[Nfbmo] Last chance: National Convention Stipends

Gene Coulter escoulter at centurytel.net
Thu May 11 17:49:36 UTC 2017

Just four days left, no exceptions as tentively the committee will meet on 
Tuesday night!

Once again our state affiliate is offering stipends to our National 
Convention in Orlando the week of July 10 – 15. Priority will be given to 
first time attendee. The stipends are NOT intended to cover all your 
expenses but rather to help people who may not be able to attend get the 
convention experience. More funding help may be available from the Kenneth 
Jernigan Fund through our national office. For full details on either the 
Jernigan fund or national convention go to www.nfb.org to be informed. 
Pre-registration and hotel reservation deadlines are May 31.

Therefore, the deadline to apply for the convention stipend is 5:00 pm CDT 
on Monday May 15 and awardees will be notified that week. You may Email 
applications  to me at escoulter at centurytel.net or mail them well in advance 
to Eugene Coulter; 1504 Furlong Drive; Columbia, MO 65202-4851. Phone 
requests are not accepted and the person requesting must apply for 




City, state, Zip code:

Home Phone:

Cell phone:

Email Address:

Missouri chapter:

Is this your first national convention:

Have you received funding from the affiliate in the past to attend National 

Why do you wish to go to convention:

Briefly explain your need:

I understand that If I am awarded funding I must submit proof of 
expenditures within14 days after national convention to our state treasurer:

For questions call me at 573-474-3226 or Email me at 
escoulter at centurytel.net

Eugene Coulter, committee Chair

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