page at 1pm Eastern time, 12pm central time. If interested in purchasing a ticket, please feel free to reach out to me at 269.216.8640. 

My Best, 

Robert Parsons Jr.
President, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan 

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