[NFBMI-Talk] For Those Interested In Equity Re Guide Dogs And Lyft

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 21:46:10 UTC 2023

The following is not exactly a communication from the Federation.  But
Mr. Marion Gwizdala, who informs us about this, used to serve for many
years as president of the National Association of Guide Dog Users
which is a division of the NFB.  Please see his message below,
published in the name of Advocates for Service Animal Partners. .

This was forwarded to me by Shane Popplestone, president of the Ohio
Association of Blind Students.

Thank you.


Kane Brolin
President, Indiana State Affiliate
National Federation of the Blind
(574)386-8868 (mobile)

------ Forwarded Message ------
>From "Advocates for Service Animal Partners (ASAP)"
<advocacy411 at gmail.com>
To "Advocates for Service Animal Partners" <Advocacy411 at gmail.com>
Date 9/18/2023 1:56:22 PM
Subject YouTube Video Tests Lyft’s Commitment to Transport Service

Please circulate the following message as widely as appropriate.

A new YouTube video published by a self-described Rideshare expert
will test Lyft’s commitment to complying with state and federal law
while upholding its driver terms and conditions. In this offensive
video, a Lyft driver expresses his opposition to transporting service
animals by contending that “Lyft forces drivers to transport service
animals”. The
fact this ignorant, ablest rant misses is that it is not Lyft
requiring this driver to transport us with our service animals. It is
state and federal law!

In addition to demonstrating his willingness to violate our legally
protected civil rights and encourage others to do so, what he asserts
are the same lies and misinformation that lie at the heart of our
struggles for equal participation in society on terms of equality. He
asserts service animals are dirty and smelly, leaving dog hair all
over the vehicle, licking the backs of the seats and drooling on the
floor. He contends carrying service animals “does not make good
business sense”. It is our hope that you will join us to tell Lyft and
this fool that violating our civil rights is what does not make good
business sense!

Finally, this individual’s ignorance is further illustrated in his
assertions that people have brought service rabbits and snakes into
his vehicle, asserting he is being “forced by Lyft” to transport these
creatures. Since service animals are only dogs and, in some
circumstances, miniature horses, the absurdity of his rant is on full

Advocates for Service Animal Partners has contacted Lyft and YouTube
concerning this issue. We have demanded that Lyft stand in solidarity
with service animal handlers by immediately and permanently
deactivating this driver’s account, publicly denouncing this video,
advising drivers that following this ill-informed advice will lead to
permanent deactivation of the driver’s Lyft account, and advise
Advocates for Service Animal Partners when these steps are taken so we
can publicize it widely and send the message that we will not tolerate
the denial of our civil rights.

We have also asked that YouTube remove the video because it violates
its user terms and conditions by inciting and encouraging others to
participate in illegal behavior.


Advocates for Service Animal Partners encourages you to contact Lyft
and send them the message that you expect them to comply with state
and federal law and their driver terms and conditions by permanently
deactivating this driver’s profile and publicizing the deactivation as
widely as possible to demonstrate Lyft’s commitment to providing full
and equal access to their vehicles by service animal handlers. You can
submit your complaint on the Lyft app or by calling (844)554-1297. When
you file your complaint, be sure to give Lyft the URL below so they
can see it for themselves!

We also urge you to go to this driver’s YouTube channel

There you will be able to hear the ignorance for yourself. While you are
there, dislike the video, make your comments about how ignorant and
misinformed this driver is in the comment section, and report the
video to YouTube for inciting and encouraging illegal behavior.

Once you have filed your complaints, please let us know so we can have
a handle on our network’s effectiveness. Please visit our website
https://www.ServiceAnimals.info and click on “Become a Partner”. There
you will find a contact form to complete. Please complete this form
and let us know what you have done on this front in the comments
section. Not only will we know how our advocacy efforts are working,
we will be able to let the public know the force of the service animal
advocacy movement. In addition, you will be able to keep up with all
the invaluable work of Advocates for Service Animal Partners, the only
organization dedicated exclusively to securing, protecting, and
advancing the civil rights of those of us who use service animals.

Finally, remember that Advocates for Service Animal Partners offers
the only 24-hour hotline for service animal information. You can call
ASAP211 by dialing 855-ASAP211 (855-272-7211). Let’s move forward

Advocates for Service Animal Partners is the only organization in the
United States supporting, protecting, and advancing the civil rights
of those of us who use service animals to live full, productive lives.
Continuing and expanding this work is essential! Please consider
supporting Advocates for Service Animal Partners by making a one-time
or recurring gift. Simply visit https://www.Service
Animals.info/Support Us and complete the donation form. All donations
are tax-deductible under IRS 501c(3). While on our site, please
subscribe to our email newsletter.

Marion Gwizdala, President/CEO

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