[Nfbmo] Social media Q and A at state convention

amy plumlee olddrumnfb at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 00:40:29 UTC 2017

Hello All,

At this years state convention we will be holding two different training sessions. 
One will be Thursday night after the 1Touch training session. The second option will be during the ways and means committee on Friday. 
These sessions will be focused with giving you hands on experience at learning social medias finer points. I will have my phone and computer there to walk anyone through an issue they are having difficulty with. I will be able to talk about Facebook and Twitter. 
These sessions will also be very informative on how you can help us get the word out about how great state convention is. 
If anyone wants to get started early just use the hash tag #nfbmo17 
Looking forward to all your questions. 
Amy Plumlee 
Social media committee chairperson

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