[NFBMO] Journey Through Blindness

Jenny Carmack jcarmack314 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 18:41:59 UTC 2023

Hello Friends;

Happy summer!   This Thursday, June 15, is the monthly Journey
Through Blindness meeting.  It will be held at 8 PM in the Missouri
Zoom room.

The weather has been beautiful and it is a time when people are out
and about.  Along with that usually brings tales and/or trials, and
where better to share them, but at this  meeting. I know I want to
share about an app that I heard about with audio descriptions of some
tourist sites, and also about an app that won't be usable after this

The Journey Through Blindness is a meeting that is open to anyone, no
matter where you are in your personal journey.  The topic of each
month is dependent on the participants.  You are welcome to; ask
questions, share experiences, provide your input on a topic, and/or
listen to what others have to say. I hope you will make plans to join
in on Thursday evening at 8 PM.

You are welcome to share this meeting information with others.  Please
feel free to contact me if you have questions or need the Zoom link.

Have a great day!
Jenny Carmack
NFB of Missouri 1st Vice President
jcarmack314 at gmail.com or jcarmack at nfbmo.org
call or text: 314-239-9776

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