[Nfbmt] Virginia Sutich Obituary

James Aldrich jkaldrich at samobile.net
Fri Dec 7 06:33:15 UTC 2012

Hi again!

I don't think I'll ever forget this when I think of Virginia!  She 
attended the 1970 SOP program with me.  This was an 8 week program!  I 
for one wasn't impressed with it since Visual Services and Bill Gannon 
the Mobility specialist ran the show!  He brought in allot of 
professional people around him from California.  Thank goodness that 
program the way it went wasn't repeated in like manner since!  Virginia 
was a student that year!  A group of us which included Virginia went to 
the A and W drive in near Hapner Hall for a walk and a snack!  I 
offered to buy!  We had our snack and a good walk and we returned to 
Hapner Hall.  As I walked in the door, I came to the realization I 
didn't pay the bill!  Boy!  Did I hear about it!  I was having a good 
laugh over it!  Virginia really razed me about it and I did return as 
soon as I could and paid up!  Wow!  I was 21 years young then!  I still 
chucle about this!


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