[Nfbmo] FW: [MO_Partners] FW: The Arc Action Alert: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Needs More Support!

McMahon, Cory J cory.j.mcmahon at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 15:24:33 UTC 2013

Dear all,






Cory McMahon


From: Mo_partners [mailto:mo_partners-bounces at mpcdd.stimaillist.com] On
Behalf Of Davidson, Vicky
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 12:49 PM
To: mo_partners at mpcdd.stimaillist.com; 'MPC Listserve
(mpcdd at mpcdd.stimaillist.com)'
Subject: [MO_Partners] FW: The Arc Action Alert: The Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Needs More Support!


Fyi - the MO DD Council previously voted to support the ratification of the
UN Treaty, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
With the approach of the 23rd anniversary of the ADA, there are efforts to
bring the treaty back up for a vote for ratification.  Please contact your
Senators in DC and ask that they support the ratification of the CRPD:


.         Senator Roy Blunt:  (202) 224-5721.  See website for MO office
numbers:  www.blunt.senate.gov 

.         Senator Claire McCaskill:  (202) 224-6154.  See website for MO
office numbers:  www.mccaskill.senate.gov 


Thank you,




Vicky Davidson, M.Ed.

Executive Director

Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council

1706 East Elm Street, P.O. Box 687

Jefferson City, MO 65102

(573) 751-8206 (Office)

(800) 500-7878


 <http://www.twitter.com/MODDCouncil> www.twitter.com/MODDCouncil


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From: Kristen McKiernan [mailto:mckiernan at thearc.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:32 AM
To: Davidson, Vicky
Subject: The Arc Action Alert: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Needs More Support!


 Action Alert - The Arc

The Arc Action Alert: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Needs More Support!

Take <http://capwiz.com/thearc/utr/1/JXAPTFZORB/HNJATFZOWA/9761561471>



The failure of the U.S. Senate to ratify The United Nations Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) last year means that we have
to garner more support for this important treaty this year. 

Over the last year, The Arc has been working with numerous disability
advocacy groups to garner support for ratifying the treaty, which will
promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights
and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities.

This week, in honor of the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities
Act, disability groups are organizing events in Washington, DC to draw
attention to this important treaty.  Opponents of the treaty continue to
work to stop ratification, and we need advocates like you to stand up to
them. We need more U.S. Senators to support this treaty, so we need your

We need you to call your Senators
<http://capwiz.com/thearc/utr/1/JXAPTFZORB/LLAYTFZOWB/9761561471>  and ask
them to support the CRPD and urge their leaders to bring it up for hearings
and a vote.  

It is important for you to contact your Senators
<http://capwiz.com/thearc/utr/1/JXAPTFZORB/LLSSTFZOWC/9761561471>  today and
let them know that you support CRPD.  We need every U.S. Senator to be
contacted and to know that the disability community is leading the movement
for U.S. ratification of this international disability treaty and our voice


Tell your Senators:

*	I am a person with a disability (I am a family
member/friend/supporter of a person with a disability) and I want you to
support CRPD!
*	This treaty is very important to the U.S. disability community!
Following U.S. ratification of the treaty, U.S. leadership will help raise
accessibility around the world, directly helping Americans with disabilities
who live, work, or travel abroad.  
*	The CRPD will not cost the federal government any additional funds.
*	The CRPD has been reviewed by both Republican and Democratic
Attorneys General and by past Counsel to Presidents. They confirm that it
does not threaten the sovereignty of the U.S. nor does it require any new
legislation to comply with the treaty. 
*	This treaty is good for American business and for the world. It will
allow us to bring our knowledge and our products that help make society
accessible to the whole world.
*	Failure to ratify the CRPD is embarrassing for the US.  We are the
leaders in disability rights and we need to show the world that we support
those rights for all individuals with disabilities around the globe.


If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click here
<http://capwiz.com/thearc/lmx/u/?jobid=228480331&queueid=9761561471> . 


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