[NFBMI-Talk] Fwd: Job Seekers: Pursue the career you want.

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Sat May 13 00:49:30 UTC 2023

Good evening.

The Employment Committee of the National Federation of the Blind has
just passed along the below information to would-be job seekers in our
organization.  A lot is going on these next two months.  As a member
of the Employment Committee, I wish to clarify a few points from the
jump.  Thank you in advance for your attention.

There is a seminar focused on employment with the federal government
on Thursday evening,June 15 starting at 8:00 PM Eastern.  This is
virtual.  Zoom login info is forthcoming.  So if employment with the
United States government is interesting to you,  I encourage you to
plug into this even if you are not planning to attend National
Convention in person in Houston.

The other events scheduled for the first three days in July, require
all participants to be in person in Houston.  The Employment Committee
meeting on the morning of Saturday, July 1 is open to all, except that
you must be at National Convention to take part.  Same with the Job
Explorer/Job Seeker Seminar on Saturday afternoon, July 1; with the
NFB Career Fair on Sunday afternoon, July 2; and with the Upward
Mobility seminar on Monday evening, July 3.

Finally:  If you do intend to be in Houston and want to take part in
the Career Fair--that is, to actually speak with employers about the
possibility of their hiring you--register for the Career Fair in
advance of National Convention.  The registration for Career Fair is
separate from registration for National Convention.  Go to

One final point:  If you are serious about making the most of Career
Fair, it will help for you to attach a completed résumé to the Career
Fair online application so that prospective employers will see your
résumé before they meet you.  Technically, a résumé is not required.
If you do intend to submit your résumé, expect that it will be shared
with any and all employer participants before the Career Fair happens.
It's even possible that an employer could contact you before they meet
you at Career Fair to start the conversation early.  If you choose to
submit a résumé, you must attach it at the same time as you complete
your online application.  You may not save a draft of your Career Fair
application and come back to finish it later or to add the résumé
piece later; you must include your résumé at the time you apply and
must fill out and submit this entire online application piece in one

I wish you all to have off-the-chain success in your endeavors.


Kane Brolin
Member, NFB Employment Committee
President, Indiana State Affiliate
National Federation of the Blind
(574)386-8868 (mobile)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: National Federation of the Blind <webmaster at nfb.org>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 22:00:29 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Job Seekers: Pursue the career you want.
To: Kane Brolin <kbrolin65 at gmail.com>



With opportunities to compete in the workplace in terms of equality, blind
people achieve careers based on their dreams, talents, and abilities.
Ensuring blind people have those opportunities to learn about and seek
employment is one of the National Federation of the Blind's year-round

Here is a glimpse of some employment-related programming that we are
offering before and at our 2023 National Convention [2] in Houston, July


June 15, 8:00 p.m., eastern via Zoom

This panel discussion is part of our _Where the Blind Work_ webinar series
and features blind professionals working in federal government
contracting--a method of conducting business across a variety of government
business interests. This has recently been made more available as an
entryway to long-term government service. Three high achievers in
government contracting will talk about their achievements, keys to their
success, and what their typical day looks like. Preregistration information
coming soon! Learn about another place Where the Blind Work.


We prioritize employment opportunities for the blind. Our Employment
Committee offers many opportunities for jobseekers and young professionals
at our national convention, including:

 	* The annual Employment Committee Meeting, July 1, 9:00-11:00 a.m.,
central: Join the committee for fascinating presentations and to learn
about past and future events, opportunities to support the committee's
mission, ask questions, and influence the direction of the committee.
 	* JOBS Seminar, July 1 2:00-5:00 p.m., central: Two separate rooms with
guided discussions: "Explorers" focus on career preparation and "Seekers"
focus on getting jobs. Choose the one that fits you best.
 	* In-person Career Fair, July 2: Meet national and regional employers,
including some convention sponsors, interested in hiring you. This is your
first step to a great future. Preregistration [3] is required.
 	* Upward Mobility Seminar, July 3, 7:00-9:00 p.m., central: You have a
job, but what's next? Consider innovative and entrepreneurial means to
further your career.


We are sponsoring Career Quest. Up to twenty-five pre-employment transition
services (Pre-ETS) qualified students from vocational rehabilitation
agencies around the country will attend the 2023 National Federation of the
Blind Convention. Participants will attend seminars focusing on the five
required Pre-ETS areas of service, culminating in an intensive curriculum
that will help them develop independence skills, explore career
opportunities, learn about self and organizational advocacy, and so much
more. For further information, please contact Daniel Frye at DFrye at nfb.org;
410-659-9314, extension 2393.

We look forward to offering you these and other opportunities to raise
expectations of the blind.


The National Federation of the Blind connects working-age blind people with
opportunities and resources to compete in the workplace on terms of
equality. Pursue the career you want. Connect with and support more talent.



 		 National Federation of the Blind | 200 E Wells Street | Baltimore, MD
21230 | 410-659-9314

 		 Unsubscribe [9] | Opt Out [10] | Sign Up for Our E-newsletter [11]

 		 200 East Wells Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
United States

[1] /nfb.org
[2] https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2GsfbNiDs13bduKpXKFi4SX-2FW-2FFY-2FYaxPDX5B4QZGroodMkE-3DtXWb_M7Vq7IfoP8-2FWuTjBtRv5SsvtioFBJkaVYtWwHtez5baz9AL-2Fw5VBca1k0zmTNpSNKvJJitcyL8LgNTLJXAqrUMAon2SO-2Bj1FhwIseF5rNNWxtmF-2BDLUFW5UYu3BSr2eCbHTWwIclyeVcztJa7UVhpLFSWdF2AMvkp5D3wXJ3hBRmOl3vpNmV0QG6n3OMg8JOG-2BV9MIDpFAbUV-2B6ERRdZcg-3D-3D
[3] https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2GsfbNZQuN3j7cCKXqiPu5G0csw3agKk82PGgsXMCGGRUUJGHGEeS1lnknFD6-2BBmzpQiEEDfE_M7Vq7IfoP8-2FWuTjBtRv5SsvtioFBJkaVYtWwHtez5baz9AL-2Fw5VBca1k0zmTNpSNkuJ7I6Q4E3gHh9H6boiNyN3kS-2B4tOCZbITjG4ptq-2FZKoK9O0ijBUSXFH8uFja1ZPHLS9wBmFPy2zGRLOF3zLioYOZjjQfnILJdd4yxO91AOTfaDJNBdTmQUQtzyjETY-2BYJJXPSKXZk92DS18o9VJxQ-3D-3D
[4] https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2GsfbNIk8WLcuDVyOoDQo8F4QXyfdJm3IHAW529Yc19iYZ8s-3DOyvj_M7Vq7IfoP8-2FWuTjBtRv5SsvtioFBJkaVYtWwHtez5baz9AL-2Fw5VBca1k0zmTNpSNrhPwFsYvPkcWuHFReJw-2BeGwr9bnBrv0lYHKLjgGLGZqKFcCNkfg3YZNprI-2BT-2F-2BOrXOEBofR1-2Ft6o04-2BaZyR-2F1EhQR2hhwbC5CPWQWZfDkxt7LLRjKuDTsQGwiBsMqJegqxOsBz3jA0LNdpgeHz1i8g-3D-3D
[5] https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2Gsfbi8Sm0NdwSUATtVwTz7DFgsfZscmxRTWyXvj2i12rBu4-3DOkx__M7Vq7IfoP8-2FWuTjBtRv5SsvtioFBJkaVYtWwHtez5baz9AL-2Fw5VBca1k0zmTNpSNRcdXbpK-2FJDSxLQgjbgPS56AjtDKGAumW0vbiXU8PF2qwEXEUXYEe-2BFiUyz-2FWCmvYSglUtdQw4g4dIhlFRoMk3cQ-2Bx-2F8VgyMpdtLdIrUrtU35lAAjR5WnQpXeo0EdNH56spVn-2Bb9yJB9rmDtrXC-2Fhew-3D-3D
[6] https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2GsfbnOjO0Vj4cBRT9kn26I1MufpMrMhEzE07wrlbersJdJI-3DYUtW_M7Vq7IfoP8-2FWuTjBtRv5SsvtioFBJkaVYtWwHtez5baz9AL-2Fw5VBca1k0zmTNpSNVhYyKKCArV3bhlwYJfB4ej-2BGKF9DKVY6njJrPMWtjip-2Fl1EeEUU18KRRTFrLqwf2GWCdC4cUv-2BkBz2PsRf-2FuoEZOISgkYH4IepP6-2Fe3qfqcFx1qObHo8gBjz5gPZZYBup-2FAVEntdZ16EZkOOvCpd4w-3D-3D
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