[Nfbmt] grilling and more
Rebecca Stewart
becca33 at bresnan.net
Mon Nov 4 00:02:29 UTC 2013
Hi Joy. Well, my cordless decided to work again. Anyway, as I was saying,
I've herd that there is a bar code reader you can down load from the ap
store for the I phone. I'm going to try it. I'm so impressed with the
money identifier that I downloaded after the demo at the convention last
week. I usually find that talking devices are difficult to use for various
reasons but now, after my experience with this ap, I'm looking forward to
trying the bar code reader.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Rebecca Stewart
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2013 8:25 AM
To: 'NFB of Montana Discussion List'
Subject: Re: [Nfbmt] grilling and more
Stupid keyboard. Third try send this to you Joy. You can get a bar code
reader on the I phone, I think. I'm so impressed with money id ap that I'm
going to try bar code reader. I'm used to talking things being a real pain
to use most of the time.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Bruce&Joy
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2013 3:15 AM
To: 'NFB of Montana Discussion List'
Subject: Re: [Nfbmt] grilling and more
I've been to your house, and I haven't gone hungry.
I suspect the same will be true when and if I get there again.
There is an NFB blind cooks list.
Like we need another list.
I taught cooking one year at the MAB Summer Orientation Program.
The person they originally had in mind couldn't do it at the last minute.
I enjoyed it.
It's one of my favorite things to do.
And I don't mean home thawing, or heat and eat.
I taught myself from scratch because I don't have access to label
I'd love to get one of those bar code readers.
I love to cook for people who love to eat.
I love to try new things, too.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2013 11:30 PM
To: nfbmt at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [Nfbmt] grilling and more
Well then,
When we grill at our house you will have to go hungry is that ok?
That is if you get to our house with the buss service.
You see, it is fun to try new things.
When I started grilling, we had a small grill where you could get the stones
as I don't remember the name. You can get them for your grill as well.
It gives the smoked flaver and there are other bags to try.
When grilling, just time the food.
This grill we have is a flat grill.
You don't do anything on it except flat meats.
I tried tater tots where this was in foil.
Again it is timing.
My first time doing that.
Grilling is an art.
I really enjoy doing it.
Now if I can get over the snow in the winter months we will grill then as
Even the dog enjoyed one of the peaces of chicken I grilled.
Didn't realize the pan on a round table was so close to the edge.
Off it goes.
So one peace of chicken went down the hatch.
I would love to have a center where we the blind could teach cooking.
As Dan says with sleep shades on.
Learning to cook with touch.
Original message:
> My mom was afraid to teach me cooking; she didn't have the patience.
> I learned on my own. I practiced on friends and on my future first
> No, that's not why I now have a second husband. LOL
> I don't like artificial flavors on stuff. I will marinate meat or
> chicken and grill it, and that is wonderful. I think if you want the
> barbecue taste, you almost have to barbecue over coals.
> Joy
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