[NFBMI-Talk] The Kraze Kall v. 2: All Aboard The Convention Train...

rob.parso3389 at gmail.com rob.parso3389 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 31 16:35:58 UTC 2024

Howdy Federation Family,


So happy to swing by with another update on the 2024 Kernal Kraze, our
Spring Double Good popcorn statewide fundraiser. Remember, every active
chapter and division is working together in good  faith to support our
membership in making sure we can help everyone that's going to Orlando this
July and have a strong showing at our national convention. This morning, I
reported the beginning of our fundraiser with a strong first night of funds
raised. Our chapters and divisions have kicked it into high gear thanks to
your help and the use of social media. Check out the updated fundraising
totals below:


Total Funds Raised 12pm| $1026 Raised

1.	NFBMI Detroit Chapter| $403 Raised
2.	NFBMI Flint Genesee Chapter| $234 Raised
3.	NFBMI At Large Chapter| $171 Raised
4.	NFBMI New Wayne County Chapter| $118 Raised
5.	Michigan Blind Seniors| $100 Raised
6.	Michigan Association of Blind Students| $0 Raised


Remember, we would receive 50% of this total if the fundraiser was to end at
this time. We still have until Wednesday, April 3 at 12pm to continue to
raise more funds and create increased opportunities for our members to
experience the greatest networking and interpersonal connections our
organization offers each year. Please continue to share your chapter and
division store links with your loved ones, friends, coworkers and
connections throughout the fundraising period. Also feel free to purchase
popcorn using the state At Large chapter link provided below. If you have
questions about how to receive your store link, contact your chapter or
division president. Our affiliate appreciates the hard work we all put into
our programs, let's go build the Federation.


Link: Double Good Gourmet Popcorn Fundraising




Robert Parsons, Jr., M. A., CRC, CVRT, LLPC

President, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan

(269) 216- 8640

www.nfbmi.org <http://www.nfbmi.org> 

"Without struggle, there is no progress." - Frederick Douglas


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