[Nfbmo] Hotel Update

Gene Coulter escoulter at centurytel.net
Wed Feb 29 23:36:59 UTC 2012

Hi all,
It is certainly nice to have a graduate of the University  of Missouri to 
work with at the Holiday Inn CocoKey to fix all of the convention issues. 
She certainly is much easier to deal with then  we were working with a mere 
three weeks ago.
So, here is the bottom line if you still need a hotel room you now have 
until March 8 but you are encouraged to make the reservation right away. 
Also, our block has been increased to allow 14 more rooms on Friday and 
Saturday.Specific issues with Rosina Solano, Lawrence Luck, and Richard 
Morris are being fixed as I type this. If anyone else needs  more info or 
has a question please let me know. This could be the largest convention in 
over 20 years and that could create problems in estimating a meal count so 
be sure to take care of pre-registration quickly to guarantee your meals. We 
have already set two records. First, for the most hotel rooms booked since I 
became coordnator a long time ago. Second, the record for the fewest 
pre-registrations in that same period. So, I look forward to seeing a big 
crowd at our 50th annual convention.Gene 

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